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Show J LOW GRADE ORE WEALTH H jl Interest Taken in Getting 1 I' It to the Smelters. B; H , IT IS THE GREAT PROBLEM B l Xovte Transportation Rales Would H Brine Such Ores ill fir Treatment H In Immtnts Quantities The Ynn H ( keeCon Declares a iivo Cent Dlvl- ;H dend or ?25 OOO and the Mny Day 'Hj Ono Cent, or 1000 Stocks Oo tn H 8mnsh The S Ivor Shield Id I ook H lng Up- Unfounded Humors Hj mm operator of prominence ye LH tenia) sieakln or a concerto 1 Hj tlon to ure a reduction of smelter H nnd tr n pn tation charge on Ion H a (id or i gave th propositi n III" H tinqua" n 1 approval He ex ressel the H oilnlon thai a benefit In all Hit par H tics Hit rente I enul I be secure I ly H such nun but he th ighl that the H rail w re the ones to make the tlr l nnl mOKt ileelale moe The H smellc tea In the lam )enr ho anil H ha I I en Rrcitl) reduce 1 on thli qual H I v f n ml If the rallrnals it null H do t n h in the Mine direr tlon n H large tinn Re woull begin In mini- H I With Tinu hi an example he Mil H It, that Ih nllrna la hniile 1 Iron (luxe H fir to th nellera foi 85 rent lilt male H nn rale f r ore bflntt IrtO If there la H n print ii hauling the iljixen he anil H lit 8 cnl there woull surel) le i H 1 rotlt in hilling orea fir tlM which H I n e vtoild leae a irolllalle mar H ket hliptrii m , H i I Yankee Con Posts Dividend H iV T" ,lir tois of the 'V-inkoe consol! H ' dated h Id i meeting an 1 prepare 1 H n grentini, for prll lo la dv) tn (he H sto khoii ra hi lerlarlng u llvllenl H of its a share it huh Mill mean M t tie dl trtblltlm of i:MW The nooks H Mnirh -old LaaaaH ' ( Miy Day Dividend K j Tie dire lira of the May Da) )es H t rli held a meeting an 1 leclirel n H ' dlvll n 1 of 1 cent a sluire nu tt B 400 1) shares Hie hk will rlieo the H i 11th Instant an I tin hecks will le H i lianlel ti the stntkhollers on the H . , ! 20th The mine la Ml! ty those who B lae recent! examine I It to le look lng unusuall) well with the new IkI of high grale ore recently en ountere 1 H ) on the lower IclI Inereanlng In extent H na the work pn RresaeK Fayment on Mnjeatlc H The MalfMI through Ita l resident H I A II lenla now In the rant nn B noun ca h wire the pisment of (IS oik) H if the ur hare price frr the o K H I roertj at Mllford M The Sliver Shield H nlrw Maleir of the Unite! H Btates compan dt Jllnkh mi epent H jeMrrliy In the cits In epeiklng of H the leniiianlintlnn of Ihe ier shield 1 unl the prnroeel reumptlon if work H In that mine he renillriued hla c nil Hi den e In thtt ropert lie la t the H opinion that when irrmgen enl are H completed for the line of the Mican Hl tunnel the future of the proper!) will H le affiirel While the mine la not HJ u stent one he said the ore 1 miles Hj nre lermanent an 1 Rle hlgli Hliie H thut will Meld h ceit.iln prollt When H the tunnel la driven ( feet le Milieu 1 that the 8ller l-hlell Rrouul will le 1 tippel CO feet I eforo the prevent 1 ( Morklnr; whl h were nhinliuel on j account of an abundance of w iter |