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Show 'UTTLE THEATRE 1 t OPEISTIIESII Ogden Thespians Will Present Two Plays; Scenes From Operas Opening Tuesday night "Ye Little; Tlicater," will present two plays and I scenes from three operas. Membeis of the Drama club are taking part in tin-cast. tin-cast. Judge Dan E. Sullivan is directing direct-ing the members both In their plays and In the opera scenes. Starting Tuesday evening the follow-1 lng plays will be presented for throe evenings. Tho cast for the plays have been arrnngod as follows: Will o' tho Wisp Doris S. Halman Country woman. .Minnie Moore Drown Poet's wife : Ell.ii O'Neil Ballentynp Will o' tho Wisp,. j Ellen Scowcroft Eccles I A maid Rao Keel- Piers Director Mlnnlo Moore Brown: Scone, a farm house at the end of things. I Time, an early evening in Juno. j 'Op-O-Mc-Thurab" i Frederick. FcnnTand Richard Pryco j Ainada Norma Sears Evans! Clem Florence Gwilllam Neboke. J Celeste Dena Whlteman DIx ttcse Ivy Houtz Woollev ! 1 Madame Dedler 1 Josephine Taggarl Coffnian Horace Grccnsrnith Andrew Clark I Llreclor Alberta McCanno Clark I Place: A work room In Madame Ded I hr'i laundry. Time: Snturday morning before a i half holiday. I THREE OPERA SCENES ! 'Sl-etches Leah Pardoc Groenwell ) Scene "Carmen" Bizof ; ("armen Marianne drowning jLon Jose William II. Mannlnr jbcene,"La Tosca" Tucclni jLa Tosca Emma Paine King Cavavaossi William H. Manning I Scone, "Thais" . . . Massenet Violin obligato Mary Fisher I Thais lone Wilcox Savillo 'Athanlel Leslie 11. Snvill" At the piano. . . .Lester Hinchcliffe ' Director Emma Paine King (' Musical program: i Tlumoresquc" .' Dvork "Sing Sweet Bird" Ganv "Serenade" Drbla ' French and Italian Airs" Bizet, Massanei, Preecinl Director Mary Fioher Louise Pierce, piano; Mary Fisher, violin; vio-lin; Axel Nylander, flute 8 |