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Show THREAT FROM TILLMAN. Tells Senator Piatt of New York It Will Not Be Politic for Boose- velt to Visit Charleston. ! New York March 1 The t' Times will sis tomorrow Sen- ator Benjamin R Tillman of South Carolina was a c-iller on Senator Piatt at the Fifth ate- nue hotel sesterday ISaturdas) The talk lasted oter half nn hour. One of the principal top- les of contersntlon was the pro- posed ilslt of President Roose- tclt to the Charleston epol- tlon -f. ! Senator Tillman Is said lo lnte been ters explicit In nsser- tlon tint It would not be politic for President Roosetelt to mike a tlslt to South Cirollnn, ow- ! Ing to the stale of public feel- Ing oter the Tlllman-llcljiurln Incident and the wlthdnwal of President ltnoseielts Invitation to the Senator to meet l'rlnco Henry at dinner nt the Whlto House, which iras followed by fr tho telegram from I.leut .r.n. J. ...- ...in. .... i.uii, n If... -..UV. V Tillman of South Catollno, cm- celling the Imitation to tho President to present a sword to Major Mlcajah Jenkins Senator Piatt, when asked about tho Interview, sild ! hate hnd a talk with Senator Tillman The fncts which hue been brought to my attention will be laid before President Roosetelt. I shall advise the President not to go to Chirlcs- ton " Senator Pint declined to discuss the matter further 4. a. 4 |