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Show THE MANY MEDICAL' USES OF FRUIT. i-i fv-e-r-e-t."... -r -e-e-f-e-r-r -----t- -r rrulta may bo put to many uses fn relieving diseased conditions of -e the liol Ihey do not ctert direct medicinal effects, but, Insleitl, they -f simply cniournse tlie tmtuinl proiiasrn e-; ihlch the scterul remedial -t-4- processis hy whkh they nro drought about. -f A nolid medical nuthorlty has Juat sunitnnrlzetl the many great titea of frulta to tho mcdiiul profession Under the categor) of Hxa- -4--f tiles, oranges, figs, tamarinds, prunes, mulberries dates, nectarines and -f pliiina im he Includeil, pomcgramiles cranberries blackberries sumach uenits dewberries, ruspbcrrles, luirberrles, quinces, penis, wild cher- -f 4- rha un I meillnrs nro iistrlngent grapes peaches, strawberries whortlc- -f Icrrles prickly pears, black iurrinta and melon reeds ore diuretics! -f f (.ooseherrles, red mid white currants pumpkins and melons ata lefrlge- -f units, and lemons, limes mil apples nre stomachic sedatles, 4- lukeu In tho curb morning an orange acts scry decidedly ns a laxa- -e -f the, bonietlnies iimnuntlng to u purgutlto, and may gem rally be re- -4-f Hid on I'oniegrnuitea ure cr astringent, and rclleio relaxed throat -t-4- and uula Th bark of the root In the form of n decoction is a good 4- anthelmintic especlnll ohnoxloun to tapeworm 1 Igs split open form -4- cMtlletil poulthes for bolls und smalt abscesses htrawTicrrlea nnd Iem -f- ons loinlly npplled are of some sen Ice In tho removal of tnrlor from leeth - f Apples tun iorreitlis useful In miuxeti und ccn seasloknesi They -f 4- Imtnedl Ucb reiki e tho iiutitcn duo to smoking Hitter almonds con. -f 4 tain hdroijnnlo ncl 1, tin 1 nro meful In simple cough, hut they fro- -4-4- quentl) produie u sort of urtkarln or nctnctasli The persimmon, or dlospMos Is palatable whin rife, Cut ('10 giecn fruit la hlghl) ns- -f trlngent lontoliilng much tannin, tun! fa Osed In dlarrhoeu an 1 dsentcry. -f 4- The oil of tho cocoanut has been recommended ns it substitute for 4- iod ller oil nnd Is iniuli used III (iermany for phthisis Harherrles nre t er agrecablo to fcer ptitlcnla In tho form of a drink Dutch mcdlnra -t- am natiiiigent nnd not ciy palatable Ornpes and rnlslna nro nutrl- f tut und demulcent, nnd ory grnlctul In tlio sick chamber. -f -f-4--f-4- -e--f-f-r-4-4-4----4- -r-f-f-e-f-4--e-f-f -f--f |