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Show QUIETED DOWN. Small Attendance nnd Pecceful Procedure Pro-cedure at Evening Session. The attendance nt the evening session ses-sion was eomiaratlvelv small nnd th members appenred rather listless and unwilling tn enter Into hated contro veisles 1'iesldent "vhel John Evnns was absent, having returned to his heme for the night nnd Mre Tresl dent lohnson was In the chair Ow-Ing Ow-Ing In the non attendance of some of Hie belligerent members many nf the resolutions Introduced were sciney debat'd at all an I were ad plH or re Jicted Immedlatelv upon being lead In this wnv a goo I deal was nrtompl hetl nnd the table was piactlially ileirtd of (.solutions VO IIKITIlENc- i: TO HOAIU) I The leaolutlun dlsapi rnvlncc of Ih roli.y or iho Iiii I bnaid whlili In 1 been reininniltti'il at the iniinlng f . slim was brought up in amended fii in the iiiy being intuli mm I but all reference lo the 1,11 nd board bein, omitted In this form It pnsel th convention wllh seare-ly a diss ntln- I vote i. n uoriEiiFiK i:pi.iiiKNri.-i Lindsay It lingers one of th. mo I aellvu Irrigators ut tie even n- s i slon encountered some unlrU e xpi rl ences Mr Itngeis Ins ntlenlitl neirly nil Ihe sesslnllH of Ihe ronv lltlnn. bbt hlthirto ban been merely an attentive1 Istener taking little pirt In the de Ilbeintinns Ijist tllil when he nr -c lo spenk he wns chillingel by a. ini-ml,er from Pevler county I I rise to a point of order ' Inter ' ruptcd the Sevier nn mber holding up n cop of an nftirnnnn paper In whl h wni printed the list or ddemtcs Thla man Is not a member of the convon tlon nnd has no right to sprak on thli llesir Ills name Is not on thin II I Arter refeienre to the mil 1.1 oils Ihe secretary assured Ihi objector thit Mr lingers was it member In good standing and full fellowship nnl he was allowed to finish his r-mi ki He hapiened to lie sitting In the pi i c leservel Tor Ihe Oarllel I d leg Ulon md Iinlge Johnson. In grintlng him ii (.million sild The gentleman fioin fJarfleld countj has Ihe Moor" Evm Ihls did not terminate Mr Tiog-eiss Tiog-eiss experiences ns an Irrlr-nlor I pon objecting as Impractical to n rc du tlon bv Delegate Kelser nf Halt lake letltlonlng Ihe Ciovernment to ub-llsh ub-llsh nurse lies for joung forest ire a In I'tab he was asled this question by Mr IteNer Does not Ihe Oovernment furnlili flsh with whlrh to slock our str am cs shniitel .Mr Itogers be aue Ornver Cleveland was n 1Kb rman PI.OHAI1LY CLOSE TODAY At 1 'n the convention ndjciurned to meel ngiln nt in nclmk IhU morning The 'iiiestlnns have bnen pretlv well Ihresheei over nnl there Is nppirentlv I ut little tn be done Tlu old n,. Ing -versus- agriculture controversy mil he gone over ni,aln however when the committee reports n resolution In troiuced bj .Mi Llllson nt Ihe tlr t da s session It Is probable the convention con-vention will finish Us lal ors this morning morn-ing nn I n IJourr until April 2nd Convention Notes. A telegram was read from Major C.lnstn.inn nnd A V right of Ogden nsklng that the next Iirlgatlon Con gns be bel 1 In tint ltj r( legraim of nni.r nidations and greeting wer- n reived Irom Senator Kwarns CVingier.ni in Sutherland nnd the (resident of the Intel state Irrigation Irriga-tion Congress In session nt Stetllng Colo |