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Show I Doctors Tell Why I You Should Quit Tobacco I Dr. Kress snys cigarette smoko aetsi I powerfully on lung tissue and Induces pui- , moimry tuberculosis, while It causes permanent per-manent degeneration of the cells of th" I nervous system. Including those of the main, and thus weakens the mental faculties, fac-ulties, j Dr. Keeley says tobacco enfeebles digestion di-gestion and lays the loundatlon for nearly near-ly every nervous disorder' now common to the American people. It produces color .blindness, epilepsy, bronchitis, rheumatism rheuma-tism and asthma, dyspepsia and catarrh, tcbacco heart and cancer of the stomach. stom-ach. Dr. Solly, surgeon of St. Thomas Hospital Hos-pital and expert in diseases of the brain and nervous system, says: "I know of no slncle vice which does so much harm as smoking. It is a snare and a delusion. It soothes the excited nervous system at tho lime to l ender It more Irritable and feeble ultimately. I know of no other cause or agint that so much tends to bring on functional diseases and through I this in the end to lead to organic disease of the lrrain " H ?Ui" m2kV'- c?.n vou "ford to Indulge K this habit? U't Nlcotol help you to thiow H Oft the fetters of tobacco. Nlcotol kills lL,e cr,avl nd set3 you free. It makes the tobacco habit quit tou and keeps vou tM fcehnc fine and fit all the time. Got NIc- jH otol tablets of any druggist Note- When asked about Nlcotol tablets fl one of our leading druggists said: "It la jH truly u wonderful remnly for Uie to-bar:co to-bar:co habit: away ahead or anything wc hnvc ever sold before. We are authorized by the manufacturers to refund the mon-ey mon-ey to every dissatisfied customer, and we would not permit tho use of our name un-loss un-loss tle remedy possessed unusual merit " Nlcotol tablets arc sold In this city un- dor an iron-clad mono -back guarantee jH bv all up to date druggists, Including A. V Mclntj re Drug Co Advertisement. 1 THE RELIABLE) I j WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE TREATMENT OF PYORRHEA I ! l CROWN jk I WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK I I PAINLESS 1 Wc have a Specialist In Plate or False Teeth Work. If you have plates I fH you cannot wear, see us. W DENTISTS I ; Ve have the largest office in Ogden. Our sixth year without a change 1 of tanagement, which makes' our. guarantee good. H .ll H 2468 Washington Avenue, East Side Phone 549 I 'i w The Guaranty Mortgage Co., in the following de- ' a" partnients, offers home owners, home buyers, rent- oa crs and investors a most comprehensive and effi- eient service. Our activities include: y Mortgage Loans, (monthly or straight time) , kbi Mortgages bought and sold in amounts .$'500 ' , to $5000 yi H J3 Savings Certificates that pay 7 per cent compound fU interest fa jH A complete Home Building Plan JSJ Management and Care of Heal Estate jy Vacant and Improved City Property for Sale ' It will pay you to consult us when you have need Sb of high class service in any of these lines f The arantnHlorlAaAe (ompamj M . JH &Ek. - 1 'Mm . bsi. capi c RAsnusso.i - eact twenty fourth sr Amg H juiiTsPtw c c OGDEN tclcphqe - us IH |