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Show IN MEMORY OF MISNLEY John Hay Pronounces Eulogy Upon the Martyr President. Distinguished Gathering in Hall of House of Representatives, In-eluding In-eluding President Roosevelt, Prince Henry of Prussia, the Cabinet and Diplomats Listen to Oration. . i n 1 li 2" - At noon to. ! J k b of the Ilnu,e of Itcprc-"r Itcprc-"r ,n tn I " ot 1'rcBlJont """',, i , Homy of 1'iuaala, Z Bt it u rmnn ninperor. the rlrsofll lalmut. ll.e Jll.lBP.or TCIt . " lhc ,"nM"1 f "" J.n.Uf.1 of the army and navy "M ,,P I t . Kinrn .in.l other dip-"",,, dip-"",,, ,.,inMiirroielBncoun-Iimum ,.,inMiirroielBncoun-Iimum c nnc, itepreMiitrflhPsi lrt" , i a I UK number or ills- !ln , , Hie Hon John lluy. & ' ! I-ionouncd a ou-"lr ou-"lr i ti ' or marnr-r. n.i, o "- """ m ,,,', nl . v ,i ,f i ip Inn elvlo u"l nill-!,,,rr nill-!,,,rr " ' K,l,l, """",u' l"- " lr , 1' .ins, H anil uvemic UBC ,',,.,. I Six months ""J. . iv n, uirod at Uuffalo. .ail .notb r bin rtirr rent sort or poxes-uTtenlri. poxes-uTtenlri. . hlboilythroiishlho o -he . Min.la or tho Capitol. L?.-e Ihe bi funeral oration waa tle-,h tle-,h , m . IIln an-1 tho tributes S ,1; m n- ' 'ho .-.irtli nboul 1,1 mJ h ok- i u ral Miriow. To-i'.Vmm To-i'.Vmm . Itli uncovered heart. Xf Nation I "t i l"t tribute ot recant re-cant pi. OM-rtsse.l It- l"nr rift NOonoAM" "5 rnor'i.ssioN. ciin th i" uvcniio .vns lllleil ,rt,att mi n it wis u year bbo TUB th Me re a nn or Rllntliig Mimeta and .."InR Plumes nn.l the ilr a till .1 "li the music ot him- Jrrftn?ufflr I .onrtent bands Tn.la ill i hin 'I riie ptntoselon wns unvtanlz 1 S" inirtlul niuslr light- (ii d th feet of lb throne, no cheers reitlh air Tn only pageant una the "' altering ire p of avnliy erortlnff ' Mtuf Henry nii.l bin parts to the Cap- or nil and i-irmge here anil thole trin- e pflnjem. r In uniform ni diplomats "I. nmiri mmr ' the plate whom the 0 eui ; ai lo hi il II. t ixl Tl TlIOtNIs AT CAPITAL. ' ' Thai - th extent or tho outnniil rpeeUi le le the people was one for -Itr he rnlmlanil h i rnthei thnn fur the gv fie ami fir Notwithstanding It wan it rrw alnvM In nd.snre that ndmlsslnn mil ii the lull of K ir uenlntl.es ami e. en an. it the Capitol ll If wns to bo reMilelcil iF. (iitoffh H r. nul the people ilm- I prfRatfd In unniunbf rerl thnuiianrta ,1, tut the ere it nnrblo pllo up on the Ml While ih II kei holders besieged ihMtrat broiu iloom to the entrance ' the rotunda and oerllo(d the por- i1(' l ui4 aleiw If idlnir to It, the crnnila et .ereKeMhi i u llnei ot hlue-toated .ar 11 e II 1 m i ihrt e hldea of tho n lo -uIHj a In I mil of the I'npllol, ''j1, ONLV l.MIII.I.M .MOL'ItNINO. k 4j Th fmhlrin nt liiniiinlnit at iho , i,, tpli i at ihe iinrn lliiderlni? nt hnir- llcrt ast ilmi the in uIiirh and on the fat ir hlns dome This pi-etedent In edit f of tl l Uleld exeulsex n f bi ir-ntlelo' li 1,o hall una without ?,i,n "'l not in hiiiarlfi. Th ipd- rura ft'cii Marine I ln,i Mxly ulronR, a m!cr '!u.0.;' ln. """ eirridnr uhlcb nepaf , i "IH Ihe hall trim ihe r ar lobby of the tain! m.f K wnn I'Kon.i:. in i . ,. ,att Ainorlork ihr iinnia ere opened j u "Jill, mriu , Hi, np.it IniiH Bal- Su -tlei iirp-mi ns u,p tmm,cr iicie UM i..ii h -ns nf people, liven rnim '"I" t e mini bill tho trondlnB HUM "Ijammln nlilth hnie marred no " ,,?.'' r n lo,l'' n inert , ,? .y '',k 1 uel were limited '."f ti Hi uuinliir of Bents pro- V,f ATI,rmN0 a niSTiNoinminn f'tt -j;"r.Iir" .1" cll'n to racl Hennlni retort th. J,,."' ,f1nn, thoKnihe,lnK rw ,, ;.'', "t dlslln e Kf ilietiori hiiTt? "" ,,",t fpw nf ,h, la oi Karkr..m h,n''," ""'I theinHel.es nt heir ,Z T'U,l,,w ",c "' pft"lnn' Wo! -m ' lh "nl" '"'' ''r their up. "rNa"yamr.'"'.Tr" nf "1, "r"1"' in,'3, ..C'.'p1,," 'ZZ?Ce MS l.Vh!S.fK ,ANn "''"WIMUNT. W ""mm . ." ,""" "f "i Hpeaker-s "i"? :it"-'ha,il ',"' l.t''1 iil'hnlMe.ed ""j: maiH , r" 'lfoilhoiu.mil 'rat,'1, ! "Irrl I-rlnc . lie.- S. T'n i nr,heH.ipirnifrourt " "( er. J " " ""' leiuorallf hlld "J am th ',.., r"r"'o .llplmiiiillo ! -I ii I , t01" r"" linmeilliilely ! tntu Tk, n, ''' ""'''ibilR r Ihe ""miaalcner Z ?'",s?f ",0 """" ,oh'a h. i , "" '""trlet nf Po. Ulutt tii "''' "in nt ninl other In-",-, ,r,l"' '" sU ,,'lt "f tho l,T" """'"IAMMIJ. f '-Hl '"', Vi,r""' ,'""1 lnn riime ,h. ,, "' th, iniiKimi rn. 1" tlhiih,r, follH O.er- "" vL '", Hnwln, inra. I """''. Inlerm V fIn,t ,n 'rl"'c." U'n lhp ll0"'. HillllVllll, Vl"oulio, '"'I' "" "H a .f"UBKif , ' ",k''r'1 i "ill inn irf "" t "I1 "lai. bed In pin. in Thn r rr, "' ij "ma .t h i l"ii i, ' "ibuawiiliirH and tJ'k I'm la "'..". '" ."""lr to,llt "ll" i ,',..'":tki!''-i8i'- 14,?"" Mm" r '.,1." """'"Pit"' 'uh , "' llls' r ..ho na,at. nriv. ' "'"" or ain, w -hw ri,Tni ,(,""' i.,h I . , ','c ""'"I' l.mbna-,Tpr, l.mbna-,Tpr, ' ",.!!' lb" "IP. rlirw ' r?n""i 1 1 n With , uu, ,n ' f." .n.,,r,k,'rllV"lor' ;?o'.,al -IP'-' ,''" V.wiVit'Vfo :''. tiT"1,'"..! V';,1:,' ",""' i rail W i l. Iri lill r " ""' man In i."?" ;'?.Ver "fdi 1th , ,", lonrkteper an- ht Hoi- s m"k ,", """'"-'na """'"-'na the ulplonwuo i liodj nrose and Oen Miles, reapleaident In Bold Lire, Bold epaulettes and a bioiil. yellow s.mh neroew his hreantnnd wlllj bis sldo anna Uaiurlns henMly at b a heel, led the nay dnn the main nlslo A.lralrtl Deney, m, r n nor. da. Mould lime been .nth him bad ho been In tho city. riiiNt-n HKNity auiiivch. Tap, tap, tap, ami oiue more the as. aembbiKe loie The dnor a.iiing open and rn Ihe threshold and with e.ery oje upon him stood I'rlnre Henry between be-tween Senator Tonker and lien (Iros-enor, (Iros-enor, thalrman respe.lliely or the Hcnule and House tommltlees "Ills Itnynl lllnhness. l'rlnce Henry ot Pni'sl.i," nnriounied tho dooi keeper. The l'rhue i.ns drease.1 In the nlniple dark bluo uniform of an Admiral of the German nn.y. without a slnsle star or other e.lilence nf the Imperial houso lo iiblch he lielonReil upon lill breast. Ilo tarried white Bloies and his Hat natal tap In his left hand At bis side huns a short gold mablurd. IN PnilSIDKN'TH ciai,l,i:rt. Mrs Itooseielt, Miss Uooseicll, Mm Conies, the President a sister, and Mrs. Carou Ihe Presidents sltcr-ln-ln.i, and friends of Ihe 1'iesllent occupied tho President's sallery. As soon ns all had aKiln been sealed the Speaker- Ba.el nine mnro brousht tho Rsseniblaco to Its reel and tho members of the flenatn appeared, headed head-ed by Senator Tryo, President pio tern, ihe Snatora took their seals Immediately Immedi-ately in the tour or the members of Iho diplomatic .nips haiij to Tin: cmnr. At this point the Speaker jlelded tho Bnel to Senator Pre. who was to pre-lde. pre-lde. Then tamo the President an I members of his Cabinet and the Mn-rlne Mn-rlne band struck Up "Ilnl! to tho chief " I r.slilent IliKxeielt una accompanied by Secretary Haj and fplloned by his aj'ies. Col nitiKhum or the nnny and Major Ollmore of iho marine corps, eath In full uniform Tho other mom-lers mom-lers of tho Cabinet came ln tho wake of these iinirnrmed ofllrera. The Pres-blent Pres-blent was attired In a black frock oat with Bray tiousers, and nnio u motitnlns bnnd of trepo upon bU left nrin. He took his place In the area facing the speaker's desk with Print o Henry upon his rluht With the latter lat-ter ho exchaiiBed a word of BreetliiK. The incmbus of the Cabinet, except Secretary Hay. who ..as escoited to the clerk's desk Immediately below tho rostrum of tho prosldlriR olllter. took theli places lo the right or tho Prlnco. hecretnry Shaw und becrctary Wilson wero absent. HI.CIir.TArtY HAY INTHODUCIID. Senator Pryo then called tbo nssem. blrtRe to older, and nfler a fervent praier by Hoi, I)r Cou.len, tho blind chaplain of the House, bo Introdiued tho orator of tho day, Secretary Hay. As the Secretary iwtran to lend Willi a slow, clnar enunciation, ho seemed nwnre of the Intense Interest not nlono of his aiilijeit, but of bis own person-nllli. person-nllli. ns ho lead his tribute nf lo.e and loyalty to his departed chief. Setretars Hay Is not a llnlshed orator ora-tor In the strict nrccptanic of tho term, but today his lolce had unusual tarry-InB tarry-InB power and he ..as able to mako himself beard to the farthermost re-teases re-teases of tho bill The purity of stylo nnd depth of thought of his lonipo-anion lonipo-anion fully compensited ror whatever forte was lacklnK In his delivery. Ills orntloi. was as follows. Sr.CHUTAIlY HAY'S OIIATION. Tor the third lime the Congress of tho Cnlted Stales nrn aeaflnblc.t to torn, memorale Ibo life und ttio .Iflth of a President slain by the hand of an ossia-sla ossia-sla Tho altentlon of tbo fiilaro historian will be attracted lo the fealiuea which rrapiKnr with slirtllng somenfss In all thieo of these awful crimes the iiReloss-n. iiReloss-n. ss. the utter lack of consequence of the art, ihe obscurln. Ihe Insignificance ol the .rlinlnnl Ihe blamflesliess-so far ns In our sph.le of exlflen.e the beat of men in is be held blameless-of the vlc-ilm vlc-ilm .Not one of our murdered 1 "ref dents hid an enemy In the world, they wire ill of sikIi pre-enlnenl purlly of life that no preical could ho gl.en for the attack of passional crime, Ihej wero all men of demo. ratio Insilntis who could nevei ha.e olTen.led the most Jeslnus art-vo.nl. art-vo.nl. a of pmMlliv Hies wero of kindly and eenerou, nature lowborn wronit or Injuallco was Imnosslhlf . of modernle roriunn whose slemler menns nnlxidy could rao ThM were nien of ausieio virtue, of tender heart nf eminent abilities, abili-ties, which Ihey had devoted with sing e min.la in the goo. of the Itepubllc If ever men walked before Oo,t and man ulilioiit lilnme, ll was tlifke three rulers .V our p. "pie 'Ihe oiilv leinnlallon o alls.k iholr IUc orteie.l .vns their genlle railliiiicr In e ballus the light that was offense enough Hr-Air. rnt.i s no i humor. Tho slupld usilessneas of such an ln-fiimi ln-fiimi aninnls the tommen sense of llin SrVl.l ne can ton.. lie how ihe rtenih orC'i. ,11 idor'mas ch.l.ge the poll. lull ninillllinis of an emi.lie how the exll l -lion of n imrrnwIliB Hue of k nga niiv lir ns la an all. ii ilvnnsts Hut In a well, i i.bie I lleniibll" like ours Ihe ruler may fall bil Ihe H nil" feel no lieranr niir fielovld'and l.ve.e.1 leadjr Is KJ'''.h,"' !,,i,nl!cV:srrnlb"nM?l'l,lm"rposeaa,". leas nourished hs Iho .nine leach ngs ItiKplud b llie same prim . les, pi, ,ige.i in i i.i c r n(T( ( Hon (lr i ll H "X n'i,i ovill t "arf" li. lomplellon I he lm-nense. lm-nense. task romniltleil lo his hinds and r8r,!itnnVVh,,ri!!.rc?,i,vl.,,5,u:e,-,.;n''hs lorn liivi in" dal. the wnr.N that reaili uvVr iv thousand i ears, out of lie arl IVt lioui of ''"' ll;rr"J'r,',ih,',"The blow'sWulk at nnar.h) v leadller still OIKlWTll Ol' AVMtCIIV sinel.Mesrt'hrnv.Kr' EHSsVrVplrHdoKVlo't n IJ. tut d l rn.hr a sjsteiil ;.f govern .1 -V. tin ind so inpirt al Ihat we re oLniie lis e, en.e onl. by Us bene fa t" is under a Weill order -m , nun '"S'eK'X'lr'SrioKI l1"'"01" NO HAH (ll-Alii; Mow many tounlrles can nh w 111 us wlX ariiiliiullonenursm 'hedi ly life of iviiveriiineiit. Hut ani'.nef "",,. thins bnunil I" ns b ne l ns , Inlojiouisa-wlioian Jiiaci " proim sJillmoar'iPnraglvroua iyip,rningn;vr.gv.rt- wreUhes base rimes ii"."' t im i'lSinu!..Vn. MnWA th. emmn liioir Ihrotmh murder t th soarfol.l 1 nOIH i millv AVI) INTlllCATI. our minds cannot dNeern the origin, !Lnn "'. """ teni ot wickedness .n . timro.,""l '" "?e hut this does not m"iKJ "",ffnln 'he dm of trying to ...i .'. "I'1 '"Ullteracl It We do not ..m.'1""'1 hnt 'I1 trl.lt Is wh.ine It jomes or what Ha hidden proncrtl.s miv io.i !! ".Mk"0' ll " mighty for.e for y'' "I "" and o with the painful toll hltf . """n r I'smhig and skill have J,SJ1' "ore and 1. subjugate It, lo Iin.".".!!" nn1 "" '" emnlo Its le ...i'."! fnerajlea This prolilem of in ? . t,'L.rk ?nd Inlilcale but It ought oL . h n '.'"f empass of democratl Roiernmeiil-slthmiKli no ssne mind run raihoni the mietrrles of Ihese imtrnk.d K!li. "."""? natures to guard against ,!.. ."'""""J""'' I" takeaway from Ihem Ihe hope .if man., lh,. long luxury of seamlslnua diin In tourl Ihe unwholesome unwhole-some svnunitht of h)Slerlial dfgcnerales, f.?" m rtere to mall, the .rims not worth enmmlillntT even lo these ahnor-ml ahnor-ml und illeloited souls as to tiii: nt.Mrm .JiL wmld he preaiimptuous f. r me In 1. Jlr1" .""! '" simg.wt the details of remedial loglslHllon ?or a malady so malignant T-hm tk may ssfelv be left to lh; skill and luillcme of the Nallonnl t .ingress, whl. h has tieier been found uu ".""J, 'o anv su.h emergen.v 'Ihe coun-ir coun-ir beiifi,, thm th. mrmorv of three im rile red .nniradea nf ours-nll nf whoso voices still haanl Ihese walls will be a surilclent Insplrillon lo enable ou lo fri5 '"?!'". '.hl" ahstiiise and painful prob. em which has .llnimed so mans pages of history wlih M.hmI and with tears CV.1U l.u ok M KINI.in Hefore an andlinee less svmpalhetlo llian this I should not dare lo spe.k of that great rsr.er whlth we hn.e met to coonnemorate Hut we are nil his k '"", ''lends do mu crlllrlse eath o'ners words iibout an open grave 1 thank von for lh. honor ou hn.e dono me u Inilllng me here, and not less for the kind forbearan.e know I shall hate from j. hi In mi most Inndoiuule cllorts to speak of him worthily WAS TU'ICU. AMnmcw. Iho life of William Mckinley wjs. from his blrlh lo his death, tjplcallv American There Is no envlrnnmenl I should eav an where elan In the world which could prodiiin such a character Ha was twrn Into Hut wa of life which itsewhere Is called the middle tlos, but which In this tounlrs Is so nearly unl .frsiii us to mako of other classes an almost ncEllEll.l.- niuntlty Ha was nellhf r rl. h nor poor, neither proud nor humble, ho knew no hunger he was not euro of satlsf)lng no luxury which could tnfrinte mind or body Ills par-Jnts par-Jnts wero sober, Ood-fenrlng people, Intelligent In-telligent and upright, without pretension and without humum lie grew up In the company of bnjs like hlmstlf, whole, "tome, honest, slf respecting Thev looked down on nobody, they neier felt It osslhle the could bo looked down upon Their houses were the homes of probity piety, patriotism They learnr.l In Ihe admirable school readers of llfty lears ago the lcaons of heroic nnd st lentil len-til 1 life which halo come down from Ihe pant Thes rej.1 In ihclr weekly papers pa-pers the stpry or tbo worlds progress. In which Ihey were eager to take part, and of the alna nnj wrongs of clilltzatlon with which they hurue.1 to battle It was a serious and thoughtrul lime Tho bnjs of that day felt dimly, but deeply, that the daa of sbiirp struggle and high achleiement wero heforn them They looked at life with tho wondering set resolute ejes of a soung esquire In his vigil of arms Ihey felt a time was coming; com-ing; when to them should be addressed the siern odmonlllon of the Apostle, tjult jou like men, bo strong" war nv.rwr.i.N STATUS. It Is not easy to gl.o to those of a later generation any clear Idea of thit exlriordlnnr) spiritual awakening which passeit oier the countrs at the nrst red elgml ItreB of the war between the Statis. Jt was not our earliest apota-l.pse, apota-l.pse, a hundred srura before the nation had been reeaed to Itself,, when after long discussion and much searching of heart the people of Iho colonies had re-solved re-solved that to llvo without llherts was worset than to die, and had thereforo vvbgtred In iho solemn game of war 'Ihclr ll.rs, Ihclr fortunes und their sn-cre.l sn-cre.l honor" In a stress of heat and labor unutterable, tho lountrs bad been himmered and welded together, but thereafter for nearly a contur there had leen nothing In our lite to loucb the Innermost In-nermost fountnln of fntUog nnd de.o-llon, de.o-llon, we had hid rumors of wars-even wars we had bad, not without sacrlttcea and glorl hut nothing which went to tho .Ilnl self.Lonstloiisiies of tho country, nothing which challenged tho nations right In II. e INTO VAI.I.IIY Ol' DECISION. Hut In IttO the ujtlon una going down Into- Ihe Valley of Decision. Tho question ques-tion which had been debated on thou, sands of platforms, vvhbh had been discussed dis-cussed In tountless publications, which, thundered from Innumerable pulpits had caused 111 Ihelr congregallons Iho bitter strife ond dlss.nslon to which only casta of conscience .an give rise, was ev.r-where ev.r-where pressing for solution And not merely In tho various chann. Is of publicity pub-licity was It alive and t tumorous Aliout every llirsldo In the land, hi tho conversation conver-sation ot frlnds nnd neighbors, and, deeper sllll In the secret nf millions of human heirts, the bitlle of opinion was waging, and all men felt and savewith moro or less clearness that an answer lo tho Importunate question, Rh ill the n v-tlon v-tlon Hvo7 was due, and not lo bo dc- "lf ' IN TUT. SOUTH ALSO. And 1 do not mean that In the North nlono there was this austere w resiling Willi conscience. In the South as well, below all the efferi esceuce and excite, cut of a people perhaps moie U.cn to eloquent speech than we were there was the profound agons of question nnd nn swer Ihe summons to decide whether honor nnd freedom did not call them lo revolution ond war. ... II la easy for partisanship to say that Ihe one sldo was right and th it tilt other was wrong It Is sllll easier for an Indolent In-dolent magnanimity lo say that both wero right Pelh.ps In the wide view of ellh-Ics'ono ellh-Ics'ono la alwass right to follow his con. sclen.e though It lead him to .Hauler and .lea III Uut history Is Inexorable She lakes no account of sentiment and Intention, and In her cold and luminous ejes that able la right which lights In harmony with Ihe stars In Ihelr courses Then men nio right through wlio.c efforts and struggles the world la helped onward, and humnnlty moved to u higher level and a bristlier diy UI.OHV AND (II.AMOril OP TO. Tho men who nio living today und who wero soung In lwe) will nev. r forgel the glory and glamour that lllle.l the eurih and Ihe ek when the long twilight of doubt and iineertalnls was ending und the limn of acllon had ome A speeih b Abraham l.ln.oln was an event not only or hi. Ii moral Igntllcani e. but of far-icachW far-icachW imiorlante, the drilling of a mllllli tonipanj bsr.llsv.orlh allnu e, iiiillnnnl allenllon, Ihe nutlerlng nf Iho Mug In the clear sks drew lours ironilhn cms of voting men Patriotism, whlth IiiiiI b. en a rhetorical expression, b. came a piisslnnale .motion. In which Instinct, Inula and feeling weie rused The conn, irv was woilh saving. It could lie sa.ed ouls' I'S ll", no si.rillio was lou greol. Iho soung men of Ihe lounlrv were ready lor the sacrifice; tome wc.I, como woo, ll-es wero rends M MNI.KY ANBW'I.KS SI'MMONS. At IT sears of age, Wllllim McMnley heard this summons of his . ountrs le was Iho sou of south lo whom a mill tin-) life In orillnarj limes would poss..a mi nlliiirllnm His naliir. was r.r dir-terenl dir-terenl from Hint of Iho oidlnais soldier llo hail oth'r dreams of life lis prizes und pluisurrs, Hun thai or march. a and h.iilis llul I" hs mind there was no rllnl.o oi iiiierlliiii 'Ihe limner Homing in Ihe morning bn wo was tholieckonlng noils'of "ho irumiiei called him htm and niino other-hit" ihe ranks i.Ni.ifnrn as a ntiVATi: llls porlrMt 111 his lit att uniform Is fn-millir fn-millir le you all the short slmks ll mi the quiet thoughtful Met', the deep, dirk us ll I the rme nf a lid who cotiM not stay at home when he thought he was needed In Ihr. Held lie was of ihe SHUT of which good soldiers are mii'le I ud he bun l.n sears ol.Ur hi would hAvo inteied at the head nf a couiliiny Sud come mt at Ilia heart of a division "li t ho did what he could He cniutcd as a prHolei he lejrne.1 to obe Ills ser -Sus. Venslblo vvnss. ll1'!""1"!'' ""','? , F;.,i!Mr,hn,gn,.n,ncn,n,',,,.r.?,r,n.,,i march Si Ifl "". Sn.l leirltss In light Vi lirt ihe nrin will! hld rank when i'o war ended" brevelie.1 Jv President llncnln foi gnllonlrs In Inltle TWO MAONiriOIINl" AHMir.S. in ronilns vei.rs when men reek lo draw ii. mliri I of oiir Btoil Clvl wai nolhlng will "ecmi to Ihem io adnilrubl.' In all lb., hlslniy of our Ivvo mignlllcfnt armies us :,,,Hni?es,r'!og.rnov,,a?..:l',.nr!t?:i ."nil !" " "'' "', ' K ' '" ,l"' '""" 0t I,c""fu,iJi"i.A',iiuAsiNir.t' Ihero Is no .ent, since th nation was born, width ln si ptn.d lis s H I . i tn ll for self j.iiv. rnment Hiihs. Hoi s share rquilly in tint .rown 'f glori They bad held a Me but., of In nmparnble Importance and hi I fought It out with equal encrg A inmlnslon had been reaihed-and It In t, tho .verlisllng honor of both sldis that lb. e .. h knew when the war was over and the Ivoin of a lasting peace hud slrurk W c may admire Ihe desnei-ate daring of others who prefer annlhfl til, n to tomptomlse, but the pilm of common sense, and, i will sin or enllght. nod patriotism i-longs i-longs lo the men like .Irani and I ee who knew when thi had fought enough, ror honor nnd for country SWOItl) l.llll ASIDK William MelclnleS one of Hint seaslble mllllm nf men. gladlv laid down his sword and lietnok hlmsiir to his Isjoks He quickly made up the lime lost In sol illeilng lie nlta.kcd his Hliukslone ns he wold 1 have dope a hostlh mlteneh ment, tludlng the range or a inltnlr. law llbrar. loo narrow he went to the Al ban. Uiw school where he worked ener g. II. nil) with brilliant sui i ess wis ad milled lo Ihe Nil aim Bellied down tn piaitlee-i breiettul veteran or l In Ihe quiet town of e'ini.n now and hen. o-forwnrd o-forwnrd foreler famous as the sicne nf his lire nn I his pla.e or sepulture Her.-man. Her.-man. blisslngs nvslled him high reptile prnre-elotial suit ess and a ilomesll. affection af-fection so pure so de.nt.d and slnlnlrss thai future, poota Bfeltlng an Ideal of hrlsllaii man lag. will llntl In It a theme worthy ot th.lr songs AN imiM. Ill SIIVM. This Is a silhje.1 to wbli h the llahlest allusion seems profiiuallon but It Is Impossible Im-possible to speak of llllatn Mi Mnle without remembering lhal no truer tenderer ten-derer knight to his fhoscn ladi oier lived among mortal men If 1) th. spirits of tho Just made jerfe.l Is permitted Iho rousclnunees of earthly things we mav be sure lhal his ralthful soul Is now witching nvei that gentle sulTcm who counts the long hours In Ihelr shattered homo In the desolate splend r nf his funic rvri.rw poi.nu i, pii t n A man possessing tile qialllles with whl. b nnttiro lud enlnwe.l MeMnlev pr.ks illll.'.il ucllvitv ns niilurnlH as a growing plant seeks light and air A wholesome umbllton a rare power or making friends nnd keeping them, a faith whh h may lie ialle.1 leliglo.is In bis enunlrs nnd Its Institutions, and Honing from Ibis a belli f that l man could do no nobler work than lo serle such n country these were the" elements In his ehnracler that drew him Irresistibly Into piddle life lie hsd from Iho begin nlng a r. marknble equipment, a manner of singular grace and charm a mice of ringing quality and great rnrrilng pow.r -list as were the irowds lhal gathered about him ho reached their utmost fllnge without apparent effort HAD HXTIlAOIiniNAUY I'OWI.It. He hid an exlraordlnars power of mir-shallug mir-shallug and presenting signlficint fails, so as to tiring conviction lo Ihe avcrago mind Ills range nf reading wns not wide he read only whil he might some lay find useful, und whit he read Ids memors held like brass 1 hose who knew Urn well Hi IhoBe early days ciiu never forget id., ennsnmmme skill and powei wllh which he would select a f. w pointed Mcts, and blow upon blow would li im-mer im-mer them ,nto the attention of great assembliges In thlo as Jnel drove Iho nail Into the head of the ( ana.nlle cap tain lie line not often Impassioned he larels resorted to tho aid of wit or hu mor yet I neter saw his equal In controlling con-trolling and con.ltK.ing u popular audi ence by sheer appeal lo their reason and intelligence. lio dl I not Hatter or cnlolo them, hut Ihere was an Implied compliment compli-ment In Ire serious nnd sober tone In which he nddressod them He seemed one of them. In heart and feeling he wns one nf them i:nrh artisan 111 a grout crowd might stiyt That Is the sorl of man 1 would like teWbe and under more fainting fa-inting cltcumstnnces might hn.e been llo had tbo dlvln gift of slmpaths. which, though 'glvrn only to tho elect, makes jilt men Ihelr friends IIM.CTI.n TO CONOIIKS3. So It came naturally about th it In ISTfl the liegtnnlng of the se.oiid lenlury of tho Heptibllc he began, by an election to Congress. Ida political career There, after for fourteen sears this .number was his home, jj use the word ad.ls.ll. Nowhere tn theworll was he so In hnr-mons hnr-mons with Ills' nvlronment ns here, nowhere no-where else did bis mind work with suet full tonscloitsnepa of Its pow.rs Ihe air of deb lie wagjiutlie lo him, hern be drunk delight ',it battle with hla peers. In after dass.kwheu ho drn.e by this stntel. plltofAwliv" "n rare occasions bis dills culled liloiheie, ho gr. utrd his old haunts with Ihe urfe.tloualo'zest of u child of the Housed dilrlng all tho last ten sears nf liW life, tilled as Ihej wero wllh aillvlty and glory, ho nev.r ceased lo bo home-It k for this hall When ho came to Iho Presidency, there waa not n day when Ilia Congressional h. rvlio was not of use lo him Probably nn other President has been 111 stl. b full und rordlil communion wllh Congress, If wo except Lincoln ulone. KNIIW J.ntilBI.ATJ.Vi: IIODY. MeKlnley knew the legislative body thor.'tighl, Us composition, its methods, Its hi.blls of thought He had Ihe pro-roundest pro-roundest resM'(t for Its authority und an infl.xllile belief In the ulliniute ret-t ret-t it la In of Its pm poses. Our history shown how stirels an Hxcciltlve courts disaster disas-ter and ruin by assuming an nttitmle of hnsllllls or distrust to the legislature, and, on the other hand, MeKlnley a frank nnd sincere trust and tonlldenio in Cm-grcsa Cm-grcsa were rep ltd b prompt and losal support and co-operation During bis entire en-tire term nf otllie this uiulunl trust and legard so essential to the public w.lfaro waa never sludowcd b a single cloud was a mirmiMCAN lie wns a llepubllcan He could net be ntiv thing .Ise A I'lllon soldier grnHrd npot a CI i) Whig be neeessarlls believed be-lieved In the "Amerlcnn system In protection pro-tection tn homo Industries, In n strong, nggr.sslv. nillonallly. In a liberal .on strut Hon of the Constitution VMut any self-r. Hani nation might rightly do he felt this nnllon bad power lo do If re-qulic.l re-qulic.l In llin common welfaro and not prohibited by our written churter iiioii inNK in iiorsi:. Pollowlng the natural bent nf his mind. ho tlevoled himself In questions nf llnunca and leviune, to tho essentials of that nallonnl housekeeping Ho took high rank In the House from the beginning ills readiness to debale, his mastery of evirs siibltrt he handled the bright nnd amiable light he shed nbnut him. and abovn nil the unfailing courtesv and gool will with whlili ho treated friend and foo alike one of the surest slgnitures of a naluro born to gie.it diatlnics-made his service In Ihe House ,i pathway of unbroken suciess and i inught him at list to the all Impoilant post of Chairman "f W'ass and Means and leader of tho ma-Jority. ma-Jority. PAM01I8 niivr.NL'i: ACT. Of the famnii. revenue ait which. In that tapaiUs ho framed und .airlfd Ihlnugh CoiigrrrB, It Is not my puipose here und now to speak '1 he . nib. rs of Ihe tonlro.eisy In Ihe mlilst or which that law hid Ha trnubl.d being urn v.t too warm to be bundle. I on u ila like this 1 mas onl a ly thai It was never sulllt lends tested tn prove the piulses of Its friends or Iho criticism of Us o pn-nenls pn-nenls Afler u brlif exlslenie it passed awns, for a lime, In llin storm thai swept the Itrpiibllrans out of power Mi Klnley also tiiihsed through a brief son, of shadow, his Congresalonnl district having been teiirrnngeil for that puipis b) u hostile Legislature i:i.i:ctli oovi.n.soii or omo. Someone his said It Is ensj to lou our en. nibs, they help us so inurh mom tliuii our friends Tho pontile whose linhvn lent skill llltl turned McMnlei nut of Congr. ss desitved w.ll of him and of tlm Ilepllbllc Novel wns Nemesis more swift and energetic 1 he ItepublicaliB of Ohio wero sued the Iroublo nf (housing il ln-eriior-lho other side bud ehe s. ll one for Ihem A sear aHer MrKlnlc. Iffl Congr. Con-gr. ss he was made Governor of Ohio and two pars later he was re-elected, eaih lime b milorltlra unhop. .1 for und overwhelming He tame to lill a spate in lh public eje which obscured u greit portion of (he Held or vision In two uutloiial toinentlons the presidency seemed wllhln his tench Dm tin had gone there In the Interest of others and Ida honor lorbude ans dilllancu wllh timptailon So his nnv waa nis-de. Ilvered wllh a tone nnd gesturn thero wus no denstng Ills bom was not set come. rv.MII.IAIt TO MILLIONS, Thete wns hnwevei, no long delns. He hoi line, from leal to veal, Ihe most pioinlnent politician and orator In Ihe countrs I asslon.-iteh devoid! to the principles of his liurtv, he was alwass r.a.l) to do nnitfilnK tn go alivwhcr., to proclaim ll Ideas and In support II landldalrs Ills ram and his lolie be. came familiar lo millions of utir puiple; and whereler lhe wero sem and hen id, men beiame his parllHins Ills fiito was cist In a classic mold, jou sic fnreu like It in antl'iu.' marlilt In the galleries of the alleuii ami In the porlrnlla of the great ciritinal-statesmen of Hal), his .olca wns the .oho of th.. perfeit ontor ringing, vibrating, tireless persuading b Its .cr sound bv Us accent of sin rero conviction So prudanl und so guarded were all hla utter mtes, so lofty his court tej, Uicu h iio.cr cmbnrraaaeil lis fit, n la n id imv r off lib. I his op NOMIN V.TKI1 I Oil 1'RI.SIIM.N'T For several months before the llepuh lleuu Satlntial lontentton met In !M It wus evident to all who had ov.s t se that Mr MeKlnley was the onl) probable prob-able candidate of hi narlv (Vllier nhniea were mentioned of the hlgheet rank In ablllti thnriutir and popularity, they were support.-! bv powerful combinations combina-tions but the nnmtna' Ion i.r MeKlnley a against ihe tl. Id wns Inevitable Ml'MOIlMILll CVMPVIHN The campaign he made will lie nlwavs memorable in our political nnnals lie and his Minds had 1 bought that the la sue ror the war was the dlstlmtl.e md historic difference between the two pur tl.s on Ihe sithloct of the tariff To ihl wagir of biiitle the discissions of the previous four vears desiimilv pointnl llul no sooner had the two parties made their nominations II. an 11 lie. am. ..I-dent ..I-dent that tho opposing .andidale declined de-clined to accept Ih. Held or .list usslon ibosen hv the Ilepubll. ans ind proposed lo put fornanl as the main Issue the free coinage of sllur AlCKITIlll '1 111! CIIM.I.IiMU: M. Mnl.v at nu.e nc.epl.sl this clial-leng. clial-leng. and taking the hultle ror protection pro-tection ns nlretdv won went with energv Into the ills, usslon or th. theories presented pre-sented bv his opponents He bad wisely . "ii. I.i.l. .t not t.. leave his I in me dullns: Hi. canvnss lima avoiding a pineeedlug whl.h has alwius hum of sinister an-gun an-gun In our polltl.s but from the front porih of hi modest house tn e'anton he daily ii.l.le. ss. .1 the delegnlions wlilelt came from ev.ri iwrt of the .ounlrv lo gri.t him in a series of speuh.s so stlnng so luilo.1 an tartlllenl. so full of fails brlelli set forth ot theories embodied em-bodied In a single phrase that the fonnttl II- liourl text for the othei speakers of Ids partv and give probsblv the most louvlnilng prisif we hn.e of his surprising fertllllv of resour. e nnd ii.xlbllltv of mind Ml this waa done without aitxlet nr sliuln woMiMtri l 8ti:Ki:it I renumber a da. I spent with him during that busv summer He bud msde nineteen sie, i lies Ihe day liefori , t licit da be innde maliv llul In Ihe linen ill" of these addresses he But In Ills slttdy and talk.. I with ii. rvea as quli l and a mind ns free fiom . ire as if we had been spen ling a hniida al the seaside or among the hills WIIVT CONFHO.NIIID HIM When he came lo the Presidency he cniirrniit.d a aluintlon of tho lilmosl dlf flcultv whbh mluhl well hn.i anpalbd a nun of has serene and tranquil alr conn.b nee 'Hi. re had tiern u at He of profound common 111 and Industrial de ireaslon, from vvhlih hi friends ha I said Ills el. ctlou would relleie the coun-tri coun-tri our relations wllh the ouiside wort I I. rt much lo be deslnd Ihe reeling lie linen the N'orlhern and Southern sni Hens or Ihe fnlon wa lucking In cor. ill lilt, which wns necesiir to the welfare wel-fare of both Hawaii hid asked ror annexation an-nexation and had b'en rej.ttcd b Iho preceding nitoilnl'dliitlnn Ihere was it state of things In the I'irlhbenii whl.h .oiili pot tiermnnenlly endure Our neighbors house wis on lire, and there weie grave doubts as to our rlghtB and duties In the premises A man . liber weak or rash, ellber lrr solute or he id. strong might ha.e brought ruin on himself him-self and Incalculable harm tn tho countrs coun-trs was man roil tiii; timhs Again I crave tho pirdon of Ihose who differ with me. If, against all mi Intentions, Inten-tions, 1 happen tn aav u word which uus seem tn them tinbetlttlng the pi ice nnd hour. Hut 1 um here to give ihe opinion which Ills friend rnlertalned or Pres l.t nt MeKlnley or .nurse cl liming no immunity from crltiilsm in what I shall sis 1 believe, then that the vcnllct of hlslors will bo Unit he mit all these gravo question wllh perfect valor and Incomparable abllits . that In gr.ppllng with them he rose to the full height of a great occasion In a maiinerAwhiih redounded re-dounded tn the lasting licneTlt of tho countrs' nnd to hla own Immortal honor. DI.I'LOHI.D WAIl WITH SPAIN. Tho least desirable form eif glory to a man of his habllual mood and temper-that temper-that of Biicrfstrtil war waa peverthol. ss innferred upon him by uncontrollable .l.nls He felt ll mutt come he deplored Its nic.sslli he Btrulned almost lo breaking break-ing his relations with hi friends In lrder Hrst. lo proirnt and then tn pnittponc It lo tho Ijiiat possible moment llul when Hie dlo wus .list, he HI in red with the ulmoet eurgy and ardor and wllh an liilelllgrmn In nilllliiry malt, ra which shown! how much of tho soldier as t It I sllt-llvcd sllt-llvcd In tho mitiire Male-am in to push ferward the war to n deelslvo doeo War wa an anguish to him he wanted It Hhnrt and lomlilslie Ills mrrrirul zeal communicated Itself tn his siibnrdlual-s. and tho war, so long drended, whoso con-seqileni.s con-seqileni.s wero so momentous, ended 111 a hundred diys. Ai'UMi.NTint or tiii: statu. Mr Strdmtin. the dean of our poets, bis called him ' Augmenli r of the SI He '' It Is n proud title, If Justly tonf. rred. It ranks him among the few whoso nain.a may be placed definitely and forever In charge ot Iho historic Muse Under his rule Hawaii has com.- In us and rutiilll, Pnrl.i lllcii and Iho last urt hlpehigo of tho 1'isl Culm Is free Our position In tho Cariblienii Is assured beyond the pos-slblllly pos-slblllly of future .uusllon 'I ha doctrine cillttl by the lililne of Monroe so long lb ri.le.l and denied by alien publicists, ciokea now no chill, ngo or contradiction when intend to Iho world It hus become be-come an Inierniillonat truism Our sister repiiblltn to the south of us lire eon-llnced eon-llnced that wo desire null their penco and prospcrlts Ihirope knows that vee th. rlsh nn dreams but thnso of world wide (ommeni- Ihe bcnetlt nf whlih rlull he in nil nnllolri The stnte Is augmented but It threatens no union un.lt r hni.cn As In tho. regions which hn.e tome under the shadow of our flig, tho posal lilllty of their being damaged by surh a i huugo or circumstances was In the view of McMnley n thing unthinkable Tn be. lit vn that we could not nilmliilster them tn their advantage, wus lo turn liill.lel tn our Amerlcun faith ut moro than u hundred stars (iiii:Ti.sr or diplomats In dealing wllh forclhti powers, ho will tako rank with Ihe gnatcst or our dliilo-nullsls dliilo-nullsls It was a world of which he hid llltlx special knowledge b. fore ..lining In the Preslilil.es lut hla nuirviloil adaptability- was In noininsr more remark able than Ij Ihe Htm grasp he Immodl. ntely ill-pla "oil 111 International riluthm In preparing for war and In the r store. Hon of p.uce ho sen ullke adroit, courteous courte-ous and far sighted NI.VI.II IIIISITATIID. When a sudden itnergfmy declared Itself as In China. In a stulo of things nf which nur history furnished no pie-.ident pie-.ident and Inlernnthmul law no Slfo and certain proept. he hesllat. d not a nio. ineul tn take the .olirse marked out for him hy eonsld. rations of humniilty and the nullnnul Inti rests l.ven whlln the ligallnna wcio llghllllg for their ll.es Hguliisl binds of Inliirlaled fun itlcs llo le. Id.. I llul wo weroal ici.e wllhChlni. nnd while Inn eoiiiluslnn .lid not liln.lt r him Hum t iking the most energetli mi ns urea lo net ne our Imperllnl illlzeus It enaliled him to maintain i lose and friend ly i.li.lloiia wllh Um wise nnd heroic viceroys or the south whose naoiiite etau.l savi.l Hint mi. lent unplre from unar. by and saillnllt 11 NliVllH IlllVr.IlSIIll A DI'.e'lHlON He illasied of i.uy qiiestlon ua It little tilth a iriiniptliess and .Isrlly of llslon Hut iisi..llshil hie mills, ih and he nev.r bail .a elision to review a Jiulg. m. nl or re.tree i dot Islon Ilk pallence In llimnesa In sheer reus, onableness ho Improved our understand lug with all the rii.ii pow.rs .if the world und ilghily mined lh. blessing whlcli belongs lo ihe p.a.unikcrs rcO.NOMlCAI. Di:S III.OPVII.NTS llul Ihe m lile.emenls of Ihe nation In war and illploimiy ale tin own In Iho shade by Hie vast einnnuilial "level ;p-ments ;p-ments which toik pla. o during Mr Me. Mnley a Administration I P I" Ihe limn of his llrsl tlecllon, Ihe eoilnlry wus auf ferlng from a long perloii of depression tlm i caseins of width I will not tr t seek Hut from the moment ihe billots weie .minted that betokened hi .advent to power a great and niominlous movement move-ment lit ntlvnnte dorian el llself along oil Ihe linca ol Industry and inmineiie I'lt'l.-tl'UHITV iii.ui:. ln the icry month of his Iniiuguntlnn , tc. l mils begun to bo sold at III! a Ion on. of the mini slglilllraiil fails nf modern mod-ern limes ll meant thai merlt an Imlua tries hud ailliislrl thums.lvi's to iho long ib r.ssloii Ihut through Iho power or Iho rate lo urganlze und combine alltmiUtrd liy tho iiiiiillllous then prevailing, and pirh.tpB hv Iho prnspiri of legislation fiivornblc lo In.luslry America had btgiin lo lindersill Iho leat of tho world 'Ihe movement went on without .eeslng PLi:tim:s wniti: m:pi' The President mill his pirty kept the pledge of ihelr platform und then can viiss The ninaley bill was speedily framed and tet fo operallon ll Indus tries reepun le t to the n. w i.llinuitli und Amerlcnn undo m t out on Hi new cru sade lint lo lonquer the world but to trade with It on terms advintareous lo all c ncerned 1 will not weary you wllh Ullallcs, but one; oi two wvrda teem n . .ii. I , .n w h w Ihe u Is nr M klnl i. Pre.1 I ll kept pine Willi his prop bi, us as t iiitlldnti HIS Kill'U MIAHS UUttNISTHATlON Ilia four vears of atluihilsltnitou were cosily wp e illicit on u war with h though brief wns exponent Vllhoiigh wo bor rowel two hundred inlllloin. and paid our own i xpense without asking for In demnlu the erTeillv. ndti.tl.in of Ihe debt now ilc.nl.i the ImIiiI of Ihe war bonds We pav six millions less In Intel, est than we did Is ror. Ihe war and no bond of tho I'nlled Ktalrs yields tho holder 2 p. r tent on Hit market value So much hir Ihe flovenimeni tredll and we huvo like handled and rnrtv six mil llonn of arose gold In the Ireaaiitv. IN HEVLVI OP l'Alll.i: Hut, coming to the devetoiiuient nf our irade In thu rour Mt KluleV years, we seem lo tie entering the reulni of fnble In Ihe Insl tin nl oar our oil ess of ex-pnils ex-pnils our Imports was WI Wtt sis In Iho luil four v.urs It wns l.'w IIJJH lll.ee ttgures ar. atnis ndous lhal lb. y m. in Utile to a .artless remit r but u.nsl.l.r' lh. .x. ess ot expol Is over Imp. II lot the wlole nn-i-ellng ,eri.id from i?i to lWI rmm Washington lo McKlnlev wns only tllMI ftv J2 cmnr ciiKDiToit ' rios The most exleavaaant promises made by Iho sanguliiR Mt Klnley itilvmntCB live vears ngo ill - 1. ft out "t alghl bv lh. so sober la. ts The debtor nnllon has Iwtome tho chief iwHtor nation lha llnnniliil tuiur of the world whloh n iliilml lh.ui.inds ol vears in Jiunn. y front th. I'uphrateB In the Thames and Iho Stint- . .me passlnil lo the Hudson IhIvwm.ii ditkbriak and dark WHO W VS UbSl'ONSlHI.K t will not waste your time by explaining explain-ing that I do nnl inv ik. for any man the .mill of ilils tnt resull The i aplalu uianot tlilm lhal ll Is he who drives ihe mlghiv sirimshlp ovtr Ihe luinlfllng blHowa of Ihe ira. klcsB drn-p but pralso la Jnslli dun him If be has made Ihe Iwt of hel ireiiieudous puw rs If h. has read aright the .urieiita or the sea and the leaaons or I hi- stars nd we should h. ungrottfiil If In this hour or pniilhtlnus pioslierlly we should tall to rem. mber that William M. Miller wllh Bilhllme filth foresaw II wllh Indomtlublo totirage la bor.il ftH- II pill his whole hi art and mind Into the work of bringing ll about Hint it was his mini whl.h. In datk hours, rang out, heralellng Ihe .omlug light ns over the twilight walers of Ihe Nile the mysllt t rs or Memnoii nn-noun, nn-noun, ul the dawn to Kgy pi, waking from Mi, (k. JOl'HNII.S IN TIII! SOIHII. Among Iho most agreeable Incidents of Ihe I'resldenl a tt rm of of Hi e wero Ihe two JournrVB he nuulo In Hie South Ihe mor il tt union of the se. lions so long and so ntdeiitlv il. sired bv him had lieen Inllhiliit In Hi. Spinlsh war, when Ihe vturutia or both "l.l.s und their sous, liatl niar.h.d shoulder lo shoulder together to-gether uiuh r the sunn h inner 'I he Pre blent In lh.se Journeys sought with more than usual eliiu.-me und pathos lo . I rule a sentiment whlih shoul I end for ever the unil.nl rend He was too gon.1 ii point. In ti in oxerl any results in the wav of voles In Ills favor and ho ne-compllshod ne-compllshod none Hut ror nil llul Ihe good seed lid not fall on lurren ground In the warm und rhlvaltous hearts of Dint renerniis people tho ciho or his cordial ninl brolherlv words will llngir long and hi mine will be cherished In many a household win re even set Iho luet Cltifa la worshlpptii INSPIItHD CONKIDIINCP. Mr MeKlnley waa re elected by an overwhelming malorltv 'lh.ro had been little doubt of th.. result amnntr well-informed well-informed people but when It was known, n profound r.ellng nf r. II. f und lenewiil of trust were evl.lt nt among the louden, of c.ipll il ontl of Industry, not only In Ibis country but everywhere 1 hev lilt Hint Hie Immediate fullun wua secure, nnd that Ir.ilo und iuiiim.it might I Safelv push rorwatil In ..cry Held or f I for. nod onfpriirltfp llo InMi.lrc.l inilvt-r. fort nud enterprise He Inspired milver. sal toillldenre whltll Is Ihe llfcblisid of Iho .onimirrlal si stem of the world It began fiiqiiontly lo bo sail that such u (Intu of things nitght In (oiitlniie, ono after nnother, men of prominence slid tint Iho I'resldenl waa his own beat successor suc-cessor NO TII1IID TllttM He said llltlo allenllon lo these eug-Btsllons eug-Btsllons until they wero repiutcd by somo of hi near.! friends Thill he saw Hut ono of tho most th. rlshe.1 traditions of our public llin wis In danger I bo gt n-rrallon n-rrallon which has seen llin prophecy of Ihe Papll Ultima- Noil vl Icbl lunula P. -trl-twlie tontrnillclcl by tlm longeilly of holy mill wns In peril nt forgittlug Iho unwritten liw it our lltpiiblli rhou shnlt not .xrctl I lit. ytnia ol Washing ion. The I'ltaldeiii saw II waa tlmo lo sinak. and In Ids elurnclrrlstl. milliner ho spoke, brlcdy. but euoilhll Win re Iho lightning strikes Ihere la no need of tleralion Prom that hour, no one dreamed dream-ed of doubling hi purpose of retltlng ut iho cntl of his second term, and It will Im. long before another such Iceaon la WAS A PAIlTV MAN He felt that the harvest tlmo waa come lo garner In tho friilln of so miiih plini-Iiik plini-Iiik and tulltne and hi was determined that nothing be might do nr say should be lllblo In tho r. prtiath of a personal liitcnsl Lei us a is rrnnkty bo was a I arty man, ho lielleie.1 Ihe policies ml-located ml-located by him and his Mends .nunleil for much In the country s progress and lioBpirlty llo hop.il in Ids see mid term In accomplish substantial results In the itetelopmenl and ufllrnialloti of thoso politics. nfTL'llll OP COl'NTUY. I spent n (lav with him shortly beroro ho slnrltd on Ida fateful Journey In lluf-rilo lluf-rilo Novir hinl 1 seen blui hlgli.r tit hoi and ptllloll. conllilenie lie wus as sun of Iho futitio ot his couniry ns tho Psilinlst who trlul ' lllorloua llilm, mS iiokrn or Ha-, thou City of Hod He was griillrtod to Ihe .heart llul we had urrang.d a treaty which gave us i fnc bund In Iho lathmiis In rancv he saw Iho canal already built and the urgo-sles urgo-sles of Iho world passing Ihroiigh. il In of ico and amity. He snw in Ihe Immense evolution of Viaerlcan trade Ihe fullUI-ment fullUI-ment nl all his drtanis, thu reward of all his libora AN Altnr.NT Pltorr.CTIONIST llo was I need not iuiy-an ardent pro t.tllntilst, never mole sincere mill tie. voted I lin o during thoso last diss nt hla lire llo regarded reelprorlts as the bulwark bul-wark ot pr.ii.cilon not a brent h but a, fiilhllnient of Ihe law The Irealleii which for four seurs hid been prep irlng under his K-rsiriinl supervision he regurdetl ns nnillliiry to lh. gen. ml at heme lie was (ippo.d to any revolutionary plan of chaiign In Ihe rxlsllng l.glslil.on he was an lul lo point ml Ihut everything ho hid done was In faithful compliance wllh tho law Itself ins iii'1'i'Ai.o spiir.cii. In lhal mood of high hope of geneinit expectation, ho went tn Hiiffttlo, aod lh. r' ou the threshold of eletnlty. he dell. end Hut mt niorable speech worthy for Its loitlnesa of lone, Its blam.l.m mtirnllly Its breadth of .lew lo be re. gariled a Ida lestam.nt In Iho nnllon llirough all hla prldo of c tinlry and his Joy of success, runs Ihe nolo of atileuill iviirnltig, as In Kipling a iioblo hymn, "Lest we furget " 'Our (niHitily lo produce bis de.rloKtl so innrm.iiuly mid nur pttaluils ha.o k-o iniilllil...l lhal tho problem of mom markets mar-kets irqulteH our lirMlit and imnicitiiile intuition only n bio. id an I enlightened polity will kup what wo hive No othil poll., will g. I lutiri In these times of mui.el.iUH buainihs imrgy and gain we ought to li looking in iho futun slmigth.iilng Iho wink pluics In our lu-illlslrhll lu-illlslrhll ami lommerilui sysltms llul wo may bo ready for any storm or slialu Hy St nslble trado ariangimenis which will mil Interrupt our home i-nalii. thm we iduill extend the millels r.tr our lll-crtnalng lll-crtnalng siilplus A syslt m which pin vl It a a mutual exeliangi or cimmodlllea la uuillir. ally- issuillll I" the (nutlnued und hiullliliil growth of our exiiri trail. We lillisl mil lipusii In fan. lid set urllv that wo tun forevei sill evtryllilng mil buy Utile, or nothing If sin h n thing w.re possible, It would nnl be boat for Us or lor those wllh whom wi tleul lleilpniclty Is the milurnl outgrowth ot our wond. rful Indilslilul development tin ib r the domestl. poll y now llrml. siuh lleheil Hlo period of ex. Ilialve-nesa Ilialve-nesa Is p. at Thu expansion or our trade and commerce Is Ihe , ressitte piohiem Cnmmoielul wan. are unpmlllahle A policy ol good will onl frl.ii.llt Ira.lo le-lallona le-lallona will prevent teprlsals Ileclproilly treaties arc In limmony with the spirit nf tin- times, measures nf letalltlloti are not ' NorniNo moiu: to ask 1 wish I boil lime to read Ihe whole nf llila wise und weighty spurlt, nothing 1 mlkht say iiuild gl.e sucli u plrtuie nf Iho Piesl.lenta infill anil chirnrler Ilia vents of upurenllteshlp hid been a. ivul lis stood llul das piat master of tho att of vlntesmiuahlp. He bud nothing moro In usk ot the people He owed them nothing but truth und ralthrul service, Ills mind um) heart w(ro pill god nf Hie temptation whit It beset all men engaged In the struggle tn aur-vtvi aur-vtvi in view of tho n vi lullon of his luttlie louchsufid I" us Hint day und tlm fate whlth Impended nvtr him, we ran only say In .l.tp atfe lion ami m.l emu awe, Hlessed uti. th. pun In heart, for Ihey shall see (lol 1 ictt for that vision he was not unworthy STHPCK DOWN HY ASSASSIN llo. had not ions to wait, Tho next tin spnl lh. hilt of d om, ond for a flHx( nlilllllllH wt.k ufiei in in niton, of dread broken JslMil ISbbbbbbbH bv Illusive lillmpH. of hope Hint our ); HbbbbbbbH prn.ers might In inswrretl- the nation hsHR' laaiiiiiiiiH walletl for ill. rn Nothing In the glnr- HHiL VbHHH loos lift thai w. s.w gi idtially waning- UbIHivIi bHHIH wus more ii.lmlr ibb ind rxtmpliry thnn MB .tBHl Us i Ins- rh. genlio humiinlt! nf his BDBb. i HiHaHl wor.n. when In s iw. his iiHsallitnt In dan H9Ul- , sLiiiiH g r of aiiniuuii veiigdimt 'Don't let 'BaBt1 I IbbbbI thtm hurt him his rhluilrui cars that WOBS. ", , HaiiiH lh. news shoul 1 be broken K-nlly In hla BB ! wtf. the tine uuirteav with which ho ijMI I?! HH iipolnalxrd for th. dunulKo whlih hi artC'a 1 1 .' IIBbMI tl.iiili would bring li Hi. great ethlbl- BKifJ ji'vi ?SbH1 Hon ninl Ihe Inrol. realgnutlnn of hi WEmfAs t I-bHbI ninl wi rds lis .lo.l h will Ills will, ItU'U'j; ,)HjHi u.-t ours be done wut- all the Inttlnc- HLOtVuR1, iHaHl Hv. .xiii-esalniis of i iiutiire so lofty nn.l HBrJ'TIrT," i.l' MbiiiH so pur. thai prldo In im u blllti nt oneo (bKHmIi-S I i !"lllllllH soft . ..I nnd nil. in. d lh. n illon s senso j .'u''HbB of l..s 'Ihe llepiiblb grl ud oier such 13'.,' il'tVlVjBl a am but la pniiiil f. i cr of Inning ataHHTil 1HIB1 pro, 1. 1 . ,1 blin flir all 111 spite of Its HHj A HbHI tragi.' intllng, lit tiro wis extraordlnar- FsBBPif -. IbHH II- huppi ll. had nil his days troop HIRl'iUi SB or rrl.n.iH the . heer of fame unit fruit tttr bH1 rul labor and he h. mu ut last IK'S.t L . IbBH (in fiirlttn. s uowiiliig slope KaValKlils IiIbIH T1i plll.tr or ,t p.. mle a bone KrnlH il jWBl The cent, r of a wt . I.I s d. sire HlK t !' sLH lie wus r.irllmale even In bis untimely K?, 1 lLHl death, r..r an ev. nt so Hugh il (ailed tho r'LJ, ! 'I1 9bH1 world Impcrnlt.clv lo the Immedlato fMX e ' it HbH Btinli of hla lire and chnratter and thus WbTtX' V 'ifKiH aittl.lpate.1 the sure praises of posterity. ClVi 'll MbHI II H TO MKIIT PHOHLIIMS . W&ti t J WM ll.er. young and growing people In MrVL Ms MUIbIbH to uuet at iiiouuuils the probl.nm of Its tSfCV -f '.:lIHH distliik VVbrlher the nut sllon ionics no lit?!kV itlsBH In rgypl fiom a sphinx symbol ot Iho kfU's.J ,J. A'rjWfl hoBllli- forces of omillp.ilMit liHtlire who IjltiilJlft (IMbHI piinlshea wllh Instant tlealli our fill hi rn HYIltn ) 1 1 BubibI to nn.l. rsluii.l her meaning or wheth r CMatott l'WmU ll i.imes as In .leriisnt. m fiom the Ivnl SiftrV . r''MH of Hosts, who lommauds tint the past Is HtvUsi' " 'RBI pasl. and exp.il. nee v line -nur fath ifTsVltlS. r, . IBabI .rs nh. re are tin v nnl Hie prophets jitM V t VvftfKSl do thev llvo forev. r' Tho folhera ara Igf-, 3 X IblUl .bad, tho piopheta are alletit, the ques ,il t P ifUM lions are new and hnvt no answer but UN.ll-n J t'iRHjH '" """ ifiUp 'S9I WK Mil' llli: I YT1IKP.B tl"flt' t'.lllH Whin the liotnt oiitslile inse which WtH IuIIJiBH prol. . is the lutmii v or u chrysnlla nation IVj'' fr", l'i slid lenly hiirits and 111 u slnglo nhrupt bfttf . ll 5 '( sh.Hk nn.l lls.lt lltnlbig on wings tMSc'e1 .MJbbB whlth hu.l not . xl-.l .1 in fore, whoso rJoieJJ'O, ,tinjH slnuglh ll has u.v.r t.slr.1 among ilin- ililte) W 4' . EBB govs II tuiinol fores. c and Is without ex- iMAi 1. H perl.nu- lo measiii. c-verv motion Is a nwe ?. jl, ( mbbH Piobl.tii unit v. n heHltnilon may h Kf', .1 Ii j !HJ an trror The past given no tine to lha ftlf, I I: HjB futui. 'Ihe faiheia where arc they' rijiWSH , '"fBH anil the pitiph.l do Ihey live forever fjiiif,,? I ! 1 MbH Wo at. ..uracil. Hu lathers We arn i'.S-!r ? '1 . '- , BHl nurselica Hie- prophets' rhe questions Ifitvl k t ,i H Hint nre put tn its wt must answer with ff p I, JbbH out tl.liv, without hel ror tho sphinx uJeKBti b t"al.BH allows no one to pass ?,' Ui ' HbH VI sui h mom. ills whl.h have alraidy 'Javlf-t ,; HH .letutn.l ut hast twl.n In Hit brief his. Pft'li y,'i, oIHB lorv of our own Hus, we mav be hum- UtJiZF i? HibH l.li grateful lo have hail leiders slmpln 55 I " lUDafl In mini dear la i Islon us far as hu- Wf JP, ; . SxIbbH mini vision .an saf.lv cxlcnd-penetrat- NJSi-f K i , iH Ing In knnwleilge or men supple anil lll'Viit." sSiIbbH I'exlble nn. I.r Ihe strains nnd pressures jliWMi'I SrHH of socletv Inalliiii with Ihe energy nt IbUet ! . ' .vAbH new life mid untried slr.ngth. emulous, HHSl-f,, ( lBVH mini mill, above all. gifted 111 a supreme 19)1 (!, rflnH d.gree wllh Hie mnit nurels i Iclnrtous ot hlWHstft e, IiiMbH nil polltleiil iltlliis tho genius of Inllnlto latiSffV HlfdllW POSITION IN IMKTOIt. PIi1mi4V H 'Ihe ohilotia ilemcnis which enter Into Imucr! 1 HI tin fsme .if n pill, II. man are few nnd by tlnCVht 'SSH no means reiiuidlle 'Die man who fills pJKHi, ' nl a great station In a p. rlod of change. X!tMl.t.i 19H who leads bis countrs successfully Will 1 s, RflH 11 igh a time of crisis who. by hla f JJIv SHH powir of persiiiullng und eontrollltig nth- j I u U9H ra hsa bun uble to com in mil Ihe beet tatiS!"i ' HUH thought of his age so ua to Int.e the IwnElL 1- lltlBBa .oimlry hi it moral or miterlal cnndl wffilFt'I IIAbbI lion In advinie or whete he found II- TOfS'd'f ' ilnl Hinli a nuns i.sltlon In history Is se. llfflttnU tilHl cure If I Illllon In Ihl. hla writ- lERlfll AHbI leu or spoken wnrl possess the subllo aHBlthl HbbI ftuiilllv which carries them fir and eJ.i, Wbbi lodtt, a Ilirm In men's heirts nnd more rlaTUa'lxl - JfvH limn all If his titlcrnni 3 nnd nrtlona. ttKMTvi , .linB nnio uu ii iiih ..i.iiiioi a .....i uti,. os. tBBsigiJa i -Itarffffal white Infornie.l wllh a lofty mnrallty. 9niV !' JHbH are yit tlngetl with the glow of hillirin HHtlfb 3 9uBb1 sympathy, tbo fume of such u man will uHSjift . ,ltsH siilnn like u beacon through tho mists of ((oW i JJbH ages an object of reverente nt Imitation !bHI21 bl 'VdH mid or lot. IL should bci lo ua nn neon- ', IiH slon nf solemn pride 111 it In Iho thrcn MB MleVjl hunt crises of our blatory such n man Mm pUiIMbI wis not tlenleil us nhHIIH, ilnl The moral value tn a nutlon of a re- nVKal tliial-rBVaa nnwn such n Washington a nnd Lin. flHSff lirshlHI toltis and McMnley a Is beyond nil com. jHeEt, 1$ (jl pillallon No loftier Ideal tan tin held !RS.Tl ' fL- , up lo Iho eniulallon of Ingcninua youth. HwJBJ cMl'IMB With such, xmuplea wo cunnot bo wholly MrJ lol VjVjl Ignoble. Oriiteful ua ivi. may bo for HH lr. luvltlSl khal thev did let ua be sllll more grate. K ST. CUBjl fill ror wlut they wero While uur daily UH rftl.voainBl btlng. our pill He policies, sllll feel tho Mil , "JIWBB Inlliience of Hi. Ir work let us pray Ihnt tU S' t.tiJlBB In our spirits their ll.es may be voluble, JSV i V jtiMB (iilllng us tiiiward und onward lELflrJ B jkullllBH 'I here la not one of us but feela proud. EwK W -tUBB rr of his iiitlve mil betause Ihe august fgf i ,' jaHM llguro ot Wasliliiglon pieslded over Us IsBi til '' inmB btgiiiiilugs, u" one but vows It n ten- HSH I r, "IllBH dertr lo.e because Lincoln poured out HPD J i' 'laQl his blood for H no out hut must feol H$A? V ; , JIB hi ileiollm to Id eouutrv renewed and SBSlIf' 'IV kindled when he remembtrs how McKIn Hvitl ftU ley loud revel. . I und served It, showed SKjl! ,'lH In bis lire how a tlilaen should live nnd Cjfjfet 1 , i.LlHl In his list hour Initght us how a gentle- !1t-9hE ' ' slBI mini t, ,m, i Hi, nHSii! :Bi PIlltOltATION APPLAimnil. BTOliie.'" r IWbI Thrntigbtiitt Ihe ilell.ciy of Iho speech HHEiT! , tiBl the uuillineei llsteiieil with great Iri- MW 7HH Iptest. lull tho petntntloit cniiplltur to- tjBluFujf' iiVJ gether ns If fnr nil tlitin the iiamen or EbVii'i i ifll Washington ami Llniiiln um McKIn- IKitt'u! IjSl Icy, xcciucil especially In Impress the HHflrfV, I IH holier, ninl as Secretnty lltty uttered lifsWil' - p JmBB tho last f-olenin vvortls, thu apectntorn -lvUfk,t,'Jl! bHI bioko Into n perfce t stnrtn of npplnuse i-ly n 1BbT II HI m hl h Instd for several nil miles The IwrMsSi 1 -iWJ President himself scenictl an deeply Im .BiflrV (t 99l pttsscd ua those lebnut lilln, und Imh ,B6lllJt i'lvtMM ho nnl the menih. r of the Cabinet HnHl) il't'B were quite ua cnthuslnntlt' ua Iho re- tWit-ffcc sirn'eM iiiulmlci of the uudletne 1 he benedlc. fSSt.Bllt'-iil iiH Hon wus off, ml by Ibo Iti-v Dr MU- III lrH T-iH burn mid to the strain nr "Ix-atl. CJIGp1 T'IbH Kindly Light," played by tho Marina f! in is -uB biiuil, the PiesliU nl and tbnae aliout li, 1 5,'E H1- fAH him arnst- nnd quitted tho hull. The, ii ciM',ttHH m. tnbera nf tbo Supremo .-oiirt Senate, id Im WiokHH dlplomiillt; rnrp nnd other bodlea left (." MiVi flHl In the river so order to which they had V ),; (,!! ,JWHbI U ' HOUSr. ADJOIHINS. 3 ilvf,":H As soon n a all Iho visitors on Ihe 5 aJf, 'J'lBl llivir bail vvltbdrawu. Speaker 1 lender- it ill Hit 1WH nou called tho House tn onler. nnd Mr. Si "t l'".'! Pnyno nf New York moved tbnt as a H If tfi'iwHM further murk nf reaped Iho Houso nd- Ckkf .,r5KlHH Jnurn 'Jhe motion wua carried uiun- -."' j' Jfl-sVHH liiii.iisly, nnd iictnrdlngly ut 1 10 p. m i-L ( jj1, (i-OTIbI tbo llnttsii vvun ilecluiuil adjourned un- JLs't jSlil.tifftlH ill lomoriow. IB 'i i Tli.r tJHWi |