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Show Mtv , iMJ 444444444444444444444444444444444444-f44t44444444 HK j i fjHJ I THIS AMERICAN GIRL Kt ! SPURNED THE SHAH, f i'l 44-M--f-r-f-f -e--'' 'es-44t44444f44444444444444- Ki Kl.flJ JTI. Y , j iilTjnBi Emily Rarnaby, a Cincinnati girl, has Just arrived here from Tnbrecz, Per- Wff ft; jflHI sla, nfter a most cxtraordlniry ndvetiturc She was among n lot of beauties JPljz Vjv Ufl selected here two sears ago by the Shah for various nlllres at his court, and JR Kg j wBJ sent ahead to Teherun under escort to await his pleasure, s.is u Purls dls- tjK if ' j, jflj witch. jRjl 't H Miss narnnhy nt that time was n destitute student nf music, nnd had ap- nil IT) A' rnflj Idled to thn lecrultlnc Persian Minister upon tho advice nf a friend, nlso an fiSjt fn, V'SlVJ Ameilenn, who had already accepted nn engagement. She was duly presented jBf h' lbjH to tho Bhah, who gave u short, unintelligible order tn his Minister, and the Iff j 'iUj!fflWJ latter told her she was engaged Kho left Paris threo riajs later wllh nine other iii -ijkll'IfHH girls, mostly Trench, In chnrge of two old English women, who had been lnnu S ' il iwHdI attached to the hhnh's household, bho icmalned nt Teheran four months bo- 'lli yiwH fore she Baw tho sovereign Then the two American girls were unexpectedly (fir WMfltaBB Bjmiuoned ut midnight, nnd nsked If they cnuld entertain tho Bhah, who was flPjif 'r?ifSMB tioubled with BleeplessnesB, Tho potentate whs found In his bed surrounded jflS, St mH by u crowd of nttendunte, aniong whom was it physician who spoke I-.ngllsh. (8 j 4frkfflB Miss Ilnrnahs'a friend played thu piano, whllo Miss llnrnab) sing nnd danced. Cp A j,,f fiUM The Shah, at flint languid, booh became Interested. The next day Mlsi Dtr- S " j- 3 etWJ naby nlono wns summoned llefnro being Introduced sho vins dressed In ffr, lJ,k'lfifinl ililcntnl Ritires by tho same two English women who complimented her on fflr. 1 1 f I'KtJfflJ tho fact that Ihe Hhah hid taken a Meat fancy tn her W ,1 jtV'$nM9 At tho second Inteivlew tho Minh tried to express his fondness too warmly ij, 5 t!lIWH nnd Miss llnmuby vlkorously nbjeiled When she llnally broke down nnd f.lu SlMflflBI cried the bhah s anger was mollltled nnd he onlerrd that she be taken to her U f 'k'lr IrWDH apvitment afterward sending her u considerate message, accompanied with If? 4 IW .MHtjl vnluahle presents f'V f !U!,HS Thereifler sho siw the Shnh almost dally, being his favorite entertainer. Y&ii i l;i HBtrl Hhe bmsb she lenined to llko the Hhah will, except when a tender lit seized him. fiif ! f, t il HHfjl Aflei pearls a sear the Hhah fcrew ugly hecaiiBe of the girl's steadrast re- fiF (r'HfflM funal to become a tnimber of thn ioal hnicm, and she, following tho advice of H lifli K8 n Punch phsslclan, run nway from tho palace bhe hid In Teheran threo days, (jtj j W.iWfflM and then thu phsslclan's servant took hot, disguised aa an Oriental woman, to Vi t..f"mWM Tubiecz, wheie sho lived secretly with romo 1 Ind Clench nuns IgfcS j, J jCllfli Pout months ,iro sho married n wenllhy Parisian merchant, joung, hand- K A iSltijEfBH some and n Calhollo convett. Tlut the blinh's emissaries llnally locating her, Mft 'JlvfiffH Bhe escaped, llnellng thn c.mnlry unsafe 'Ihe soiing rnuplo Joined a. Itusslun Rf AL Jl MB ciinvun, irnched the lllack sen, nnd sailed from llatoum for Marseille.! aboard Kjlft $fh3)lrjnl u Oicek vessel, whlcli slopped at Irtblrond BiiS WMBbQ Tlnro her husbind went ukhorc, saslnR he would tike Just a short stroll, vJK. ml WjW Ho never lcturned, nnd his wlfo does not know whether ho was murdered or jji1j aMij.lIi!B ib scried her Kelng afraid to link herself nlono In a strango ctly, she continued m ($' siHin her vpjnge und llnally riached Pails "sPaEftllMlffSS Hho sajs Bhe has most of hir husbands wealth, (cwels, quite a cargo ot tPlttlirf nJiIhB prerlcus rugs, and mom than 1 iW.OoO In money t ft iOTi'Wl bhn left for Hcrlln to Join some, Amcilcan iclatlves. iftjl i Wto'IH i- rr-z 9 m, ItfMli |