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Show j Drama Club Opens j I Little Theatre on s j Tuesday Evening j Through the energy and work of! Judge Dane B. Sullivan, the Little Theatre The-atre wns opened during tb eariy fall in the Ogden, but the work has been .taken up lnielv fov tho iin'snVrs of the Ogden Drama club, who arc preparing pre-paring to present their 1 wo - plays, Will 0' tho Wisp'' and " .p-0-.io-Thumb." Rohcar.als havi u;in soiniy on dally, assistance l-elna kIvcii lo the' pUtyors by Wllliair IJ. M.ninin.;, An-' drew T. Clark. .Jy.li.-s Sullivan :.nd' Leslie Suvlllc wkh Ml Jla:y Fi.-.'r.cr j as director of the oro:ici"a. Nunil.i ia have l.eeii prepared by thi or'-houa which will bo irlvpn h'tw"i ibr ,-u Ib, as follows. Humorcsnue Dvorak "Sing Sweot Bird" Ganv "Serenade" .- Drdla gram was rendered during tho fote part of the evening, after which game were played, and later a tray lunc!i- eon was served. A large number ofi relatives and friends were presenrj Howard Jensen Is the son of Blsrtv: land Mrs. Alma Jonso't, formorly ofi jCorinne, but now residing In HrighAm. Ho Is a graduate from tho B. R. ii. and an cxcollont type of young manhood. man-hood. Mr.f.Tonsen expects to start on his Journey for the far east about Use first part of next week; I Mrs. Mary Koford has returned from .Casper, Wyo., where she has ben spending the lat sis moiithd with her daughter, vh is loc.itod there. Mrs. P. J.- Koford returned Saturday Satur-day from Salt Lake, where she lifts been visiting friends. - Mrs. Ellu .Tone has returned to silt Lake after spending a leoek n I'nr-ham I'nr-ham visiting, relatives and friends. |