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Show COUNTRY WITHOUT COWS J-ipan Offers a Splendid Market for American Dairy Produi Kobe Merchant Brings News of llcber J. Grant. A great deal nf Inteiestlng and vain nbl Inforniatlon about the Land of the Itising Sun Is to 1 gleunei from Ihe i ,uv. matlnn of c Crow (her or hohi j i in tt nniini n ,it jll1 yestudi) in explaining the pin pom of his vli.lt to this countiy Mi i i ia. thei said I went to Japan from New Volt i vin tara ugo to reptikuit V, Van "l)ne ,t I'n tho larg at Oiiontnl linl 'IBlllthHVifilll 1 wiuknil fm ilnm r live enis und Hun went Into busluesa fm itDself My tup lapatiiy rn, ,. t'i'i'mia!'..l iier",' "" ,,U"""H I have ,.eeHmf,u,"!fad."ir,0f ",! ''H-rlunl1 -lank In, 'c'"!!;, ',':, IT"""1 ' ttl" .oml,;,.,r.,7,,r!.,,,,:1,r:.",J,,I,", i mum .ui u Ih,' , I t1, ' air,,?;11 nrts'rV" ""!'",n ! i lohr Pirts if tip, eoiinti) nr nnsiiniir, ,,! our export,, .ucharm;it',n,j,;urrU6u3f slll.s. pntrtlnln. baskets. rl' et I am nulns for the IW Hepnrtmtnt of Agriculture Canadian Government In l Amerlinn dairy produc , Hiitter und condensed inli' , of glial tonstimpllon there last year nmoiinted to 7W"" fttl 000 Of this less than i" supplied by tho t'nlted Btal ninliuler coming from the cm , Lilt ope Jnptiti Is nnd '", a tminlry without cows, "' no gntilng lands there. , rntinn splmilnR l ""!, gieat Industry of Jnpt" "V Indiisti) In which inoU-"1 la used " , rr Mr Ctovvther called ,', Sniltb nnd other high cnun" nt the tamest solliliatl"" ,'r, (Iriint, who ho says w ' llkcl In his Hold of inU' 'llui visitor was delighted " . pllallly and Itludiiess n" v wllh tin slnierlty of the "' , tarlea Hn haa accepted to spealt on Japon st ""' hull tomorrow evening. |