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Show CONCERNING PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Status of Mixed BloocU on Indian In-dian Heservntlon3 Leland Utah, Teb 2t Agent Myton recelted a letter from the ofP.ce of Indian In-dian Affairs, Washington, dated January Janu-ary 30, 1902, containing the following decisions concerning the rights of mixed bloods or Indian restitatlons. ' The faccretars of the Interior has de. elded that the children born of a white man. a citizen ot the United States, and an Indian woman his wife, follow the status of tho father as to citizenship, and are not therefore entitled to allot, ments on the public domain under sec Hon 1 of tho generit allotment act of Febiuurs S. 1897 (Jl Stat, 3SS) as amended February 2, 1191 (28 Slat , 7SI) The irorerty rlshtB of mixed bloods on reservations are. fixed and determined de-termined bs tho prothlons of treaties and agreements entered Into bs the set-einl set-einl tribes and bs general law, and are not affected by the question of citizenship citizen-ship The act of June 7, 1S97 (30 Stat , 90) speclllcnlly protects mixed bloods In t licit tribal property. It protldes that all children of a marriage theietofore solemnized between a white man nnd rim'miuz?u iiiHwecn a nunc inun ana nn Indian woman by blood, shall hate the same rights nnd prlt lieges to the property of tho tribe to which the mother belongs or belonged, as any other member of the tilbe" The ngent recently enclosed n copy ot this clrculnr lettei to the Attnrnej.Gen-cral Attnrnej.Gen-cral of Utah, asking him for Information Informa-tion ns to the rlkht of these people to tote In Utah and ospeclalls this. 'Can a white man who is married to an Inch In-ch in woman nnd the sons of such union tote In Ihe counts In which they lite when the onls icsldonre thes lnte Is on Ihe Uintah resort atlon? Veis few white men are Intermarried Intermar-ried with Indian women on the resorptions resor-ptions In Utah, nnd we do not know MllK'llH 111 U.uii. tun. nc mu iiui SHOW of nn such unions In recent sears Ihe Ute worn, n are not git en to excursions from the resertallon, or eten from their wickiups Thcj are lellred In manner, bashful, nnd do not Intlte the np. proach-ti of while men, and the nhsence of trnrea of white blood among these people bs Intermarriage or otherwise Is hreatly to their credit. |