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Show UTAHN FOR THE CABINET W. S. McCornick Being Pushed for Portfolio. MAY SUCCEED HITCHCOCK Movement ln Behalf of the Salt Lake Banker Assuming Rapid MomentumFriends Momen-tumFriends llnve Presented His Nome to tho President for the Secretaryship Sec-retaryship of the Interior It 13 Believed ln Washington That Should Secretary Hitchcock Keslgn, Mr. McCornick Will Succeed Him. Tiuni'Nn nt iu.au, -t- - IW K Street r Washington D ' l"eb 55 A I tah man Is lung men- -f Honed for n place In Ihe C,abl IT !TrSsssssssssssssssssssssssssSaWBs8,'?Aa llS Th slaatHsWCSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHslssssls llV Y kSisssBV assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSssssssssHBsi A liataii9SiniiJiastsa 35s&. X&-isjieas8" "" ',SSv ifteo, net. In high olllc lal di rlci there -f -f Is a strong sentlmi nt favorable - to the appointment nt 11 far- Western man to -the next vn- onnej The East and mid West -f Is amplj iepresentee)r, while the -f Koeky mountain region nnd be- onl Is whnllj without repn- f sentatlon among the President s e high counsellors -f HITCHCOCK S HESIONATION f Tor several months rumors -f have been current tn the effect -t- that Secretarj Hitchcock of the Department of the Interior f would retire anl tho nevvspo- pers have fiequently precllcte 1 his early exit with n. degree of deilnlteness that curried convlc- tlon Although the Kecretorj has neither afllimed nor dls- credlle-I the n port PCK1NO Otir TIMHEIl -f Hovvevei II Is known .osl llvelj tint certain Senators nnd others from . sum Htnlea are lli king out Ihilr vei best Urn- ber rreparatorj to submitting - the claims of their favoreel sons for the consldeiutlon of the ap- pointing pQwci . f HOOSEVEI.T IOOMVfl WEST It Is piediciei with csrtalntj - that should Stridor) Hitchcock lealgn his suneivor must come t from 11 State woi nf ths Ilncky -f mount tins Piesldent House- -t- veil Is known tn be Inciting -f westwaid vvllli several objects In view mil Is said to have r Jlelded to argument tn those) who uige that (he V.ost. and especially the mlneiul region. 4 should have ihe Interim port- f folio A nuinlier of names of t men from CalUiirnln Montnna -f and the Pugi t ound cniintr)- f have been sul mliiel f Ml! JICOHMi K SCC.dlShrED -f 4 Plah also has 1 mim whoe t eminent Illness for the place has - been suggest I to the Presl lent In the person nf W S "IiCor- nick the Halt Iike er, n t e man who has hem 1 Inent In -f llepubllcun counills in tha fir 4 West for 5 ears 4 4 HAS SPLENDID ItECOHD -f As n delegate to the St Louis convention .Mr Mef ornlck wns one of the few Western men lo f Hand llimly In supimrt of Ihe Bold stundard of nionev Ills 4 reiord In support of standard t f monej and in defense nf Ilepuh- llcan principles was such n to 4 ciuse the leadeis of Utah tn urge hla nam- for the United States Fenat. timing the last Leglslatute Ii wlilcli bod he -f had many staunch friends, hut e w as defeated bj a small mugln WILL HECE1VE HLCOONITION. - 1'p to this time Mr MrCor- -f 4 nick has not been m ide n party to the iffert now In Ing put forth -f t pine him at the head of tho -f Interior department, hut one of I I - - , e hii sr lal fn nds a 1 ulted -f -til s nator fr m ft .estrn ' St di has written Mr M Cor- niek advising him of the move- ment and the rapid momentum it Is ivssumlng It Is believed that the I tah batiker will re- -t-4 celve recognition should Secre- 4 4 tarj Illtchcoek leslgn -f -f-f-4-f--f- -t--f4 |