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Show RMrOR UHGES OVERALL IJie Though Denounced, Movement Move-ment Spreading From Coast to Coast SACRAMENTO. April 17. Mayor: John Q. Brown s:iid today ho would Issue a proclamation asking the men of Sacramento to wear, commencing next Wednesday, overalls, as a means , to reduce the high price of clothing. I "FOOL" MOVEMENT SAN FRANCISCO, April 17. Coin- uiuuiu wmi iiiu iinuiiunccnieni inai me overall "craze" the newest project de-' terrent to the high coat of clothing had J reached to this city, overall manufacturers manufac-turers announced that It was a "fool movement" and would work widespread wide-spread injury to mercantile and labor interests. STATE OFFICERS SIGNED BOISE, Idaho, April 17. Gov. Davis and approximately 100 other state officials of-ficials and employes signed tho overall over-all pledge here Saturday. Tho movc: mmt in Boise lias grown in two days to Include nearly 600 signers. The stato supremo court has the matter under consideration purposing to act 06 a unit so that no justice's conccp-i tlon of the court's dignity may be of-1 fended if overalls are worn. Gouging Buyers. NEW YCTRIC. April 17. Just as New Yorkers today launched their campaign cam-paign on the high cost of clothing, by stag.ng an overall parade on Broadway! it became known that secondhand' army overalls recently sold by the government gov-ernment Tor sixteen cents a pair, were being orfored for sale -by dealers for ' f3 a pair. a c Worn in Congress. ' WASHINGTON. April 17. Representative Repre-sentative Upshaw, Democrat, of Geor-giUjjippearcd Geor-giUjjippearcd in the house today, wear- c lug overalls. Ho said there was noth lug unusual about it; it was simply a r raovo lo striLo at the high cost" of 0 clothing. C s STARTES CHICAGO. CHICAGO, April 17. Overalls made their first appearance in Chicago today to-day when Billy B. Rose of Now York City, promenaded down Michigan ave-.nuc ave-.nuc in trousers and jumper "of blue Itlemin. set otf with a neat pin stripe or while. Peeping from the breast pocket of hit- gingham coat was a $2 silk handkerchief; hand-kerchief; a ?20 silk shirt was visible above, the rolled back collar, and on his head was a $15 hat but the suit enly cost $10. The biggest overall club In the stato is being organized at Elgin by -I.OQP employes of a watch factory. At Marinette, Wis., the high school faculty has withdrawn opposition to a students' club and tho teachers have agreed to wear domin. The graduating clnps is considering overalls for commencement com-mencement wear, and the girls may j wear gingham drosses. " i Reports today said overall clubs had ' been formed in 'Lansing, Mich.. Ports-1 mouth. Va., Hannibal. Mo.; Austin,! Tex., Cleveland. O., and St. Louis, MoJ , 1 Bring "Positive Harm." RALEIGH. N. C. April 17. Governor Gover-nor Bicketl, who is rejecting an invitation invita-tion to join overall clubs, denounced the movement as liable to bring about "poskivo harm" today received a lele-gram lele-gram from A. K. Rambb. president of the Southern Wholesale Drv Goods' association, as-sociation, indorsing his attitude. Wear Under Fine. EL PASO, Tex., April 17. El Paso judges will wear overalls while dispensing dis-pensing justice, it was announced today. to-day. An overall club was formed at the county court house, where all attached, at-tached, from judges on down to office of-fice boys signed up in the movement to fight the high cost of clothing. Signers agreed to put on Mav l and wear them every day except Sunday, ourlng working hours until August 1. Failure on one day to comply with the agreement means a fine of $1 for each day. School Boys in LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. April 17. Several Sev-eral hundred highschool boys have pledged themselves to wear overalls. Fifty clerks of the Missouri Pacific offices today signed up for overalls. Other clubs include employes at tho state capital and county court houses. -oo- |