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Show 'N FOR SALE f ! RedEstate j r SMITH & FLINDERS CO. Over Commercial National Bank . Homes worth tho money, 5S0o 3 room modern on bench, F5250 5 room modern close In. J.?J 50 5 room frame modern on bench. MSOft fi room modern through t. JliSOO 6 room frame modern bench. KJ709 6 room modern, pood location. 'J3000 5 room modern. R. R. district. Terms to suit purchaser. Ask for Mr. Boyle, charge city property. , fiaS BY OWNER Cheap for quick sale, two seven-room houses, modern, on bench, ?loso In, Terms cheaper than rent; immo-Jiatc immo-Jiatc possession. Phono 21H-M. 612 FINE Jot on Harrison south of Twenty-'inh. Twenty-'inh. O. A. White, 36U Twenty-fifth. M BY OWNER Four room modern frame n nousc. well located on bench. b'ock from car line, maple floors, bullt-ln features, fea-tures, nice lot, fruit trees and berries. t Hall rind see for yourself anytime between i noon and 5 p. m. today at 203-1 Quincy C62 1 . . FIVE room moaern with bath close In. J tar paved street on car line. 3150; terms. k rail 2314 Jackson. C01 H J FOR SALE BY SKEEN REALTY CO. REST buy in Ogden. The beautiful nine -oom home, G31 Twenty-sixth. GpxMO; I savement paid. Non-resident owner. Act i liuck, 54200. Small three room, lot 55xl9S fcot. $050 Special.- paid. Phone 913. 2255-W. 391 1 FIVE room and bath, fine location, on Twenty-seventh. J3C00. Terms. Owner. , Frank Garner. 2739 Madison. 592 FIVE room cottage, 2940 Childs. 592 j TEN, 20 and 50 acres of dry land, part in ! wheat end lucerne: outside of city limits, j Water 16 to 20 feet deep. 13 ID Washing- , ton. "CO STOP! LOOK! CONSIDER! ! WHEN buying or selling property, call on! W. L, Porter. Real Estate. Basement 234 !, Washington Ave. Phone 187G. oo3 , i WE have a very attractive price or a rood pnying apartment house for a few days. Easy terms. Thos. Auld. under First Na Uonal hank. i FIVE room modern pressed brick, close In. on bench. Price SSSfln. Good terms. Will lake a home worth about 53000 !n trade. , Thos. Auld, under First National bank. 5o.- FIFTY acres of land, one mile north of r.-len, part in alfalfa. For particulars ad-j ad-j dress XX, care Standard. 5n9 . CY OWNER Eight a"rcs of land, good v-alor right on oast Fourth street. In-Tuirc In-Tuirc 43S Washington. 56 FARMS FARMS LISTED TODAY 20 acres of the very best sandv loam coll In the Clinton district: dis-trict: 5 snares water Davis and Weber canal, excellent location, close to school, church, etc.. -will sell quick. Sco us immediately. im-mediately. We hove 90 acres of A-l hay land, closo to Davis and Weber canal, no alkali, shares water and other water. This Is positively one of the very best huys e have ever offcrod for sale. S9500; terms. SMITH & FLINDERS CO. Over Commercial National Bank 515 GOOD residence on Washington avenue, well located, eight rooms; too large a I house for owner. Can give terma or wil. trado for smaller residence. Price 5C000. Also a good residence lot on YVashing-- YVashing-- ton avenue; 50 feet front. Price $700. , Also other good huys of residence property prop-erty and vacant lots. R. P. HUNTER 431 Twenty-fourth St. Phone 1S03-J THREE acres garden land. Phone 1514- itr ZOO H FIVE room house, bath room, sleeping Wa porch, garage, also piano and chickens. See owner, 1421 Twenty-fourth street. HI LARGE two story modern cement, well built apartment house, four apartments. W . . sleeping porches, full basement, also scv-3 scv-3 en room brick with born, orchard and I garden. Easy terms. Inquire 2G42 Jlon- JK roe, 1 m FIVE acres alfalfa, berries fruit, garage. HP i 7 rom modern brick, can keep 400 hens. Thirtv-secoiul and Quincy. Terms. Phone I 2071 -M. ' 111 II a. SNAP Eirht room frame modern ex- I II ;ept heat: W COxloO: pavement paid; II most beautiful location in city. S4200 buys t) this. Phone 913 2255-W. 4a 3 H is ACRE farm, one of the best in Weber F ; county, located in Pleasant View, good j Improvements and plenty of water: farm 1 ; Implements included. $10,000 cash will d handlo farm. Kelly fc Herrlck, 454 fl "I EY OWi"ER Corner lot 116x118 fc.L ! J Twenty-second and Reeves avenue. 1 Phone 307G. 379 j J BY OWNER Nice four room brick. J 3 large lot. one-half block off Washington ' Phone 2S91-M. 271 I ' ORCHARD farm, improved. Phone S-J;2. ! 1 SEVEN room modern, large !oL 44S See-1 See-1 ond Street 253 - S HANDSOME NEW MODERN HOME. "Uil of six rooms: all hardwood floors, gum and enamel finish; buffet kitchen, brcak- Ifast alcove; mantel and book cases; fur- nacc heat; cement basement, all partl-. partl-. t'oncd off; tho classiest home of its size P in city. Located 1371 Twenty-fifth. f 3S95 SWANER CHOICE building lots on North Washing- j j ton; newly paved street; we furnish mon- i I ye to build. Also choice choap lots, close I to paved streets; easy terms: no paving I tax. W. B. Wedell, 24GS Washington. ; 3715 i BUR LEV IDAHO FARM LANDS WE have a .arge list of Irrigated farms 1 for sale or trade. Write or see WONES 1 LJRISWOLD ;NV. CO., Burley. Idaho. i 274S . S'...-room miCK noiiHt. z wt moots from I Wah. on bench, with chicken run and ! Harare. Sntt at 52boU. Terms at No. tl ' Mti) Strft".. 23S j MODERN homo; canaries, rabblta. Phone ' 28S9-W. . 397r, , J , i-icool modern brick bungalow, hard- 1 vood floors', fireplace and all modern con- vcnlences. This houso is only a half block U'-9,wi I from car line on bench. If you are looking , for a real cozy home, call 3169-R. 3-13-tf , 3-ACRE. G-room modern house, chicken " n 5PPly. mixed fruit. Phone 2SS9-W C. 19 ! . 3-24-lmo .- ftim I 5-ROOM. modern; furniture, piano. Sco ' sm owrjor, G28 22nd street, Phone 2333. x-lj 3-24-J-no ie-' MODERN house, which will furnish a irL-'wB soon home and also an Income of 523 u ''-fa ; month. Now up to dato player piano at a 'JH bargain for cash, 743 Washington ave- .;jD f '2 550 9 l FOUR room brick house, pantry, cloaet, jljm i sleeping porch, lot 66xl6S. facing Washing- ' MM t lon avenue. Apply 916 Washington avc- H nue. Phone 2SQ3-W. 519 V 7n r. FINE building lot on Adams; 37 1-2 feet ': JM 170 feet to alley; will soli this lot for fsM t J330; ca3n or terms to suit. If Interested , gl l; in a good buy, call 31G9-R. 3-13-tf rytflB HOMES, forms, ranches and loans. Lot un mm I show you. Ogden R. E. & Bldg. Co.. 243S rVH ' I Washington Ave. Phono 378; under Postal rEM j Telegraph Co. ; j 6 room .frame houso on bench, .... .52500 1 room frame house on bench... S35C0 FjkW I room Cranio house, R. R. district. .53000 JjmM I room modern brick on bencn... .5G000 ( 10 room modern double brick $9000 L-jB 10 room modern elegant home closo zgm ln ( -....59000 M 'j KELLY & HERRICK 343 3H 5 FOR' SALE for ca6h. by owner, newly fln- fl i ished. strictly modern four room frame VsmM i house, well located on bench, V block ' 5 from car line. Phone 27077 or 929." 4S0 is 5 FARM BARGAIN. WE havo listed for immediate sole. 32 "Tm icres choice hay, boot, fruit and tomato 3 and. 30 shares water. 7 room modern 1 homo, bama, poultry houses, Implements, , ilttiatcd 20 minutes from Ogden on stole j t mucadinlzed 'road. Prlco $18,000. 59000 L LtSr" cash; flvo yoara balance 7 per cent. i-Hp- fr, ALFRED E. STRATFORD, i Basement Broom Hotel, Phone 2304-J ; 280 , TEN room modern brick, three room m apartment on bench, paved ctrcct, car Uric. Phona 2347-J. 20G I'P'OFSALE I , E. W. CANNADY Real Estate Insurance A substantial G room brick, modem except ex-cept furnace. located on paved street near Twenty-sixth and .Tcfferaon . Lot Is GGx JCo feet and l worth about 53500 without tho house, which would co3t $6000 to build today. Will sell for $6500, I Practically rtow'C room strictly modern i bungalow situated on south front lot close In. House has furnace heat, fire j place, hardwood floors and numerous .Jvi!r,n Matures. A genuine bargain at ! $o000. , Would you like to raise chickens and perhaps, keep a cow mid have a garden and fruit? If so, look this over. Six room brick cottage with full basement and combination garage, stable and chicken houso; situated on nearly half an acre of choice lond with perfect water right, in ideal location. This is a splendid property for 5IS00. Four j-oom modern brick cottage in rood location on bench. Close m. The house could not be built today for the 1 price ncked and the lot is worth $1500. Price $3150. Arc you in the market for a large home. Wc have several such places In choice locations lo-cations that we can .ell at sacrifices. Further particulars will bo furnished on request. E. W. CANNADY. 2427 Hudson ' Alhambra Theater Is Next Door ; , 628 120 ACRES with full water right, A-l soil, i one mile from Garland. 11 acres young1 orchard, balance beet land. All fenced 1 with hog wire; G room house, other good i outbuildings. Nino head of horsetf. full ' equipment of Imolements. $13,500 will ban- . die. Balance $5000 per year at 7 per cont. i A real buy, 117 acres with private pumping svsr tern out of Bear river. Just cast of Conn Co-nn no on main road. Excellent sandy loam. I All plowed, some grain now In. iwc acreage acre-age ready for beets. Set'-n room nearly new house, bnrn nnd othrr outbuilding.;, leo house, filled with Ice Place most con- I vi nlcnt to school, church. .toros nnd railroad rail-road denol. A onan at S17.500. 5G000 cash. ibplance five equal payments. I Six acros at Pleasant View on highway: one-half mile north of car stem. Good four rioom house, gnrakc and other outbuildings, out-buildings, electric lights, telenhone nnd feood pump in house. Only S5S50. First pi-.ymenl $2000. Balance $500 a year at 7 per cont. 10 acros IV. miles west of Ogdcn sugar factory, full water right. A-l soil. $6000 will handle. An ideal cattle ranch in routhern Idaho. 142 acres, very well watered, 60 acres hay. 1 15 acres grain, small family orchard, bal-lai,ce bal-lai,ce pasture. Best of improvements. Full I l!ne of implements and 20 hood of cattle, i All conveniences of city home. Spring w-ater pined into house, has telephone. I close to church and school on county road. lOnlv S3."inu cash and $5000 mortgage due I May, 1921 : Wc have dozens of others; farms nnd tanches. See us before you buy. FEDERAL LAND COMPANY. I F. A. Bechling Angus E. Berlin I UG Twenty-fourth Phone 540-i 540-i 622 I STOP kicking' about the H. C. L..Join the army of producers. 2Vi acres good garden soli, abundance of water. Good modern 6 room bungalow, $G50n. $4000 cash. Thos. Auld. under First National bank. G26 $2800 will buy a practically new a loom modern cottage In dandy location, close In; has cement basement, screened porch and garage. Reasonable terms. E. W. CANNADY Hudson AVo. C27 THE GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO Phone 2S0-2S1 41 G Twenty-fourth FOUR ROOM MODERN cement basement, lorge lot. close in. south pert of citv. $2100: terms FIVE ROOM MODERN i nunc in jirsi ciass conuiiiun. i" good location Price $3000. $1000 cash Balance $25 or more per month. SIX ROOM MODERN i on the bench, furnace heat, first class garage, and driveway, good basement $3550; terms. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW has gum wood finish, hardwood floors, furnace heat, enamol kitchen and bath, garage, on paved street with all special ,' texes raid $."S00; terms, TITE GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. Phone 2S0-2S1 416 Twent -fourth 546 TWO modem houses, lot 3x10. 555 Twen-tleth Twen-tleth street. 351 BY OWNER Four room house. Tiot and cold water, lights, large sleeping porch, .small cellar, fruit trees- lawn, large corner I lot A snnp at $1900 for quick sale. Inq. ! 12!' Jefferson Ave Kissnl. 426 BUICK light nix. late model, fine condition, condi-tion, looks and runs like new. Bargain F. N. Hess. 7C1 Twenty-fourth. Phone 1731. 342 Overland louring, 30 hp $400 Overland touring, 35 hp $6011 Willys Knight roadster $1000 I Cadillac Y passenger S cyl. $1500 Ford touring $350 Suxon roadster 5250 These cars arc overhauled and In good running condition. Lot us demonstrate to you. BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO. 599 OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2347 Hudson avenue. Phone 460 1917 StudcbAker. six cylinder SS50 1 : 1 7 Reo. six cylinder $950 lfil7 Paige, six cylinder $1275 1917 Maxwell touring car $375 1916 Mctz touring car 5150 561 BY OWNER 1919 Chevrolet 4-90; excellent excel-lent condition every way. Save 30 per cent Phone 2451 577 1 CHEVROLET 4-90 model; almost new Read Auto Top Co. R78 BEVEN passenger Studebakcr automobile 'IS model. New battery, new top. motor just overhauled and newly painted Phone C. R. Gurver. 1S16. 576 FORD touring cor, first class condition. $375. Phone 2951 -J. 525 A.UTOMOBILE for sale cheap. Apply 2859 Washington avenue. .194 FORD bug. Mack-Robinson Garage 501 CHEVROLET. 4-90, 1918 model. A-l con-ditlon; con-ditlon; owner leaving1 town. Phone HSS- 438 FORD touring car, good condition. Phone 2279-.I TWO light Fords (express bodies); Maxwell Max-well touring $225; Hayncs Chummy. Sav-age Sav-age Motor Co.. 2354 Hudson avenue. 4012 WONDERFUL car for sale, cheap. 2348 Grant 3333 WHY not buy an exchange car? Now Is the limo to buy. Two Fords. U nnd '16. Two Maxwells, '1G and '17. One Chalmers. C-30. WEBER-TAYLOR AUTO CO 2333 Hudson Phone 143 3055 j wantceT j -"S REAL salesman, with car preferred in your locality $50 to $200 weekly"sellinS that wonderful ' CORAJA" Patch not an all rubber" or khaki back. Ifs differ? ,(;,.pltc,l-cdnolh,1, elsc !o it on the market. .o competition. You can m. "e a clean up beat in tho world, for a to-mobile to-mobile Inner lubes. Territory free You can start with ri $6 order. "Coraja'- Rub-ber Rub-ber Mfg. Co.. Dallas. Texas. P S Have ncveral openings for state manacorT with ; ScOO to $1000 capital. Should cafuy make 3500 to $2000 per month. Be quck.o the other fellow will get it. "' r l"c MEN WANTED TO SELL GROCERIES SELLING EXPERIENCE NOT ; NECESSARY Uno or world'3 largest fgrocers fcnnitai l.000.000) wantB ambitious n,on In ?ou.. locality to sell direct to consumer nation! ally known brands of an extensive line of groceries, paints, roofings, lubricating oil" blj ir,uE5arA7".Au,tomoblle-Kaso"o saver Sells on sight: low priced; blff profits Write for particular and territory First and only advertisement. II. Variant 5 Broad St.. New York City. 520 DAILY selling dealers $1.50 tiro renal-klts; renal-klts; no cement, no vulcan zing; roSs juncture instantly; wminlo fte IW Pneumatic Plug Co., 4500 Beacon, Chicago Shakespeare described gunpowuor as "villainous saltpeter." ;r wanted 1 I S3.50 PER DAY paid ono lady in each ' town to distribute free circulars for Economy Econ-omy non-alcoholic flavoring. Permanent position. F, E. Barr Co.. Chicago. 619 ' U. S. ARM1" USED MATERIALS I LAUNDRESS and girl for housework. Phone S1G 625 YOUNG girl or elderly woman to care for child during the day and do very light) housework. 2927 Hudson avenue. 655 I GIRL wanted. Orphcum Candy Co. 624 j LADY to represent bank in southern Idaho, Ida-ho, Must be well poised, experienced, ca-pablc. ca-pablc. Salary $100. Call 830 EcclC3 Bldg. 1 2ii I EARN $25 weekly, sparo time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Exp, unnec. Details free. Press syndicate. 211, St. I Louis. Mo, vANTED Five bright, ca&ablc ladies to travel demonstrate and ?o)l dcilcra; $25 to $oii per week; railroad fore paid. rito at onci. Goodrich Drug Co., Dopt. 1021. Omaha, Neb. 399 GIRL for general housework, 2773 Grant Apartment 1. Phono 3337-J. 5S7 GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone 2103-J. CSS WANTED A woman or girl to take care of little girl during day. Wages a:d good home, at 25S Twenty-seventh street. Apartment No. 2. 5T4 GIRL for light housowork. Phone 29SS-W. . 571 GIRL for general housework; three in family; $7 to $10. Call 257S Tylor avc-nue. avc-nue. Phone 2757-W. 556 EXPERIENCED saleslady for candy department. de-partment. Kerns, 2159 Washington Ave. 510 WANTED Waitress at Daisy Lunch. 129 25lh Street, 431 GOOD Irl to work nioi-iin 1. 2311 At'amx Ave. 416 EXPERIENCED ond Inexoorlenceu help. $10.80 to 51S.00 per week; S hours per day. Union Pacific Railroad Laundry. 6-21-tf J. A. HOGI.E & CO. pay highest prices in ! Ogden for Liberty Bonds. 1 AN experienced girl for housework. 432 1 27th street. Phone S90. 4093 j EXPERIENCED salesladies to sell phonographs: phono-graphs: good eastern line, good commission. commis-sion. Call 411 Twenty-third street, he- twecn 10 and 12 a m. 3941 .' DRESSMAKING tiught to anyone wuilng I Jo applv then-pelves Sec Madam Cattxtt. Third floor. Wright's Store 9212 j Furnished TWO room apprtmenl. well furnished with bath; no children. 246 Twenty-second. . 647 UOUR nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; house-keeping; strictly modern. 465 Twenty-second 048 ! TWO rooms lor light housekeeping. 2523 I Adam.". G51 I SLEEPING room for gentleman. 2122 I AVashlnstoii. G50 NICELY furnished large front room, mod-cjn; mod-cjn; aleo garago for rent. 732 Twenty-fourth. Twenty-fourth. Q49 TWO room "furnished apartment for two people: $21. 27S5 Grant, 664 ROOMS for housekeeping. 427 Twenly-fourth. Twenly-fourth. ' 5S5 COMFORTABLE sleeping room, heat, bath, phono. 441 Binford (Horrlck) ace-nue. ace-nue. Phone 2001 -J. 566 THREE room house, modern, 2001 Jack-ron. Jack-ron. Inquire 509 Cross. 567 ' ONE sleeping room with use of bath ond telephone, on bench. Call 981-J. 502 s FURNISHED rooms, gas. Phone 2971-M. . 471 SLEEPING room, 535 Twenty-seventh. Phono 2173-M. 473 , MODERN nice largo front room. Brcak-I Brcak-I fast If desired. 2639 Jefferson. 470 MODERN rooms. Glen Hotel, 2456 Grant Ave. 429 ; SLEEPING room. 2241 Adams. 411 ; (ROOMS for'llght housekeeping. 523 Twen-; Twen-; l tv-second street. 410 ' ! THREE housekeeping rooms. Phone ; 1CS0-W. . 42S . ' ROOMS with board. Phone 3043 430 !! MODERN sleeping room. 559 27th St. , I 414 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms ' ' 2471 Vj Washington. " il . TWO partly furnished rooms. Inquire I Room C, 246S Washington. W. B. Wedell. I ;! 2i4 ! 'FURNISHED apartment 2571 Lincoln. I 8 MODERN furnished, rooms; moderate 1 J prices, two minutes from postofficc, 2446 l Grant Ave. 4104 j I MODERN sleeping rooms. 333 24 St. 4123 1 FURNISHED front room. 530 Twcnty-, Twcnty-, third street. Phone 21S0-M. 3900 j WANTED j Situations GARDEN plowing. Phone 2359-W. 595 LADY with one child wishes wont as housekeeper Phone 3160-J. 533 LET us do your plowing-. Wo havo a 3-plow 3-plow tractor. 20 to 1000 acres preferred. Call ll-J-3. anytime. 535 SAY Do you want them ashes hauled? Call Slim Anderson. Phone 1949-W. 495 LOTS plowed, and general team work. Phono 2150. 451 j EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes act of books to keep during sparo time. Phone 1 2S7". -1C2 1 jtorHreInt I i Miscellaneous VACUUM cleaners, revolving brush, $1.00 day. Phone 238 1-J, 579 1 Tel. 25S2-J for vacuum cleaners; $1 for 24 hours. Sterilized dust bags. 489 OHIO vacuum cleaner, $1 per day. Phono I 3148 12 STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbcsto-late Asbcsto-late Products Co.. Phone 141G-W. 3G75 persoWAiT' W ANTED Composers of vorso or music) t.i write me at once. Brilliant opportunity for good talent Address. Burrcll Van ' Buren, A3, Grand opera house. Chlcagx). I! 621 ' MAURY if lonely; for results, try mo; bcsl and most successful "Home Maker"; hun-' hun-' drods rich wish marriage soon; atrictl ! confidential; most reliable: years of experience; ex-perience; descriptions free. "Tho Successful Suc-cessful Club," Mrs. Ball. Box 55G, Oakland. Oak-land. Cal. 396 CARD and character reading. 449 Twen-ty-lxth. 151 VVAiYTED j I Miscellaneous CHICKENS, any quantity any time. Rus-scll-Jamca Co.. 189 24th St. Phono 136 4-4-tf j foFreot 1 I Unfurnished TWO room apartment. 3031 Grant. 64 G TWO seven room modern houses on bench. Can sell for small payment down I on termr, chcapor than rent. Don't mins seeing these. Phone 2114-M. gju ,-TWO rooms unfurnished, upotalra. 144S Twenty-fourth. 53 TWO or 3 rooms. 709 22nd St, 427 THREE modern steam heated houackeen-lng houackeen-lng rooms, close In KELLY & HERRICK 316 Steamship Tickets To and .from all the oceans. Bureau of Navigation, 343 South Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 203 WANTED I I Male Help j SALESMEN Sale? manager open for capable, ca-pable, energetic salesmen to represent nationally na-tionally known manufacturing corporation in local territory. MubL call on wholesale Jobbers, stores and garage trade. Line well advertised and demand groat. Permanent connection ami good Incpmo for light mon Milwaukee Tank Works, Milwaukee, Wis! ! : RAILWAY mall examination soon Hundreds Hun-dreds appointments. Start $110 month Hotel Ho-tel bills paid. Vacations, with pay. Su'mplc examination questions free. Columbus In-stltutc. In-stltutc. B73. Columbus. Ohio. 61S FIREMEN, brakemc'n, 100," for nearby railroad. $150-5200 monthly: experience unnecessary. Railway Association. Care, Standard-Examiner. 393 ' WANTED for temporary work, a competent compe-tent demonstrator. See Mr. Huckens, at Utah Power i Light Co. office. Eccles building. G02 I WANTED At Western Union, messenger boys; work S:30 a. m. to 12;30 p. in. Also for all day work. 47s BOY wonted to learn printing. Neutc-boom Neutc-boom Printing Co. xri EXPERIENCED automobile oaihtcr. in light airy shop, year around Job for right man. Box 888. Ogdcn. Utah. 462 .-..' . .':-.fViWus!. v" , . s;-ii. t-v ,ftv.,J ;r- ' " ' ''.;' ;-: v ;-. . 7 WANT CD" Fcfr railroad yard service. ser-vice. Wages 64 cento an hour; eight hour-s work a day; 9G cents per 1 our for cuch additional hour 'over eight hours a day: board and lodging- places will he arranged for. Ftrike conditions. but strike renounced bv railroad rail-road brotherhoods and unauthorized. un-authorized. Protection assured. as-sured. Permanent places for good men. Apply to B. A. Campbell, Supcrln- 1 tendent, Second Floor, 1 Union station. Ogden. Southern Poc.iflc Co 1 : ' 7..- -"i.-:7 -' "4'f ; ;;:-' Sr.. 3:-, 1 y . , SWITCHMEN WANTED MEN exporlcnc :d In railroad rail-road work desiring employment em-ployment should call at once or send names and address to superintendent southern Pacific company at address given below Strike conditions prevail but tho striko is unauthorized unauth-orized ond denounced bv officers of the railroad brotherhoods. Apply t E. A. CampueM. Suporlnter.- dent. Room 3. Second Floor,' Union Station, Og-f den, Soouthcrn Pacific Co... 40j ' ' ' ''!', i; ,' ' -;- ' y.'.-.-.. ' 7: - - . ' WANTED District manager ror Ogdcn. Inqulro Room 15. Commercial Bank, up-stalrs. up-stalrs. Guarantee Fund Life Asan. 275 LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanzing. Los Angeles Y M.C. A. Auto School. 11-1-lmo EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell phono-graphs phono-graphs on commission basis; good proposition propo-sition to right parties. Apply 411 Twentv-thlrd Twentv-thlrd street between 10 and 11 a. 111. 3042 CAPABLE and experienced man to handlo han-dlo salesmen selling on commission; ood proposition for right man. Addresa P. O. I Box 98. 3943 FARM hand who understands caro of orchard or-chard and handling of fruit. W. B. We-dell We-dell 2468 Washington Avenue. 3S20 f WANTCD I I To Rent FOUR or five room modern house. Phono 2-H5-R- 551. jp WANTED I To Buy WE BUY, raise, and sell fur-bearing rab-, rab-, bits and other fur-bearing animals List what you have with us stating your low-lest low-lest prices on large lot shipments. The j Fur & Specialty Farming Co., 515-517 N. P. Avenue,. Fargo, N. D. 212 I WE have cash customers tor desirable an,4 ,fftrm lnntls- List your property with reliable people Kelley &. Herrlck. 2-0-tf i;,ESH m,,k cow: h3 veal and poultry. como to your yard to buv. Phone 259 -R. Peart Bros., 3421 Adams avonuc. Ogden. Utah, 3SG7 WE BUY all cars, regardless of condl- tlon. Auto Salvage o.. 2348 Grant Ave. . 3197 ; CrV,J:JAXV rUb3 wanted at tho Standard ' office. I I DRESSMAKING vAWwwil irLj. . - -.M-vy-u-JVjVWrL, f j DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to apply themselves. Sco Madam Caplau, ; third floor Wright's store. 10-7-4mo. ' DRESSMAKING and remodeling 350 1 Thlrty-firot. 3 ' HEMSTITCHING pleot edge, buttons. ; pinking and pleating, Second floor I Wright's store. Mr. II. Layman. 13 Remains of tho extinct dodo are found only on tlu -"wi of Mauritius. f fpgSALE j JMiscllajr i M.'.fl othc.r, companies, let us put over nr,H .w' sc'"5 company. Organization and selling for quick returns. Perry & I lo.. Ft. Worth. Tex. 009 I cb!nHi9 "ch,ie' "wringer, sowing ma- . f-o wlckci" nush cart, cheap, 2554 Brin- 1 kcr avenue Phono 2015-M. 634 S-2SDi,?cavy 3-,lnrh wagon, also heavy ork harneas. Phone 54-.I-2. fiXj XO 1 Holstcln cow. Also one dozen chickens. 31S2 .Tackson. 632 1 U S ARMY USED MATERIALS, erl i L,oltoiiBs,irtSl rnalrcd and wash-A wash-A ? vlf1 or, ?3 l"'?n- Woo shirts, grade V ,.in rcni,i1 wn3hed' 2.2o each or eacli or -'r KnG,;ndc A''ol shirts. $1.7i nfmnvnvnn50 d?"."- R,,,c nd to-oxm dc-nrrnHi dc-nrrnHi ,lBinn,cl Ju,niDra. with or without F-nhh wnshod nml repaired $60 per 100. 1 ion lo,ft5:cn,or ylrmcnt. Khaki cot-I iir ?.ccth$,0,co bo"o's, class A $1.50 I m w rLW-B0 dtozl"n- Orndo B. 95 pair iJd0"en-, -Vmy russot drew shoes, new so.cs and heels. 53.95 pair or 539 mM-a I;,e,d 0l" ,10bnQil jlh0" ?2.05 pair ? 7 . V,own-.A1'' ru?sct dress shoes. ,n.1?' rjne condition, size 16x16, govern-I mcnt slandord duck, grade A-l. 519.50.' FIad? A $'.0. Uvramldical white tents, n.ae, good condition. ?30. Officers. 9x9 gradeA PW0mldlC!lIlCntii' e''adc A"1, 535, APaI1OF,i!'ICBR'S NEW CLOTHING ' .i, .? fo1 mT 115 articles are new goods of I the cry best grade. Officers' mercerized khaki cotton shirts, 52,50 each or $27 doz-c"'i doz-c"'i 0tv-W001 sweaters 512.50 value, spc-c!ai spc-c!ai rl'-rP Sleeveless 57 sweaters, special spe-cial nO i Sleeveless 55 wool .sweaters, special 52.9o. Officer's refrigerators, white fir. onT.;namelcd lined 585 value, special hi---, Vhite enamel lined refrigerators. 56a value, special $39 95. White baked-on onameled lined, refrigerators 550 value, special ?29 95. Officer's waterproof 518.50 bedding rolls. Ideal for cairiplng, etc, special spe-cial $i ,.95. Officei-'s waterproof clothing! rolls, $9 value, special ?3.4o. Mnnv other i.serul articles, write for cornplote list , lorms cash with order. Include postage If goods ore to be shipped via parcel post, lour money back if not satisfied ARMY SALVAGE WAREHOUSE CO. Greenville, S. C. 620 WILTON rug. 9x12; bnissels rug 9x12; ,' draperies, hnll runners, hall scat. Ilbrarv table andhairs, book cases, dishes, cooking cook-ing utcnBils. fine wringer, pictures. Call mornings after Sunday. 761 Twcntv- fourth, Phone 1731. C40 j DAVENPORT, china closet, buffet, dress- Ing table, etc. 567 Twenty-sixth. 639 j EXTRA good trunk for sale cheap, 9x14 Phone 357-W. C38" ALMOST new rug, 9x12. 2630 Adams 637 SNAP If taken at once. 1 1919 3-speed electric equipped Harlcy Davidson motorcycle, motor-cycle, with two new extra tires. 5300. Phone 2090. 328 Second street. Call In 1 morninga. 635 , BARN. "0x10. 16 fcot from base to cavea, gioovcd Mid lowrred flooring In hay mow. Inquire 3160 Washington. 635 ! Modern bungalow, best location Salt Lake.! Trade for Ogden residence- Call Mr Rose. I phono 2510. Address 2349 Quincy avenue. I Ogden. G43 TIIOR washing machine, been used two) months. Phone 3148. 5S1 j BIG auction wile of horses and mules. Monday. April 19. Ogden Horse Sale & Commlosion Co. 597 3000 common brick. Phono 3651-M. 563 j RUBBER hose, cultivator, seercr. plow, i oinran, dental chair, motorcycle. Phone 333. 5S3 I BUY your electric washer from Stowcs. 1 for cosh, and save money, 1800 iVashin- I ton. Phone 636-J, 537 1 WANTED to buy horse and fresh milk I cows. Phono 10-J-l 536 Leather davenport, almost new, chep. ' 32S1 Lincoln. 532 NEW 3U wagon, new work harness. 2046" Liberty qyenun. CPO LEATHER davenport. 522 Canyon road. 52S HARDY perennials, peonies, popples, pan- siec, otc., at Tingrce's. 2S61 Plngree avti-nuc. avti-nuc. Phone 1225 or 799. 527 FOUR hole Jewel gas stove, ovens and coal, water heater connection, double book case and secretary combined, new tiunk. all good condition, 2967 Grant ave-nue. ave-nue. 549 , HORSES AND MULES HORSES and mules for sale cheap at i 2767 Gibson avenue. West Twenty-eighth ' street. C4S THREE milk cows, ono horse and hay rack. J. I-L Bartyn. Hooper. 499 CANARIES, guaranteed singers. 2220 ! Lincoln. 509 LINOLEUM for sale. 2250 Butler. 485 j CHEAP, small round oak table, heater. etc. Inquire 2273 Monroe. 4S5 ONE largo elcetilc cash register. Regis- tors from lc to 59.99 Inquire Barne's 1 Billiard Hall. 2473V., Washington. 486 ONE 3 year old Jersey cow. Call 530 Seventeenth street. 4S7 SECOND hand goods bought and sold. T. C. Iverson, 1610 Washington. Phone 19. 450 J WHITE rubber tired baby crib, mattress and wulking chair, 549 Twenty-first i street. 449 TEAM of 5 year old Horses, 1300 pounds; I Kiddle $20. Call 42-R-3. 4 17 1 FOUR head of choice heifers. Phone 37- i J-3. 446 i NATIONAL cash rcgister.lcargo meat slicing machine. Inq Stlmson'a Cafe. 43" GOOD supply of now farm Implncnts, or will exchange on Ford auto. Phone 3177-.I 417 RANGE and stove. 315 30th at. 420 EDISON phonograph for sale. Phono 947-.I. TWO floor cases. '352 Twenty-fifth. 267 BUY your paints at Stowe's and save money. 1800 Washington, phono 6S6-J. 226 FURNITURE 1640 Washington Avenue 207 BUSCH and Gertr. piano, stylo 15. 62S Twe.nty-sccond. Phono 2333, FOR SALE By owner. 4-room house, ccn make two more rooms upstralrs: part cash. Sco Mr. Fox, Union Depot baggage room. 3-18-lmo HIGHEST prices paid for second hand goods, Stowe's Second Hand Store. 1S00 Washington Ave. Phone 686-J. 6-2-tf FIRST class sheep camp equipped with drawers and bins, stove cupboard ond elevated bunk, anU now running gear, also good set of work harness. Apply to Beck-stcad Beck-stcad Brothers. Huntsvllle, Utah. 176 Singer Sewing Machine ' JUST ARRIVED Latest models can bo purchased or rented for 53.00 a month. Needles oil and repairs for all makes. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 2338 Wash-Ington Wash-Ington Ave. Phono 24. 4113 WHILE they last. "Horrors of War." 75c. Now 5-ply rubber hose, 15c. Phone 333. 47 GOOD concrete steam mixer, chc?p, 433 Cross street. 3S69 I LATE 1919 twin Harloy Davidson motorcycle motor-cycle with fide car. In perfect condition. Also twin Excelsior for S100. See circulation circula-tion manager, Ogdcn Standard. 3776 SEVERAL set3 of new work harness. Og-den Og-den Horse Sale & Commission Co 31 ni 10U0 iharcs or Capital Polroieum ut twu, a dividend paying stock, Phono 3076 3037 UNCALLED for suits, tailor mado; big reduction, Gordon's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth St. Phono 419. 2157 FOR SALE or will trado for car. 1918 Studebakcr with panel body, 1916 Oakland touring car. $350. 2342 Monroe. 596 WILL trade or sell team and harness; new double seated buggy, 125 Second street. Phone 2165-N-.1. 562 I FOR SALE or trado lor city property, acres land with 0 room houso and barn, located In country on car line. Call 15-R-l 518 ONE-HALF aero in peaehea, nearly Ujv trees. 5650. cash or terms, or will trade for good automobile. 411 24th St. 2335 WE take your old range as first payment I on any now range, or wil buy vour eld rojige outright. Homo Furniture Co. 4673 r Hbusiness 1 r Opportunities j WOULD you invest one dollar for ten weeks on a chance to make $1000 or more? Prat culars free. No obligation. Write J. A. Charlton, Box 676, Fort Worth, Tex 607 j n,1 'nvested In oil leases may make $10.-000, $10.-000, S3 acre. Oil leases In Tcxaa-Raln-bow s End. Opening new field may mako your loaso worth 51000 acre. This has happened hap-pened in Texan. Many drilling wells near my holdings. Buy low. soil high. That' way makes fortunes for lease owners. Remit Re-mit $10 for 5 acros. Wrlto free Information Informa-tion oil maps. Pecos Valley Co,. 114 X. Robinson street, Oklahoma City. Okla. 610 BUY AN OIL LEASE. 510 buys five acres Texas field. Desdia-monla Desdia-monla leases sold 75c now worth $10,000 ?n '"Vv Ca,'ter paid 75c an acre and sold for 53000 an acre. Texaa Rainbow's End aow opening up shows same geological lormatlon as proven territory. Leases here nmy Jump tin;- price with first well coming com-ing in Its a jpccullatlon but the kind of speculation that baa made many small Investors rich Tho Fortuna Oil Co. started start-ed In by several men pooling" $400 In leases sold out recently for a million dollars Jr you don t understand lease business! we will gladly explain all details. Remit $10 for live acres, Wc send you legal lease form and keep you In touch with developments. de-velopments. Send name for free map and full Information. Rainbow's End Co.. 41 r Herskowitr. Bldg., Oklahoma Citv, Okla 611 COMPETENT party to represent large organization or-ganization as state manager. This is a manufacturing business and self support-ng. support-ng. If you havo $300 and" wish to establish estab-lish yourself In a clean cut commercial .i'?Lncss enterprise netting from $30,000 to ?o0.000 annually sec C. D. Walker. Monday. Mon-day. Tuesday ond Wednesday, Reed hotel. 659 AGENTS $100 weekly and automobile furnished agents everywhere Introducing marvelous new automobile Invention 300 per cent per annum In an absolutely ifc enterprise. If an Income like this on a few hundred dollars appeals to vou. write Box 9S4, Burkburnett. Texas. 397 I HAVE a big bargain in a good paving restaurant. Thos. Auld. under First Na-tional Na-tional Bank. 510 WANTED j ? Agents I AGENTS wanted to advertise our goods and distribute free samples to consumers 90c an hour. Write for full particulars American Products Co., 393 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. 615 "HOW To Start in Business for Yourself" to a littlo book sent free by a large hosiery hos-iery manufacturer selling its entire output through special rcprescntail es direct to the wearers. It shows you how to build "for keeps" and how to make up to $2500 a year as some are doing. Write for it today. to-day. Clows Knit Hosiery Co.. Philadelphia. Philadel-phia. Pa. AGENTS, get busy. Wc have tiic greatest great-est money maker on the market. Housekeepers House-keepers buy on sight; 50,000 sold'in 1919 Tyler Mfg. Co., Dept. D7. Munclc, Ind. AGENTS Sell goods manufactured b vouraclf. Ingram made thousands manufacturing manu-facturing carbon remover from formula. Wo furnish formulas. Write lor list. Methods Company. Topcka. Kan. 608 r forTsale I I Poultry and Eggs 100 CHOICE White Leghorn laying hens Wostern Grain & Feed Co.. 2354 Washing-ton. Washing-ton. Phone 1213. 630 ORPINGTON cockerel and setting eggs. 300 Second street. Phone 1213-W. 66Q EGGS for hatching from thoroughbred prise winning, heavy laying Columbia Wyandottes. $2.50 per setting. 29S5 Van-burcn. Van-burcn. 631 POULTRY AND EGGS BABY CHICKS ELECTRi HATCHERY 25.000 Hatching Weekly. Vigorous, pure blood stock. Special attention atten-tion to mail orders safe delivery GUARANTEED. GUAR-ANTEED. Anconas. Barred Rocks. Rhode Island Reds, Minorcas, Brown. Buff, Mac-Farlane Mac-Farlane Strain White leghorns. Hatching eggs. Write for prices. PEERLESS 06-EGG HATCHER Simple, Automatic $S.75. Express Paid D. E. DOKE. (Baby Chicks Since 1908) 328 So Spring St. Los Angeles, Cal. 2733 SPRING BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 400.000 S. C. White Leghorn. baby chicks from heaviest laying (Hoganlzed) stock. Price during May and Juno. 25 So; 50 $9; 10U $14. Special prices 500 and 1000 lots. Safe delivery guaranteed. You pay only for chlckfl received alive and in good condition; con-dition; no money in advance, pay on delivery. de-livery. Shipped safely everywhere west of Roe'.:ies. Finest hatchery in tho world. Established 1896. MUST HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. 435 Seventh Street Pctaulnia, Cal. FOR baby chicks call R. A Soger. 3137 Jefferson. Phone 2S52-J. 5SJ POULTRY any quantity any time. Wc buy and sell. Western Grain fz Feed Co., Phone 1243. 2354 Washington. 590 WE have plenty of baby chicks, prices 14 to 20 cents. Walker Feed Co. 491 'THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island eggs for hatching. Phone 2741-J. G. C. Klmcs, 359 Ninth street, 261 EGGS for hatching. Puro bred Block Mi-'norca Mi-'norca and Rhode Island Red. 639 Sev-1 Sev-1 onth atreot. Phone 2135-M. 7 t RHODE Island Reds and Shcpard's strain Aneon.t eggs, $1 50 setting. Phone 357-M. 3934 ! REDS and White Leghorn eggs for hatch-I hatch-I Ing; also breeding stock. Call Bramwell. 1 1416-J. 3922 I HATCHING eggs from heavy laying I White Leghorns. $1.50 per 15; $9.00 per I 100. Phone 2124-R. 3910 WATCH; owner can havo same by paying for ad. Ask for Anderson. Phone 3070. 594 FOUND A bicycle. Give name and number num-ber Phone 2471-M. 656 WRIST watch. Initials on watch. Identify Iden-tify at Washington Market. 629 WHITE Spitz dog with pink noso. an-I an-I swera to name of Rex. If found call phono i 755-J. Rovrad 523 j THE boy who picked up the $20 bill in the First National bank Is known. To prevent further trouble please return to Box R. I 663 LIBERAL roward paid for tho return of I bicvclc taken Thursday night from the rear of Pcery Apt. No. 0. Phone SS 1-R. 653 LADY'S black pure. $10.13, Lion Coal Co. receipts, and other papers. Return to 3027 Washington. Roward. 652 j MONEY TO LOAN TO salaried people without security, to others on pianos, furniture, bonds, otc? 227 Hudson Bldg. Phono 2S1. 249 MONEY to loan on Improved .-cal entail, j Kelly & Horrlck. 779 j WAOTED j; j To Borrow o j WILL pay 7 per cent to private party on ' 5 year first mortgage for $7000; gilt edge I security, a. Z., care Standard. 547 Kurtzmann pianos are sold II in Ogden only by the Lyric I Music Co. Phcne 173, Or-" I pheum Bldg. |