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Show WHAT HAPPENED 50 YEARS AGO. In March, 1852, Ulan Legislature Memorialized Congress for Construction Con-struction of Railroad Prom Missouri River lo Pacific Coast Manh 10 in. hides Ihe fiftieth anniversary anni-versary of several events nf local Interest I ir instants on March I. IM. a parly of Mormons aurxeyed the site for the . Il or Hun Dernardlno, Cal On Manh 81 h of (hat tear a ship sailed frnm 1 Iter-pool Iter-pool on whkh waa n lot of machinery punhaae.1 b John lalnr In be use I lu th manufaiture of sugar In I lah (Ire it Hull I ako county wsa organised Man h I lr;, with 1'dlus Smith aa 1'rohatu Judge Mftieth anniversaries are rpilio eom mon I i 1 lah Iheae data In flit 12 was oio In which history was made In 1 luh Al Ihe prll i inference next month aii-. aii-. lal Inlxrest will he shown In Ihe eSr Mces r..r Airll rtih la Ih. Illtlelh anniversary anni-versary if Un d. Ilialloti of the building known as Ihe oil Tnherna. le It waa f adobe 12HsK4 uid ir. tied tvltlio.lt n I lllar II at od win re thi Vaa. nthl hah n w si tnda and was Iho first meeting h nae of any prelenll na wit. I bj the eh in h One of Iho moat Ituta riant eventa of ISM wna on A n, -t jath wh. II the riteli Urn on .eleallil m irrlagn was Ural ma 1 public Apostle Orson prjtt wn.-rer' ir llrat ptihllo dlacourae ai t c T lowing the. reading I ih. Matthew McCune preached In I the Jlrsl time Missions a re M I I I lu Kit rope. Boiuh Amerl a s t i n i . Africa Australia Aala md h r t ut nf thn world CJeorge Q .111 n tt 1 It the Hawaiian Islands and trmalai line Honk of Mormon 11 1 tho 11 . ilian la Terrllorlal llbrart wna oj ene 1 '-.!" latin, acta creating Ihe . nn ll. s f i ji 1 Bait Isike Weber 1 lah Sanite Ju.n Tooele Iron Davis Jllllard IViiahlngtoi (Ireen uiver nnd Deseret were apprnte-i PostoRiccs were established at merlr in fork, Paysou. HprliiRtllk Salt ( roek (Nophl) and I'lllmore .... Hut moat Important In relitlnn to the hlalorv of the West la the ta t thai 11 ft nlenllnes da la. J the I oKaiatiire of ttuh memorlnlllt t itreaa for th rnnalrllctloit of u gr nt nail nil reitril tallrosl from the Mlasourl rlter I) ll Pi HI. const Inclllrtlt s 1 t.lcsriph Un rhia was setmlecn t ira her .re the t ill road wus built lo I I ill Tie mem rial waa approtet Mirth 1 lk Just n" years ago todat |