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Show In I Younger society was largely represented repre-sented at the annual dance. Riven by the girls or the East and Wcsi high schools athletic association Friday ejening at the Odeon dance, hall. .bout eleven hundred quests wore present. The halL was decorated In pink, green and white developed with ferns ami spring flowem The programs, which were designed by Miss Mildred Mil-dred Ford of the West high school, ivcre of a unique iJattern in pink, green and white. The following committees were in ojiargc of arrangements: Program cbmmittee Miss Irenct Goody, chairman; chair-man; Miss Marjorie Masterman. Miss Margaret Denn, Miss Clara Hinckley and Miss Mildred Ford. -Music and IrMl committee Miss Helen Oswald, chairman; Miss Margaret MacVIchlc. Miss Hope Tarker and Miss Norma Foulger. Refreshments committee Miss Blanche Clegg, chairman; Miss Margaret Gaby. Miss MJldred Wigren -und Miss Anna Aures. Decorating committee Miss Carol Evans, chairman; chair-man; Miss Helen Armstrong, Miss Lois Bacon. Miss Helen French and Miss Trcta Hasmussen. The patrons were Mr. and Mrs. George A. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Kccler, Mr. and Mrs. B. Clegg. Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Mitcholl, Mr. and Airs. Ottinger Roninoy, Mr and Mrs. W C. Jennings, Miss Charlotte Stewart. Stew-art. Mrs. L. M. Harris. Miss Margaret MacVichie, Miss Frances Qualtrough. Miss Ella M. Dukes and Miss Carol Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Bamberger, who were married early in the year, arrived Saturday from a honeymoon spent In the Hawaiian Islands. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bamberger returned homo by way of Seattle, where thoy visited Mrs, Bamberger's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bamberger will be at the Hotel Utah until their apartment in the Belvidere is ready for occupancy. The "Utah society. Daughters of the Revolution, held a meeting in memory of Paul Revere Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. X. Williams in Federal Heights. An address was given by the regent, Mrs. T. H. Cartwright. The topic of the day was discussed by Mrs. Julia A. F. Lund. Tle "Ride of Paul Revere" was read by Mrs. Clarissa "Williams. Music was furnished furn-ished by Mrs. Winnifred Smith Ca-hoon, Ca-hoon, Miss Llllle Ship pand Miss Esther Bennion. The committee who were in charge of arrangements Included In-cluded Mrs. "W. X. Williams. Mrs. I. E. Willey and Mrs. John Sears. The Wednesday Social club was entertained en-tertained Monday by Mrs George Paramore at her home on Easf Sixth South street at luncheon and a Kensington. Kens-ington. Pink snapdragons in a basket formed the centerpiece for the tablo on a cluny cover over pink. The place cards corresponded. The. hostess was assisted by hor daughter, Mrs. II. F. Beers, Mrs. W. H. Burnsldo was a guest in addition to the club members. I Mrs. A. X. Slsam entertained the Happy Hour club Monday at her home on Browning avenue. Luncheon was followed by sewing. Pink potted hyacinths hya-cinths formed the centerpiece for the tabic. Covers wer laid for the ten club members. The Associated of Collegiate Alum nae will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. M. Ledyard, 1111 Third avenue. The hostesses, hos-tesses, who are graduate of the Uni-versitv Uni-versitv of California were Mrs. Led-vard, Led-vard, "Mrs. H. W. Dlctz, Mrs. J. B. Wb.iteb.lll, Mrs. W. E. Dickinson, Miss Bessie Sharp, iss Persa Higglnbot-ham; Higglnbot-ham; from Leland Stanford, Mrs. G. V. Lawry, Mrs. L, R. MarUneau, Jr., Mrs. G. B. Swaner, Mrs. Orin Tugrnan, Miss Clarissa Ellerbeck; from the University of Washington, Mrs. Morris Mor-ris Rosenblatt, Miss Wilhelmina Ja-cobsen; Ja-cobsen; from Colorado college. Miss Edith Ware. Mrs. E. O. Leathchvood talked about state federation work and problems prob-lems of the coming biennial of the general federation. Election of officers for the coming year took place. Alumnae of the institutions above named who are not members of the A. C. A aro invited the meeting as guests. Mrs. Ned R. Price entertained the Xeedlecraft club Thursday at luncheon and a kensington at her home on Harvard Har-vard avenue. A lavender idea was carried out in the decorations. A basket of violets was the centerpiece for the table. The place cards, wcro in violet designs. Covers were laid for fifteen, including includ-ing besides the twelve club members,! Mrs. W. 1. Xlelaon of. Mackay, Idaho.) Mrs. Ralph Nelson of Spanish Fork ind Mrs. George Bowman of this city. j Members of the Lo Ha club were en tertained m luncheon .Thursday by Mrs. IX. B. Pnlmer at her home. 26S Wots Fourth South street. Yellow was used to decorate the table. A yellow luncheon set was used with a basket of daffodils with yellow tulle on the handle as a centerpiece. The place cards were in yellow designs. Covers wore laid for the twelve club members. The afternoon was spent in J sewing. j The marriage of M"iss Myrtle Miller lajid R. G. Werner look place Wednesday Wednes-day morning at 10 o'clock at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. Tho core mony was performed by Father Shee by. A wedding breakfast followed at ihe home of the bridegroom's mother. Mrs. V. J. Dayton, 127 West Eighth South street. A reception was given last night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Miller, 268 West Second North street. The decorations for the wedding breakfast were pink and white roses arranged in a centerpiece for the ta ble. Streamers of pink and white rib Ibons extended from a wedding bell j suspended above the table to the cor 'ners of the room. 1 j The Miller homo was decorated in Ipink and while roses, carnations and sweet peas for the reception. A wed ding bell was suspended from the chandelier in the reception room, with pink and white streamers extending to the corners of the room. The bride wore a white silk wed ling "gown, Willi a veil, and carried bride roses- The bridesmaid, Miss Stella Lawson, wore a blue silk gown, with a black picture hat. She carried pink roses. Rob Driscoll was best I Assisting in receiving were Miss ! Delia Miller and Miss Ruth Parkes. I About fifty were in attendance. The ! couple will bo at homo at 5S Nor-h j Second West street after May 1. j Miss Sara Quayle, a May bride, was I the guest of honor at a luncheon given Wednesday afternoon ' by Mrs. Dow ' Harold Young at hor home on South Main street Luncheon was served at five small tables -and bridge fol-j fol-j lowed. Each table had a crystal vase .of pale I pink carnations, as a centerpiece The I tally and place cards were cupid and 1 wedding-bell placo designs, j The hostess was assisted py her mother, Mrs. Oscar Van Cott; her sis-Ucr, sis-Ucr, Miss Mary Van Cott, and aunt, j Mrs. Weldemar Van Cott. I The guests Included, besides - tlje j guest of honor. Mrs. Ernest Quayle. !Miss Julianne Quayle. Miss Phyllis (Quavle, Miss Persis Quayle, Miss Ella Quayle, Miss Ida Quayle, Mrs. Gladys iBullough, Miss Phyllis Goulet-. Miss I Ada Sturdevant. Miss Joan McCullan. iMiss Marv Naisbett. Miss Hazel Hill, ! Miss and Burton. Mrs. Victor M. Peter I son of Ogden Miss Irene Picknell. Miss I Ruth Sweeney, Miss Irene Williams of I Bingham; Miss Inez Allen of Ogden adn Mrs. Brink Covey. I Mrs. O. C. Soline entertained at a 'shower and tea Wednesday afternoon 'at her home, 16fi South First West I street, in honor of Miss Helen Raleigh, I a spring bride.. The" rooms were dec-prated dec-prated in spring flowers. J The guests included besides the guest of honor, Mrs. J. H. Raleigh, Mrs. J. E. McGinty. Mrs. M. S. Merrill. Mrs. F. W. Merill. Mrs. M. A. Grey, Mrs. H. E. Raleigh and Mrs. Joseph A. Raleigh. Mrs. Joseph A. Raleigh entertained in honor of the brfde Monday evening at a trousseau parly at her home, 127 Mead street. Twenty guests were in attendance. In St. Mark's cathedral, with its dim recesses penetrated by the soft radiance radi-ance of altar candles, the wedding ceremony of Miss Emily Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newman, New-man, and Charles W. King took place Thursday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The impressive marriage service was read by Dean W. W. Fleetwood. The chnncel and altar were banked with palms and ferns, studded with pink carnations. The wedding music was furnished by Miss Ruth Treweek, soloist, and Mrs. Edna Edwards Burk-hart, Burk-hart, organist, Miss Treweek sang "I Love You Truly" and "At Dawning," just previous to the ceremony. The bride wore an afternoon gown, a Lucile model of robin's egg blue georgette crepe over silver cloth, with a leghorn hat, trimmed with lace and pink roses. Her boots and gloves were white, and she carried a shower bouquet bou-quet of bride roses, with a shower of lillies of the valley and white sweet peas, Mrs. R. 1. Branning of Pocatello, Idaho, the matron of honor, wore a taupe georgette crepe and salin, embroidered em-broidered in silver and jet heads, with 1 a pink picture hat. She carried "pink troses with'a shower of piuk sweet !pcas. The bridesmaid, Mi3S Clare ; Glean8on, wore pink organdy, with a , pink picturo hat and carried iris and I pink carnations. The ring bearer, lit-I lit-I tie Bobbie Ullrich, in a white linen suit, carried the ring in a calla lily. E. V7. Newman, brother of the bride, was best man. The bride was given away by her father. A dinner at the Newman apartment in the Kensington followed tho ceremony. cere-mony. Pink roses and ferns in a crystal crys-tal vase, was the centerpiece for the table. A pink and green idea was carried car-ried out in all of the decorative details J and the menu Covers were laid for ' twelve relatives and close friends.-j friends.-j The couple will spend their honey-'moon honey-'moon in an automobile tour of tho , northwest. They will be at home in j the Zimmerman apartments after Mav I10- A wedding of interest in Salt Lake was that of Miss Dorothy Louise Felt I daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. A. W. Felt, of this city, and H. Frank Ivcrnon ol Portland, which took place. at nooc Thursday at the home of the bride-groom's bride-groom's parents, Bishop and Mrs. jHobpr C. Ivcraon in Portland. The J ceremony was performed by Blshor Iverson. A wedding breakfast followed and the couple left during the after noon for a trip through the northwcsl and lo Canada. . . The bride wore a suit of tan velour and a mink fur neckpiece with boots gloves and hat to match. She had a corsage bouquet of ( ecil Brunner' rose3 and violets. The bridesmaid ; Miss Orabello Iver3on, sister of Hie .bridegroom, wore a navy blue embroidered embroi-dered georgette crepe gown with a picture pic-ture hat and a corsage bouquet ol Cecil Brunner rose3 and violets. ; The couple will make thefu.hon.ic in Portland. ' The bride'.and her mother left for Portland early this week. The marriage of Miss Mary Ellen j Ash. daughter of Mrs. Alma Ash. and( Ingbert Sorenson, took place at, noon Thursday in the Salt Lake temple. A reception was given last night at tho 1 home of the bride. 2C:i East Fifth; South street. The rooms were decor- j ated in pink and. white carnations, sweet peas anditoscs. I Tho bridp' wore a white organd 1 gown with a veil and organge bios-, ' roses. She carried a shower of bride j j roses. One of tho bridesmaids. Miss; I Madeliene Despain, wore lavender organdy or-gandy and carried lavender sweot peas. The other bridesmaid. Miss , Lucile Clarke, wore pink fc-rgandy and carried pink sweet peas. Tho maircn of honor, Mrs. M. E. Johnson, of Ely, Nov., wore blue crepo de chine and carried pink sweet peas. ! i After a short wedding trip tho, ; couple will bo at home at Metropolis. 1 I New - ' j . The wedding of Miss Helen Raleigh, 1 I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ralelga, , took place Thursday afternoon at 5 j i o'clock at the Raleigh home on R j street. The ceremony w'as performed 1 by the Rev. Henry M. McDowell of the j Phillips Congregational church. A re-' re-' ception was given last night. A reception recep-tion was given last night. Daffodils, violets and other spring flowers dec-1 dec-1 orated the rooms. Tho couple -will make their home at 127 Mead avenue. In compliment to Miss Theresa Mc-1 Mc-1 Allister. a spring bride. Miss Jeanette Howe and Miss Bessie Howe enter-1 tained at a miscellaneous shower at the Howe home. 2C1 North First West I street, last Thursday evening. The rooms were decorated in spring ! flowers. Hearts and red and white tu-I tu-I lips in a basket "formed a centerpiece 1 1 for the supper table. Violets wore; used in the living room. The guests j . numbered twentv-four. I 1 1 ' Mrs. E. A. Vail entertained Monday ! from l until 7 o'clock at her home' on Fourth avrnue in honor of the thirteenth thir-teenth birthday of her daughter. Miss Rjulh Vail. The guests were seated at one long table for tea. A 'basket of pink roses was the centerpiece and pink caps were the favors. The refreshments re-freshments carried out a pinU idea. . Fancy dances were given by several of the young guests. Cover were laid Iror Miss June Bitner. Miss Elizabeth Leggat. Miss Maxine Obuchon, Miss Mildred Murphy. Miss Doris Hodgerl, Miss Dorothy Pomeroy, Miss CamiHe .Tcsperson, Miss Madeline Pollock, Miss Dorothy Walton, " Miss lleen Munn, ..iss Jeanolte Leggat. A trousseau tea was given by Miss Emily Newman, Sunday afternoon at her home in the "Kensington apartments. apart-ments. The rooms wore decorated in pink snapdragons, carnations and ' I sweet peas TIip tea table had a crystal crys-tal basket of pink roses as a centerpiece center-piece on a cluny ro er over pale green Crystal candlesticks held pink can dies. , Assisting in receiving the" guests was tho mother of the bride, Mrs. T. E. Newman, Mrs. Ralph I. Branning. and Miss Clara Gleason. Presiding at! the tea table were Mrs. Charles J ( Ullrich, Mrs. Walker T. Gunter, Mrs Jack Travers and Mr3. Orson Howard Assisting in serving were Miss Nellie Olan-Jer. Miss Lydia Cluff and Mis. Thelma Farnsworth. Wedding cake, was passed by Margaret Gunter and' Natalie Sterling. Little Eobbie Ullrich received Ihe guests cards at the door. I About eighty called. ' ' I Miss Marian Clark entertained at 1 her home for Mr. and Mrs, Cory D. Clarkv who were married last week. Mrs. Clark was formerly Miss Erma . Gordon. Decorations were in pink and white hearts with. -potted plants.., The' dining room was decorated in green I and white. Assisting Miss Clark werej her father and mother, Mr. ahd Mrs.) L. O. Clark. ..Ir. and Mrs. A. Hcpfen- beck and Mr. and Mrs.. Potor Gordon, I the bride's parents. Nominations for officers lo bo elected elect-ed in May by the Catholic Woman's league were received in a meeting of the league Tuesday afternoon, April 13. at tho Ladies' Literary club house. The nominations follow: President, Mrs. Arthur H. S. Bird; first vice president, Mrs. P. J. O'Car-roll; O'Car-roll; second vice president, Mrs. F. J. Weslcott, Mrs. M. J. Dalley, recording I secretary, Miss Mary Gavin, Mrs. C. A. Quigley: financial secretary, Mrs.' Frank K. Cameron, Mrs. Eugene Gay-lord; Gay-lord; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. C. O'Neil, Mrs. Charles Kahler, trcas-j urcr, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. Vic tor Youngberg. An interesting program was given under the direction of Mrs. Lydia White Boothby. Mrs, Zora Shaw Hoffman, Hoff-man, dramatic reader, gave readings from Joyce Kilmer, American poet and war correspondent, who was killed in Franco. Mrs. Hoffman also read in an effective way "The Violin-Maker of Cremona." by Francois Copper. Miss Mario Coursen, a talented pianist, recently from Boston gave several piano numbers, and Mrs. C. C. Daily gave vocal selections which were much enjoyed. Tea was served at the conclusion of the program. Yellow were used on the tea table. The hostesses were Mrs. F. J. Westcott, Mrs. E. G. Dew-aid, Dew-aid, Mrs. Edward Bronnah, Mrs. Henry Hannigan, Miss Claire Driscoll and Miss Katherine Fitzgerald. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Thomas F. Kearns, Mrs. F. L. Holse-r, Mrs. Agnes Pannetier and Mrs. M. Cro-nln. Cro-nln. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Eumund J. Kearns, Mrs. Charles Ma-i guire, Miss Lorelta Malone. Miss I Marie Thompson, Miss Mary McKelalr, Miss Josephine Jenkinson. iss Katherine Kath-erine Fitzgerald, Miss AnnaGillis and Miss Kathorne Rc-tzler. Miss Mona Botlorff. Miss Josephine McCarty and Miss Ruth Barnard entertained en-tertained at the Girls' clubhouse of tho Y. W. C. A- Monday evening for the Daughters of Lynds and some of their young men friends. The rooms were decorated with Jap anese umbrellas and toy balloons., Punch was served. I The young women were assisted by Mrs. F. A. McCarty and Mrs. W. A. Bottorff. Twenty-eight guests were in attendance. French and Italian Airs 1 Bizet, Massenet Puccini Louise Pierce MarUneau will bo the pianist. Mary Fisher viui;n;st and Ajcel Nylander, Jlute. I Following is the cast of the two plays: j WILL-O'-THE-WISP I By DORAS S. IIALMAN j Country Woman. Minnie Moore Brown' Poet's Wifo ...Ella O'Neill Ballantynel Will-o'-thoWisp j Ellen Scowcroft Ecclos! A Maid Rao Keck Piers OP-O-ME-THUMB j Frederick Fenn and Richard Pryle Director, .Mrs. Andrew T. Clark. Amanda Norma Sears Evans Clem Florence Kwillian Neboker Cfeleste Mrs. Phillip Di.v Rose .-. Ivy Houtz Woolley Mr. Horace Greensmith Andrew T. Clark OPERA SCENES IN COSTUME Director. Mrs. William G. Kiug. Scene (Carmen) Bizet Carmen Marianne Browning i Lon Jose William Manning! La Tosca Puccini Emma PainC' King. 1 Cavarasossi William Manning! Sceno (Thais) Massenet I Thais lone Wilcox Saville! Athaniel Leslie Saville' I |