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Show 'mothers tost uide' 111 Should Watch the Physical Develop-' SI 11H ment of Their Daughters. Earn- Mr 'jM est Words From Mrs. Pinkham to BB-.vlW Mothers. ., R''ililH i;n livery mother jkwbpssi'h infnriniilon nf vitnl viltic to lior younR rnK'i."' lpH tlnllfrliti't 'llmt iIuiikUUi U n m( ioitH ItjrTi V, mill tlm li"ionlliility StJIi'" r iH for In r future H lnigel) in tln Ii.iikIh nf tho motliui I lie uostcrioiH Kiji p'ttllH chvnp' Hint cIcmIuim lhc tluumlittcxs Ltirl into thu tlinugtitfili vvoimti H'irl MH flioi.lil llnil tho motile f cm Iho write h thiv nml nic!it As f-lio circs fnr Hy,)')' lho iili)t.iral well being of Iipl d uiglitiu, so wil tho woiiiin ho, and her MflsFki iaal chililion iiImi MS!;;' I'jH AVIipii Iho voting; irlrVg thntisliU lirooni' ah -HcMi, vvlirn tho oxpc- lEtfsui MlxLH iIimiioh In nil ithos, illznimM, f lintn.'s-., ,-iuil xhlhlts n it nhiinrnial illspei. 9IC&rflil itH tllion to si. i ji, pains in tho bn k anil low i linili , ojos clini, ih siro lor Wl , ht'i1' tlH holttliilp, .uul i eli-hki fu th Hniie't utile t R-iro, wh n bho Is a !K '' 'jll BiiiH iiivtti'iv to In is If nml Minis, Hun tho ninth, l should go In her nitl ' vi !?' i ifltaH Iuonilitl l nuih a thin (In (,H itistnlil to nittu is Lv.llu ll. Pink- M.)-?)? .1 , BpH linm'si o-e (ulilo t oiiiiiiiiiul. It pre pit e (l u u' sluuforthu Kifflfli 1 'xaH coming ( h uige, and 1, tlu Minst r luiu i in tin hour fin' IL IHji aH 'lh fiillnvv Uin letlcii from Mr Stmilinnl mo l i.i tieul proof oi SMi iJ2ji!B Jlrs, Pittkhum'.s ctlli lent ndv ii o to J tiling vvouieli PUl'i- iH tKLxiM Mothers Who Allow Their Daughters to Suffer nre Cruel When M41 Ii IHil Relief Is Easily Obtained. Read This Hotlicr's experience. ftuMI ' iiH "IlriitMiu Pivkiiam: I wlih nlvlco In regtrd to mv chiiuhtcr. bho '2$jitt jjll Is thirteen vonrs old nnd never menstruated Wo havo hnd the doctor to her Kill ! IflLxciiifl and he sale! elm did not havo enough blood bho Ins b-en t.iteinif Iron for Waffi 9H three months but Is no L-tte r. In tho morning nht vomit . nnmn days sho 9HICE 1 ' MH cannot keep an tlitnir on licrstomnch until twelve o'clo-1. If she trlca to do SUl&t i iappH an thing M,o gets flint. Ilaa heiulncho nil tho tlmo, is as vvhlto na marblo sWWBl ', IfkLI with great dark rings under her ejes l'l. ve write nn 1 1. 11 mo what to do taHsif taxaxa ns I amdlscourugrd vvltli the doctor." Mlts Ciiah bot.THARD, I'hccnix Mills, JaBiwii ' i HaxaH N.Y. (.Ian ID, 11)00 ) Btt ISiH "DrvuMns ITvkiiaii: Last .Tiinuary I wrnlo you about my daughter, HH- JazaxlH nnd told you what our family den tor nald about her I saw another doctor 'Hftj Snaxaxal nnd ho said sho had quick consumption After receiving tour letter, I began SBIoaV liHaxaxelH glvlni; h. r your romcelles, and after taking four bottles of Ii clhi V l'lnk- Ht3' '"ff'aiM linin's Vcgctahlo Cciiiipiiiiiiil and four of lllood I'urlller, bho is now well JBSxeK HSnUlaxeiH nnd strong as ever. Menses have npenrcd ami aro regular. I can never HBaVr kflateaKeaKeal praise jour remedies cnoupli for they saved my daughtcr'a life." Mils. Chas. IDKt winaaxeH SouTiunn, Vheculx Mills, N.V. (I)oo 10, 11)00) 1B1K3I' XI T B Anv voting girl or itnv inothor Is cordially linllocl tn rrltn to HEtui f-'lili LxelHH Him. lMnlcham ut I.jnn, JVIusi.., for ndviiei in ri'g.inl to her Hick- BBflS j Hfj U ncss. No ono bus hnd grcntrr ctporlciito or iieec-ss in guiding nKftlS' 1 i laxM mothers und their dnughtorH (u hciilth, 'J lioiisnnils linvc, triistcd bKMWi 1 Ii IH her und are glad. Sho tliiugcs nothing for mil lee. "Write to-dny. fjffW a j M SW ft ft to Bl'WltIl Volisedepolto!nlllithoilloiialClljUinkef lynn.lrooo, uaHejVri,W ' .1! axl fnlll III wicUllltwpsllloaoysriunwlioenllnUbtllwbolslliiinillllters !9bS'IL) !' IxeillH III! I srsnoticiuluo,orvoroiibllib.l befors ubulnlnn; lliawrltira ipoclsl per- rWflT laaxtll UUUU minion. I ydla E. 1 Inkliam Medtoiiw Co . Lynn, Msas. mffif'lr ' (LH UNQUESTIONABLE PROOF jl E V" jjH y EVERY-DAY SUPERIORITY OF 3 Bfe, jH I im SfHIMD U. S. SEPAnMOSl 1 If fjfl m "The kind that gets all the cream" jM m '"M H eQSlT ton State experiment Station at i'ullmaii, r uW tj- ll ' ,' '; ?iB H Is l& '""" '"'' ""' ""l '' ' k-rar-Ugr accordlnrr to H f, , 'i J , liiaxl fM StiHSsiffJEpl U' s Separator Is without a peer In Kjfl J' i ' ij f I j' H W Highest Award at the if i' j 'Vll'B Pan-American Exposition U pli'tjIij'B m VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. M ll '( ! Hj!'! Ill,) '!'l':i'ri''H m M '" rx Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body i.B liP C Stomach and brniu aUoct each ot A sick stomach sours tbe d' p Ition and pro- Wjs MlrR ' 1' taH Bf ":?! ents sleep nnd bruin rest and a stck brnln sours tho stomach and i Iocs tho bowels, jraij, !nt'0 pH IK fSi" cjl Men ot bedentar) li ibits, brain workers who don't net nucli cxerelso, have biek btora- yJM'ji jPK i'j'-lH evri acts and bovveU, autl wear out their brains and nuu- wi S3 ft'fl . H v Vir Tl y m ' I work In ths nnlrs snd dnn t ir.1 afl rnn.h Row ttmP SC" .M1 I si. la MUlor.burff sW$i Jrn .V 1 1 ' 1 ' 'kaakl y-C V 1 ...rrlio.. 1 .tjnld .nllii, I ft I bud I Ju.v l 111 t'i.il ll Ui IKr 1 . ami l-1 wlih b H W Sj!,' W H I 'TVV 'S J i '"'"' " ' " wlU'h slwsis mn la. (nl ..rre 1 sli I.i ll .1 o ll I luturi ivi fijwf if V 1 kLI I jSSfC vJlfiiklVK'"Ati aS'frVi'i'a.Ch" H if ft 4Uj If (allied sonldrtll in Hslsbt ra.psrU enred m .alt sllr ef di.p.f.ls J S s5fc4i,,i j LLH j II I JT l I -lUrrr IImVsm HVllls Ud snd e I.H . .nrnr woli t Hfli V. tt .. i J If JfK M MH I I J - l '.J?' pSsCen llwkM"Bwrir"' ksaktss'So hard Vrk Vl'srlna iIM I tain's" wilfu ,U jt ir IfT ej' Mippl ( l Sir zsj:S-''' Vv uti.i.iuwi t.. i..i. ,j .1.0 So.ki iK ir , . fasfjl Jtlf'i 'JLH 8 lV &" ' J) ) K11"l',,"n lallaas 111 akaps '- C bu... t luUdalpkls. is. IKK TflB' W iJpH r I L jljyK A man who lieps hla bovvels regular with CuRcarets. Candy Cathartic, that ijaij' $ 1 ' ijl V Ai jia 'a vaitliout mjbIu or violence, ran keep strong and healthy without much 'ftc ij d 1 o iNx-r' Y V. exercise A famous professor in Jeitcrson Medical Collcgo used to m !MiSl tFaaal I Ml V. V-eoi jft advise hlsstudeiits " i rust in (!od and keep )ainr bowels opcnl " That's ,&6 i?li'''' B aaB si A k. . iev, Ind's own wisdom, for when thn bowels are regular and tho digestion vjC jjitejiffi jl H V V. J'jJ '2,11 a. string and health), then the irjstcm h mfe and tho brain and nervoa sK Wl&R n aH 3jCf' Y3, n. will havo inexhaustible elasticity and life. iB S! "flui H H VjiL,4' t y5?rvssn nii-v Beat ror the Uowela All dmcilau i ajc.SK Nm, H ffiAuTiilr ILI X25r XI IBti. (JjC45JLVj3Jt soldlntuU Theg.null l.blri .uimp.Jctc. Uu.i. jR4t fr LLLl af Vg " "rw 'CrJO anteea to euro or your money bsck Sample sad booklet MS BaVil, 'II LLLl Tq v BnTWMga (ice, Addaa3tcilln(KtnicdyCi,ChlcfaiN,Y. tall SBsjJl'II kleiiiH Halill UH 'BBaBmila aaal . J -..A-Il 1, XaitiaaaaaaaaW |