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Show 4444444 44444444-f 4444444444 4444444-M-4-44444444444444 j mummy of a Woman T$ I now "Revived" in Paris, f Lixni.iiii.!,,,,.,. . ..4 t - t T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtttttt Morbid I'nrla has a new fad. Tho Trench explorer Oust I having discovered discov-ered tho inumiiiy of 'lhalH at Antlnne, has urouhht It to tho Trench capital, where he Is holding u show which at-Iraits at-Iraits thousands. Ihe master stroke of the enterprising manager is the rn-vlval rn-vlval of Thais In a most artistic manner. man-ner. Tho mummy and her belongings, a food basket, an Ivory chnplet, n rose of Jericho, eomo vases nnd pjlm leaves, nro shown In a glass case together with nnother mummy, that of ht. Beraplon M Onset lets the visitors view the so with great cire. Then ho delivers n lccturei. Into vvhlih he vvoivcs a romantic ro-mantic Btory concerning tho two dead mummies, when they vvcro living, breathing, loving man nnd woman. llo doesn't say bo dlrectlj but he lets 1,1a hearers Infer that tho Thnls who Is beforo them Is tho celebrated Hgsptl in, the Thais of Alexandrli, the greatest nrttiss nnd most beautiful woman of her time. As nil actual fact tho nnmo Thais was Insirlbeel on tho mummy's sepulchre, nnd It Ih certain that Kho was it Christian woman of tho fourth century. The iluplel nn 1 tho roso nf Jericho Indlc Ued Unit, whlln tho other articles uttistcd itlsu her heathen oi-Igln oi-Igln 'Iho Rtnry which M. Clayot tells his hc.uera Is nn entertaining one. Ihals, thn fair, had exhaustid every pleustire Hint llfo could offci. She Intel un'lm-Ited un'lm-Ited homnRe. All tint money rould buy surrounded her, nnd lovers Innumeinblo knelt In adoration nt her feet. Hut sho had discovered dis-covered thnt all was vnnlts-. Thus surfeited sur-feited wllh bei triumphs nnd her conquests, con-quests, she hid Bought solitude In her favorite, grotto Just after a brilliant performano of ' JJIectra Theio It was Chat Tachnuilus, tho ubbot nf Antlnne, found her. r.ichnuciua was no other than Hera-plon, Hera-plon, the lover of her rhlldhnn I elnss, who had become converted to the Naz-areno Naz-areno faith llo hid never forgotten the lovo of bin south He had followed her reckless c ireer. which had caused hlni tho great grief of his life Jow Piovldence had placeel In his was tho opportunity to convert her Human lovo ns well ns rtllglous zenl Inspired him, and with marvelous eloqueiuo ho prcMched In his Inst stvcctheait tho roh-pel roh-pel of Christ. homelhlng Bllrrcd the soul of Thnls to listen Tcrh ipa It was het old slumbering slum-bering lovu for Sernplon. Whatever It was, she beard Ihu messago and ro-eelvid ro-eelvid It. bho eBptmsed hilstlnulty dOHtrosed all of her worldly piisnsslonM pud ntt tiensuieu hi. lire mil, clad In a ee, irso dress and Inrefooted, followed the nhliol e, Iho rnnvent of which Albino, Al-bino, Iho gt.indnleco nf Ilmpiror Cams, vvnB the mother impeller, She vias obllRed loupe ml several months In fast. ItiK nnd praser In u evive before she was nilinltteil to the lonvent as one nf the klsters There she died thno sohib lnlcr a model nf purits. After thlB dramatic) recllnl comes M (Insets llnal ioiip. llo brings '1 hols boek to life befeuo tho ejea of his nu-dlenco nu-dlenco On tho stage jippeim a beautiful beau-tiful soiing vtomin. strongly icsemblltiB Mile, Cerultl, a well known Itftllf dancer danc-er bhe l diesseel In a loose violet tunic, falling In Riuieful folds from her neck to her feet M. flnyet acts oh her maid Our tho violet lunle ho Blips one of ollto buui, exqultdlils em lirnldeicHt Aiound hil wilst bo tied n glldle About lur shotildera he dripes n shtwl of jellnw silk emhrnldetcd In lilue, and on her he lit he pi ice a m nrf of iiiiingH silk hen ho hna llnlshel tho living Thais looks Blnitllngly llko the muinmlllod Thala of Tgspt '11, o living ccqiy nssumen n few graceful grace-ful poses, and then again lipsoi Into the rlgldlts of tho centuries With dox-tirous dox-tirous li indH M. Unset prep lies hit unci, mom fni Iho tomb 'Iho nirniigo-tnint nirniigo-tnint nt tho surf Is changed bo thnt It clinks dose to her held Her Impels ate Joined over her bosom, and In them la placed thn duplet nnd Iho lose of Jericho Iho food bisket Is not over her faro and tho palm liaves nnd vnes under her nrms Tho silk shawl Is wrapped nbout her body and fastened with strips of cloth, Once more Thala la sleeping the Bleep 4-T-T44444444444444444444444 of the ages Ihe nudlenra awakes from Its dieon, and depirts for home. |