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Show PAWNBROKER GETS A DISTRESSING SHOCK. Transictlon Thnt Netted an Economical Econom-ical Customer 7 Cents Troflt. 'Can I get a elollir on this?' asked a well dressed man. as ho tendered a hand some, fur-llnid overcoat to the pawnbroker pawn-broker 'Well, I should siy sn," replied the money-loiner vlslbls surprised, 'an a lot more. If jou want It' "No, ono doll it a enough ' .he nun's answer, ns ho took tho tlekc Ier the usual preliminaries hid been gone through will, Mler In tho das the nwner of the coit came liack. pal I Ihe pftwnbrnker Iho elol lar with thn legal ihirku nf 3 icnts and took his prone rls back Has ' sal I the man nf loins binding over tho IOHI regletfullv ' sou ,e a eplce r ruaiouier IDot sou know you might hHve left that uirment hero for a month and It would have, coat you 3 cents Just what vou have paid for tha use of the dollar for one d s ' ' Oh 1 illdn t need Ihe dnllir ' nnsivend Ihe customer, nnd III ptnnf of his assertion asser-tion ho pulled out a roll of hills ' largo enoiihh lo choko a cow," as a sporting man would bus I hut I ells mo" said tho pawnbroker, nnw thoroughly Inleresteil "What did jo i pawn It for the i7 fllmpl) for safekeeping" coolly replieel tlu tiiHtoinei 'You see Its llko this Us a warm elay and I elldn t want In lug the c at around with me Im not step ping at u hotel lieeause, Im onls in town letwren trnlns At tho depot inrrel loom Iho hoy in charge wanted 11 cents for cheeking it, so 1 conclude,! to make 7 cents by lolling s" t'ko eeiro if It for me " |