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Show HUMAN NATURE THE SAM E Friction Between Civil nnd Mllitur Authorities in Manila Washington Mar h " Gov Taft T-examlnel T-examlnel 1 m mb rs of the Imw committee of tl llr i toda) on vsrln rhases of th PI lllpplne Islands In nnswer to Representative Hlttst 1 llr whether there was Jealousy k tween the I nltcd Stales military 1 clt 11 authorities Cnt luft said Ivunu. nature was the sime in the I hlllpp as the Inltrl States and with li. form of gnternmrnt It was Inevlul' that some friction should be created! some times f.ov Taft stated howere that each slle was sincerely slrltlifli work out the probtnms presented Tie Ooternment estimated that L' United States military force could bet d iced lo 15 rm men In one )ear fromu time and h thought 25 000 men " be s iflclent now Cot lafl ngiln expressei himself b voral le to 1 r rent reduction In ditm anl said that while ihe proposed if cent relucllon might do sometb!ni hardl) wo ill nffoi I the relief desired" said it was a mist ike to bcllete I" woull he nn) limping of large amoM of I hillpplnn tobacco nnd ether goods the mert n markets ss the produc were ton small tn affect this market. 1 thnugh illtlmilrl) the tariff concfiB" wnill lettlnp u great trade between i I nlted St ites nnl the Philippine", The Oot rnor resell le I letters " large emi I )ers of labor In the Isltn rglng th nee I of Chinese skilled lW II Kite S60IO) Chinese us Ihe trnu figure for the entire group or Island w said the ss rtlnn t! t the Chinese pv lallon reached 1 "ei 000 was nn exilP" tlon The hearing c ntlnues tornorrn" |