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Show 1 Tuberculosis in Swrne. At a recent meeting of stockmen In Lincoln. Vcb , Dr S Stewart of Kansas City discussed snlno tuberculosis He declared de-clared that the disease was proiuced bs a germ of cxlremo minuteness, hen lodged In the tissue of the bods It multiplies multi-plies very rapidly and sets up Inflamma tlon In small areas, which are called tube! tu-be! clos and these tubercles placed one nn top of another mnklng the masses of disease dis-ease llaaue whteh mas bo recognized bs tho casual observer This germ nut the diaeaso It produces seems 10 bn distribute I over the greater part of tho world, pittleulnrls nmong the civilized nations, an 1 Infects man and nil domestic nnlunls It has not Item rcrop-nlzed rcrop-nlzed that avvlno were particulars subject sub-ject to this matjd bit closer stuls shows that tho prevalent idea ts not correct cor-rect the swine herds of ISehraska and Kansas becoming Infected and obseiva-tlon obseiva-tlon extending over ten sears shows that tho nnludy Is on the lucre ise Hogs of ull ages are. subject to It nnd the dlsaue runs Its course rapldls. compiratlvels, in Soung sevlne Tho dlsenso frems to bo propagated by contact with Infected nntmnls and by the consumption of diseased meats nnd perhaps per-haps also tho sputum of diseased peoplo Tho disease rnaidfeets Itself most fre-qucntlj fre-qucntlj In the thro it, nnrt next most fre-eiuentls fre-eiuentls In the Intestines, after these come iho lungs and external 1 arts of tho budy Infected nnlmals do not Bhow nns pronounced pro-nounced symptoms until the disease Is well iidvanced, hence the dllllculty to delect ll earn When developed In the throat couching couch-ing nnd dltlluilts In swallowing wlih swelling In tho rnslon of tho neck are the moat prominent svmptoms if tho infection infec-tion 1 1 through tho lwvvcls then the Intestinal In-testinal disorders nre observed The ells, euso runs a much more rapid course In swlnn than In cnllln or man, usinlly not exceeding five or six mmths when ihe onlmal dies from lack of nutrition und poisons irodueel bj the disease The study of this disease Is of eco'iomic Importance to breeders because It soon destros choice herd animals, and is promptls communicated from Infected to healthy animals About 1 111 of 1 ier cent of Iho swtno marketed In Ihe markets nf which Ncbraski la tributary are found to be Intecled and the packer must bus tho swine n trlflo cheaper to protect himself from this loss As the average life of swine under present conditions Is comparatively com-paratively short, owners of Infected herds can ties! eradicate tho disease b sliugh-ter. sliugh-ter. nnd then the exercise of earn In tha recruiting of their herd The flesh nf tu-nerruloiiH tu-nerruloiiH animals ahould undoubtedly be eliminated from our food supplies |