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Show A POINTED COMMENTARY. The pi, Jectcd construction of a new plant lo make sheet steel, by a com-luiny com-luiny Willi J10 000 two capital, and representing repre-senting forty Independent mills In sixteen six-teen ritatea. Is an expiesslvo commen-tar commen-tar nn the Hancock Idea that tariff protection should lie withdrawn from this sort ot noma production Of loumc. tho reason why the withdrawal of protection is urged Is that the big steel combination tan make Its products pro-ducts In competition with the world, without the aid nf the tariff. Those who take thla Hue nf lessoning am emphatic lu thelt condemnation of ' Ihe steel trust, and It la partly tn punish pun-ish that trust that the) would remove tho tariff. And )et the removal of the tariff would prevent the organisation of Just aui'li opposition tn the trust as this projected new plant would pio-vlde. pio-vlde. It would also kill nrt the scores nf smaller steel-producing plants throughout the country, and thus by elimination nu the fine hand and prevention pre-vention on the other, leave the big steel combine In control of the markets of the counlr) and assure to It tint control for the future. In no portion of the Industrial activity of the country coun-try would the ikiIIi) ot discontent and revenge prove more lastingly Injurious Inju-rious than In this proposed retaliation retalia-tion measure against the steel trust, if it weie to be put Into effect. |