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Show ONE ON JAMES J. HILL. 'f-peaklng of Jnmea I 11111," said ft Bt l'aul man nt tho Iloltind house, the other eienlng I can tell you a storj of him It w 1a ntini bai k In tho SO when Ihe lata lamenled Harry Ives waa Mr Hilt a trhate seirrtat anil Mr 1 1 111 nu glilng nlinl J.Iks nf ucst hr.t 1 to the turmers of the Northwrst, lu order lo entourage slink raising along Ihe lino nf the lire it Northern road Hid tluw build up Ita tratlli Tin Htale fulr wis In lirogresa III ft 1'iul when iiiw Hoptimber tmirnliiK Ilea nptnod M Hills mall and found a lottir Horn a farmer which rend us fol I um Mr J J lllll-Denr Blr -I went to St I ml and In the fair, ns nu told me 1 lonkei, for )ou at yi ur olhce and ilso at tin fair Kroutidn I found i lontj . f Iior.1 of i uir epedoe but tould not ilnd oii uitywhere 'New lork 'limes |