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Show Sklm-Mllk Calves. The sklm-milk calf tins tome to stay. Men have learned by experiments, nnd bs cnieful feeding, that sklm-inllk Is the cheapest and best for n. calf, especially es-pecially for tho dairy cult. The greatest great-est trouble Is the dinger of overfeel-Ing. overfeel-Ing. Most people eeem to think that bctnusB sklm-inllk isn t lery rich they must fclvo tho calf lots of it, so they pour It down him by the bucket, without with-out slopping to think what a culls stomach Is like, and the result la that they soon have n lot of pot-bellied ' calves, writes J. U Smith In the Kan-saa Kan-saa 1'nrmer, , ,, , When the calf Is n few class old he Is taken nvvay fiom tho cow and put Into a 1 en or shed to bo tuught how lo drink sklm-inllk. Then the fun commences If tho calf will not drink Iho milk right off, und Is n little Btub-horn, Btub-horn, the fellow who Is trslng to feed him usually gets mad, Jumps straddle of tins calf a neck, liacka him up In corner, giabs hold of tho calfs head with both hands nnd rams It down In the milk to tho bottom of tho pall, then tho ealf gets mad nnd bivvls, nnd tiles to get nwus gets strangled and finally succeeds In spllllnB the milk. It la best to hiivo a llttlo moro pa-tltnco pa-tltnco with the cnlf and remember that It does not have veiy much sense nt first. After It has sucked tho cow two 01 three limes It should bo taken away and put In 11 good clean pen on 1 fed 011 Its mothei milk foi a week or two Then begin to gindually reduce tho wholo milk nnd add a llttlo skim milk each elas, until within a couple of weeks It will bo on skln-mllk ulone A tood substitute for the fat removed is a Utile com menl given after drinking drink-ing This will nlso keep them from suckhiB eneh other. Over,fecllng, li. regultr feeding, or feeding cold, sour milk Is veiy apt to cuuso scours with To feed nklm-milk fresh from the the hand separator on tho farm Is the best was. because ll Is always warm und sweet Tho sklm-inllk from tho creamers l nil right, but 111 warm wcither It "111 not keep sweet very long unless 11 la sterilized well nnd thoroughly cooled win 11 brought home. |