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Show Fumigation Nectssary and Profitable. In n largo orchard of small trees this would probabls 1 rove In elite of the con-si con-si lcrable cost of the tents, cheaper In the end than spraslng The trees on which the writer experimented suffered no injury in-jury boon! the slight browning of a few of tho moro advanced buda on several sev-eral treea The iccorda of these ex. perlments shows that fumigation with lidrocyanlo acll sua practically means the annihilation nf the scale, even when but one ounce of csimll to 160 cullc feet or space Is used The vers few living veiling sciles found on somo of tho trees ccuill easily have b.een nnd probihty were, brought after the fiimlgitlon from adjacent Infested trees Dr II 1. I clt Btale I (nomologist ?vcw nrk I urn satlsile-d that the fumigating work for some of our tiursetles cannot be surpassed In the world and as a whole, the certified nurseries In I lorldn rank high In this respect No ccrtllled pursers pur-sers Is without a fumlgatorlum I'rof II A Uossnrri Unlomolohist I lorlda L'x-ptrlment L'x-ptrlment station In fumigation ns In other things, tho lust results with Ihe least rxeie lire obtained nnlj hy rigorous attention tu details The object sought Is lo subject the trees and plants to the- in lion of Ihe hvdrecvnnle acid gas of nu tit lent elen. sits .nnd for the time required to destros all living Insect pirasltcs In nnv stake of development from the egg to the pir-ent pir-ent during the hatching season The penetration nf bsdroesanlc ncl I gas 10 every part of the tree mil plant except below the surfuce of the ground und lis fatal effects not onlv on the larvuei nnd the msture. Insect pests but even on the eggs Is one or Its advantages nver Ihe spraslng process which cannot be applied with entire success to trees 1 enr. Ing dense foliage -C .M llelntz, Call, fornl 1 H tl Chase stateel to me that the expense ex-pense to their firm for the fumigation of llrst-cloos nursers stock did not exceed 25 cents per H"l trees. Including evers thing l.vers box of trees they ship la labeled to nnnnunco thnt fact T I. v.eomans, President New lork I run Growers Assoclitlon |