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Show HIS BRAIN LIFTED OUT. Remarkable Surgltial Operation Performed Per-formed on the Pastor of a . Baltlmoie Church. Hi t inure Ml Feb In one of the in t r marksble operations knivvn lo I rir.rj Ihe bruin or Ihe Itev William A St rk iiilor of the llroailway Herman M V rhnrih nf thin cltv has been actn iilv lift., I Irom It In. I anl the roils or e Kiln nerves th i( hnd c ittsed (he e'e igv I n in exusslve nciiriui;la wern 1 vtraclecl 1 Tin pillenl Is sild tn hive sloj 1 Ihe op. r H in well end f w doubts nf his le er ire entertained Ihe nitration I w i performed at the Johns Hopkins ii 1 1 tul |