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Show WEATHER FOR MARCH. Director I. II Murdoch of tlw Pull Iaike slatinii of the Vealher llureau has conti iled data coer1ng the weather In this Ut) tot the month of Mtinh for the past Utent) -aeifst jeara It will lie InteiestliiK at this time chlell) ua sliowliig the kind of weather loial peoido iiui icasouabl txpect for the next four wetks 'Ihe inenii normal temperature for the in. mill for the twent-eeeu seats was 41 degrees the warmest Manh was In 1S7 with an uierir,' of oO de Kicis, the coldest Man It wna In lmT wlih tin Hterage nf JI degieaa the hlahest teiuiieraiurt. was 71 digrcs on March 30 Is, 'l tin lowest tern I .inline wna set. on MhicIi 1 1190 the til crane date of killing frost 111 ib 1 1 1 was Oiluu. 1 IMh 1 1 ih.. billing Al ill .1 lu Hi. mallei nf prei Ipitiitlou 1 tin nn I 111. II. 1 anon the rileiagf r 1 tho twenty-teen jt'nra was 191 Inches, Uu gii-ulcHi mouthl pritliiltallon is I tlti huh. a lu IBM the least monthly pr. 1 liltnlkui was il 1 lit lies In miu tin giiulest puilpltntlnu In any tweu-t) tweu-t) f mi limn a waa 117 Inches Marih Ju 1S7I the grtntest allow fall In un twmtj foui hnuia was eight Inches Manh .' ISM Uu at.iige nuiiibti nf clear ilas, Un partly cloud), ten ikiud) ikteu In. pi .'tailing wind hua keen from the noithwut the tlghest telo. Ity tot t -eight miles mm the west Manh 7 1S"7 Many people who looked for a renewal re-newal of the snowstorm esietday weie illsnppolitliil Hat It In tho day tho wind bleu sitnngly from the south and ull the liidkatlona fator.'.l n hea fall ot snow 01 tain later In the day thi wind swung around 10 tho northwest north-west tin) ihe skks .I'uied lu the (tolling theiu waa a lotah of spilng In the air and no Indkatloiia of it storm 111 sight The utti nil in of mani ar. sous was ntttutid ut llfferent times din lug the dn to tie bllMurd thut seeine.l to proMill on the summits of the mountains to the east of the illy The hlglinlnl that seemed to prevail pre-vail at that altitude kept tho snow In a whirl most of the time so much so that It waa Imiosslhle to see the tops of the mountains a good ponton of the time nollier and re rosltle In Ilea-Hon Ilea-Hon of spring Its appearatuo yesleldttj when Puds burst foith on n iiiiinlitr of the I lees In different pulls of the ll Hi! Is the tcsull of tho wann dnja that pieceded the storm uccoiiifwuileil with tho unusual moisture mois-ture It la fcnicl In some quarters thut the fruit buds will pome out and he caught It tho ftoit that are ft 111 ixpeUod |