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Show rUTHEn UK DISCIPLINE The Senate Is now through with Ita discipline of tho C nutoia from Houth Carolina. Th precedent Is therefore ea-tHbllahi.l ea-tHbllahi.l that for a rough and-tumhlc i.'ht on the floor of that body, no pun-Irhn.-nt Is to be Inflicted no pcnaltlee ntelrolied henn Bcnator Is adjudged jt.il voted to be In nntempt an niology wine out everything, and the Senator is tu enjoy hi , full rights and Immunltlea tha t ,.e a If nothing had bupponcd. Uider these clrcumataiices, a boom In the Senatorial prlac ring li to be an-tlilpated, an-tlilpated, and the next time there need be no apology, for It la impoeslW to think that the weighty reaaone why Senators cannot rightfully be punished for a breach of the peace on the Senate floor, could be oven ome merely became a Senator might be dlscourteoua enough to refuse lo apologise The Oonalltu-tlon Oonalltu-tlon rtoea not rertulre an apology In luch a case en why should It lie tendered? The rlghta of the Senatora are over and above e er thing, and tbelr prMlese to light "In the heat of blond" Mnndi forth foil) vlnilealed. The only sort of lighting that la tabooed among Henatora Hen-atora in open MMlnn appear to lie the old fashioned profeaelonel prize-right, which was u matter of cool prtceduro i not Involving any hol-Woodedneae. It la well tn know In theae mutters "where we are at |