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Show IN SEA1XCII OF A MOTIVE. ". f f. r. t. r. . K There were seven men realed In I a circle nnd km eighth standing up w. K wllh n roie nround his neck, when V, b tho Colonel rode up As ho elrcw r K rein thn leader of tho tcveu aroso l. b and sail i K ' C.tid to see sou stronger. Tcr- K hapi ynud like to assist In this . K neektle party' r. K Aro ou going to hanc that I". . man? nsked the Colonel ! . Per sure r. f. ' Whits he done?' l Stole thiteayuse over thnr 'ie p, K f, we II hang him when we Rlt around l y to It Wove been dlBcussIn the K f thing for the I ml two hours " l ! Hut whnts the discussion? I f "As to his mntlvo In stealln" tho tr, cajuse I contend that no nun K K does i, n j thine without a motlto, f. . lut Just what that cuss' motive t I was ho wont tell, nnd we cant f. nsger out Mebbo sou kin help us . a bit " tf. . "W hy," re rlleel tho Colonel. t f, should say that Ids motive In steil- K H tng the casuao was to havo a horso le, H to ride " r . "H John, but llaten to that! ex- I clilmcel the man, as he turned to k. e bis companions ' Thnt waa his V le, motive, of rourse, and wo vo fooled f i away a good two hours ovrr It. I Yes. he wanted a hoss to ilde, of v K course and now, as thar Is no nth- .1 er blzness before tho incetln wo It k I purcecd lo pull the rope and exc- a. IB. cute Jestlee K ". ". K K K r. V, f, . K t ib. a. |