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Show Potato Culture. It Is nn old and true saying that the farmer must feed us nil. It la, therefore, there-fore, necessaiy to enlighten nnd help him along. This is tho duty of 1 coplo who havo had experience Potatoes are a vcketable that most peoplo cannot do without. It Is therefore necessary to know how to grow them in large quantities quan-tities nt the least labor nnd expense Potatoes mould bo planted us soon n tho frost goes nut of the pround for good, In land well fertilised and Just n little gravelly to glvo the best results I have found that when planted this way they do vvcl Miinuie the land after picking the potutoes, harrow or plough It under, let ll lie ull winter, and In the sprlnR harrow It well again Then, when the polntues nre ready to plant, mfrt. It out Take n wiigoulnad of sheep manure and cover the bottom of the drills a qunrter of un Inch deep, not uny more, ,r It will rot the potRtoes Do this btfme Ulilliifr and cover them up befoie the manure has hail ilmo to drs' out The drills should he about nno foot npart and Iho potatoes iihout thli-tecn thli-tecn Inches apart They uaualls come up on thr aides of the drills ThU can bo ovcreome with a plough nt the same lime killing Ihe weeds Cut the potatoes pota-toes In pieces, according tu sl.u nnd eses He sure to have ono 05c and not more than three Do not cut until rindy to use Never irrlgnte the land or let water 6tnnd m It In tho winter It will make It lumps and rough Irrigate Irri-gate tho potntoes when tho vines become be-come a vers durk Rreen and never let tho ground get so wet Hint It will make the drills soaking vvel, or it will spoil sour crop If the water lr turned on ut night let only a small quantity iitn Into the rows It will water them much bet tcr and there will be no danger of drowning Follow these) lules and sou will raise a good crop, unless all Is against you, J, C, Y. |