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Show NAME DELEGATES TO SUFFRAGE CONGRESS NEW YORK, April 17. Names of 12 delegates to the first post-war international in-ternational suffrage congress to bo held in Geneva June 6 to IS, were announced an-nounced today by Iho American Woman Wo-man Suffrage association. They are: Mrs. Jacob Bauer and .Mrs. J. Hamilton Hamil-ton Lewis, Chicago; Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. W. E. Barkley, Lincoln, Neb.; Mrs. Hal-sey Hal-sey Wilson and Mrs. Maud Nathan, Now York; Mrs. Charles F. Spencer, Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson, Denver; Miss Dorothy Reh-feld, Reh-feld, Aberdeen, S. D.; Mrs. H. O. Gar-vey, Gar-vey, Kansas City; Miss Julia Lathrop, Washington, and Dr. Marion Horton, Winsor, Vt. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president; presi-dent; Mrs. Stanley McCormlck, first corresponding secretary, alternates and visitors, will accompany the delegation. |