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Show ! RANDOM REFERENCES Galli Cure! Concert In Salt Lake tab ernacle. April 2C. Tickets can bo se : " cured at Ogden Conservatory of JIu- -H sic every day next week, between 3 ', P- m- and c m Hansen Released. William Hansen 'Jte was released from the county jail late fl yesterday afternoon on order of Judge fl A. W. Agee, who recently sentenced ' . him to thirty days for contempt of !zsfC court. ' Wanted Bell boy. -Rood Hotel. 493 B . To Adopt Child. Einer and Nancy B, Sebbelov of Ogden, have been granted B i permission to adopt Betty Jane Sebbe- B . lov, 3 months' of age, and formerly in B' the custody of the Children's Aid so- H'.: ciety, which consented to the adoption. Wtf-y' Kindling wood. Phone 828. 42-1. V Seek Mabel Wilson. Efforts are be lt! ing made by the county clerk' to locate a Miss Mabel Wilson, In order that she may call for a package of books i which have arrived by parcel post, ad-'dressed ad-'dressed to her in care of the clerks office. The addressee Is unknown at the court house. Prompt service, cleaning, pressing and alterations. Phono 513. Regal Cleaners. Farmers' Company. The Weber Countv Coal and Produce company will handle coal, farm machinery, harware. binding twine, spray materials mate-rials and seeds, according to an nouncemenl at the county farm bureau offices yesterday. The buyer will buy at the retail market price, but earn a dividend on his purchases at later date, it is said. Clean rags wanted at The Standard i fflcc Goes to "idaho. Mrs. Ruth R." LarkYn left yesterday for Idaho Falls, where I she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wright and Dr. and Mrs. J. J. 'Bybee for the next two weeks. To Hold Conference. The Ninth ward religion class will hold their ward conference this evening. Visiting in Ogden. Mrs. Walter Prescott of Burley, Idaho, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Martha J. Helle-well, Helle-well, 2675 Jackson avenue. Mrs. Prescott Pres-cott was formerly Miss Orta Hellewell. Clean rags wantea at The Standard office. Meets Friends Mme. Guerln is renewing re-newing her acquaintance with Mra. Alice Collins and Mrs. Ulliobcllo Falck, whom she met at the Baltimore Balti-more convention of Service Star Legion, Le-gion, during her stay in Ogden. Florists Telegraph Delivery Assn. Dumke Floral Co., Phone 250. 560 Baby Son A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sharer on April 10. The day also marks the birthday of the baby's father. Expert wallpapei and calsomlne cleantrs. Lowe and Greenwell. Phone 333S. ' 2818 RECORDS STOLEN The theft of $25 worth of phonograph phono-graph records rom I-L C. Hudson, 411 Twenty-third street was reported yesterday yes-terday to the police. Officers stated that entranco was gained by a rear window which was pried open. BOICK, cement and plaster Jobbing, chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phono 770. 1132 Ofd papers tor sale. Ogden Stand, ard. Real Ice cream, S2.25 delivered. Greenwell Confectionery. 3030 Ogden Typewriter House for typewriters type-writers and repairs, 2122 Hudson Ave. Phone 23C. Coal All high grades. Phone 27. John Farr Coal Co. no |