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Show AN INCREASED WATER SUPPLY. Excellent Results Obtained by the Sugar Company in Pumping Water at Its Saratoga Ranch (Monday Pally) lil March J-The I tali Himnr mm pHn und! r th upcrvUion ff llrlvr Vuntln hftf. Icin mnklna; wm wry Im portant tpeHnifiil alone thn lino of IrrlsMton On thMr bin Saralona ranch niir lh h-id of Jnnlan liver they Iiba a nmbr f hot uprlnRs which ho been UMod for lrrlRRtlon purpouci Heretofore thi "prlnan he been tifflclent to Irrl Kile About fifty Hire of i.lfR.fu PrvrU In tho urn nn n IsMter theiir nnnm Hprlrmn me untfl to mature protMbl) tlfl i-re of mll srtiln and IhUi hae Ixn uf IkUnt to muture r1miu Ilft acren of beet, notntces nnd other I ito crops, or prnbitblv IV) aTe In nil Hi tnmpnny Iihb 13i ncre In Its runch nenrly all of which li inotit excel lent firm tuff land and a tnajorlt) of which Ih niot excellent farming land an 1 a majority nf which U now practkalb wiliiHtjin owlnft to a lick nf wiilcr for IrrlButhn Mr John Hmlth when mnnaRer of the Saratoga. (Spring. retrt exploded Rtnnt powder In KerHl of th firing an 1 materially Int-naned tho flow of wilier but ft ill the supply wan nuftl i It nt to water but ft tithing of thft hlK nuuti Mr Auitin I rousht one of the pumpK (mm Ihe mgar fnctor an 1 for nit laH and Htit night with the company M throttling; tnachln1 enttlnn na tlip niottw 1 wwt r haa been urn, Ing 'K illona er tulnute fimn u pprlng thut ord.i.ir.l llona but t BHllun per minute With tl Is force I output of i pall n rr mln utn th tiprlng waa gradual! lowered four feet during the Hri twent four hours of pumping nfter which It remained re-mained Ntatlouur during the other v. en di)n Vfter pumplntr had bee dlron tinned the uprlnjr rapldl filled up and by rravnn of It haxlng been i leaned out the natural flow wan fo md to have heen lntreaaed to Sft gallMii per minute or rioubl Ma former cnpnlt During the experiment the other spring" wer found to hae maintained their uiMt flow 40 thnt th lncreasetl mipH could not ha heen drawn from that onrce Ten hore fower waa ued and the pump wan of he piston arlet The inference from all thi reanons Mr utln lit that with 2hone, iower an! a, rotary or a centrifugal jump the spring toulfi probabl bo lowered eight feet and a mi ply of ) Rations per mln ute. obtained whlih vro ild muko about one gool Iirlgatlou strtnm At an rate tho other rt rings will be cleaned out by the rime ,roee9, with the probable result re-sult of doubling tho preaent ut pt of water for Irrigation purt oea which will mean that the. comrmns will Irrigate 3ft acrea where formerl they Irrigated but lfift acre It U probabtn that the Bait take county coun-ty canal companies will install nn tlee trie pumping plant nt the head of Jordan ller for the purpose of Increasing their water uppl In which nne thev would get their rlectrlclt from tho Teliurlde compato or tho L tan County Light and Power romnun), If thla Is done the sugar mm pan) wilt put some elrcirtf pumps In their springs nnd confidently expect to secure en iugh water to Irrigate. Irri-gate. m-O Hcre of lind All m round Lehl and the other farm Ing settlements In thi ounty are lotuted numerous snull airing., whlih with the aid of electric pump muld probably bo maite to Increase their present rapatlt) HUffictrnt) to doublo the present mippl and thun soHo the perplexing water question At nn) rate the experiment of the sugar oompini 1 otlrrlng up the farmers In this locallo, and no douht during the near future some of the s hemes now belnt, onsldered h them wltl be gcn a praeti nl test |