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Show j NOTICE OF INTENTION, i Notice is hercbx given by the Board of ! Commissioners of Ogden City, ftnh, of the t intention of said Board of Commissioner ; to make the following described imptovc- j 'mont. to-wil: To nealc I.ibertv Avenue1 j between Twentv-slxth and Twcnty-sev-' I tilth Streets. Capitol Street between V.-u. j Buren and Harrison Avenues and Gram- ' crcy Avenue between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth street as a paving district , rtnd to pave the roadway therein with Portland Cement Concrete Pavemer.t: also to construct combination curbs and gutters gut-ters and driveways on both sides of Cap)- , I tol Street between "Nan Buren .wid Harri- ; son Avenues; also to build nil culverts, Ir- j 'ligation and drainage systems curbs and, I gutters and sidewalks and to construct water and sewer sen ice connections from the main to the curb line at the expense of the individual owners opposite the lots or parts of lots or houses not now supplied witli such connections The above named work shall Include the necessary grading therefor and all other work necessary to complete the whole in a pioper manner according to the plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the City Engineer, and to defray the whole of the cost and expense of the abuttor's portion thereof by n levy of a special tax to be assessed upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, be-1 be-1 Ing the district to be affected or benefited by such improvement namel . All the .land lying between the outer boundary j (lines of said streets and a lino drawn fifty j I feet back irom and purallel to said outer i I boundary linos on both nldes of Liberty 1 Avenue between Twenty-sixth and Twcn-j I ty-scventh Streets, Capitol Street between Van Buren and Hurriron Avenues, and Gramercy Avenue between Twcmy-flfm land Twenty-sixth Streets, being Lots 1 to 0 both InchraiNc. Block 3. Plat ,B": Lots ! 14 to 30 both Inclusive,. Capitol Block Subdivision Sub-division of Block 30. Plat "C"; Iots 1 to 10 both Inclusive, Block 5, Plat "B", all in Ogden City Survey. The estimated cost of cacli sewer connection con-nection Is $35,00. The estimated cost of each water connection con-nection is 530.00. ' The estimated cost of constructing com-i com-i lunation curbs and gutters on both sides iof CapitOl Street botwoon Van Buren and Harrison Avenues Is 2,8 10.00. The estimated cost of constructing each idrivcway on both sides of Capitol Street 'between Van Buren and Harrison Avenues lis S35.00. I The estimated cost as given below does 'not include the cost of constructing prl-ate prl-ate sewer or watci connections, ror the 'cost of constructing combination curbs and gutters and driveways on both sidc3 ; of Capitol Street between Van Buren and I Harrison Avenues, which costs are to be i assessed against the properly benefited In addition to the rernlar assessment. The total cost of said improvement Is estimated at 527,530.00. I All protests or objections lo such improvement im-provement or to the carrying out of such 1 intention must be presented in writing .'signed by the owners of abutting property describing the some together with the I number of abutting front feet and be filed with the City ltccoidcr on or before the 17th day of May. 1020. I The Hoard of Commissioners at its first regular meeting' thereafter, .to-wit, the ' lOtb dav nf May. 1020. will consider the I proposed levy and bear and consider such protests and objections lo .said improve-'mcnt improve-'mcnt as shall have been made. By order of the Board of Commissioners Commission-ers of Ogden City. Ftnh. Dated April 16. 1020. C. T. MOV ICS. City Recorder. First publication, April 17. 1020. Iist publication. May 6, 1020. Published in the Ogden Standard-t.xam-iner- Paving District No. 132. |