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Show e-ft44'44-4H-4t44;ftt-l STATISTICS OF LOVE. ttt'rttttH'eee-r4.4-'r4- In o. foreign statlBtlclan the world Is Indebted for some ery Interesting data In regard to the most approved methods of courtship In civilized coun tries These data viere compiled fiom several hundred novels und romames the nlijett being to show how men pto.os nnd hoiv women receive the pto-posuls pto-posuls I Tiont llWt!lcal cases of accepted declarntlona of love tho statistician oh talnsd Die following flgutes lllghtj-one of tho 100 men vowed that thej could not live an longer without the adored ones "2 hell the ladles hands in u light gilp, 0 kissed them on the lips, 10 on tho right Innd, 2 on the Up of tht iiobi und I on the shoulder, IS vtoio so excited that thoy could hardly speih 2C lost their eloquence through certain qualfns of conscience, 12 Id In deep chest tones, 'Thank Ood ' und 8 frankly udml't1 thut they were inexpies slbly happ " Il studjlng the conduct of IM men whose suits vveio rejected, tho eta tlsthlan obtained the following equally Interesting tlguies 'ony of them tushed III a frensy out of the loom, III said that life henceforth hail no tnnro value In their ies and that thty would commit mil. klc u hecaiiie sudd, nly lougue-tled und Irrational, t ialml teslgned themselves to the Inevitable b avowed their intention of Immediately emigrating lo America, 1 toro out some of their hair, i bit their ll a till the Hood came 1 stuik his hands Into his tr. hum loikcts nnd whistled a populai aong and unother looked up toward heaven ant latgan to ettv. the I.oula prayer Of the ladies S7 cr cent knew befoiehand that the proposals wrre about to he made to them rcvenl of them sank aa though embnirnssed Into the arms of the loved ones and only 1 fell gentlt down . ti a chair or soft Fourteen Four-teen lovered theli blushing faces with their hands s threw their arms pus-lomtel pus-lomtel uiound the neiks of the men .' said Pleuse speak to tntininiu and 1 sneeied One hidi, who was IS jears nll-TTronsTed vigorous!) ngnlnst giving or leteiving a kiss another vthi was of about the same ige said u tot may kiss me, but ou must do It In a gentlemanly manner thkago frlh |