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Show POPPY DAY IN OEDENSUGGESS Nearly $2000 Realized in One Day Drive for French Children Nearly ?2000 was realized in Ogden yesterday by Ogden school children who sold poppies on the streets for tho fund that will go toward alleviating the conditions of the children of war-rlddon war-rlddon sections of France. Mme. E. Guerln, who has been lecturing throughout the country in the interest of the drive, spoke at Ogden theatres last night. Names 'of additional' school children who aided during the drive include: Committee arranging booths and tables ta-bles in stores and hotels. Miss Vera Tracy, chairman. Members of the committee are as follows: Henico Harris, Theresa Pring. Sherma Henri Hen-ri ershol, Lottie Baker. Mary Ann Collier, Co-llier, Louise Fisher, Bessie Larkin. Madison Lrica Berne, Dorothy Mat-son, Mat-son, Blanche Scowcroft, Marion Urc, Mollie Brett, Margaret Jongsina. Qulncy Lorna Jones, Grace Poor-man, Poor-man, Alice Hunsaker, Edytne Ashton Mariana Ellis. Dons Wilcox, Loin Childs. Mollwyn Emmet t. L.ucile Stevenson, Stev-enson, Dorothy Young. Central Junior lgh Leda Wilson. Joyce Keeder, Leah Welch, Gladys Mumt'ord, Nellie Taylor, Marjorie Per-rins, Per-rins, Ruth Goddard, Virginia Green. Loujcan McKay, Norma Mattson, Vera Purdie, .Mndeline Iteeder, Marjorie Mlnnoch, Elva King, Glorus .Morten-sen, .Morten-sen, Lea Anderson, Marguerite Dins dale. Elma Taylor, Kathcrinc Wheel wrlght. Marguerite Soibold. Ilia Willis. Eleanor Shorten, Florella Cramer, Blanch Johnson, Bonita Scowcroft, Luella McCamant, Twila Mason. Dorothy Dor-othy Anderson. Ruth Brewer, Ruth Jensen, Hortenso Kirkland, Pauline Sipprelle, Catherine Kclley, Mary Rienks. Sarah Holmes Ethel Calvin. Lavina Ekins. Myrtle Summerill, Ethel Burnette, Dorothy Hyslop, Dorothy Carlson, Stella Thomas, Katherine Cahill. Mary DoBry. Lucilo Silver. Virginia Bingham, Dorothy Scowcroft, Ireta Taylor. Helen Boyd, Cora Wangsgaard. Sacred Heart Academy Mrs. Geo? H. Matson, chairman; Mrs. D. L. Boyle, vice chairman; Hazel Match-insky. Match-insky. Ethel Thlnnes. Agnes Carney. Sarah Miller, Florence Dunn, Monida Brown. Winifred Stllwell. Kathryn Shufflebarger, Helen Conroy. Ethel Al-way, Al-way, Marie Clifford, Mary Mack, Madeline Mad-eline Kelliher, Gcnovlve McKeuna, Eileen Hanley. Beatrice Bletcher, Virginia Vir-ginia Kaplan. Mary Luxen, Dorothy Kaplan. Lillian Davis, Sadie Carr. Phyillis Reed. MDary Louise Maglnnls. Lillian De Graeff. Brent Demiody, Barbara Bar-bara Dermody. Mary Clements. Edunes Whitney. Grace Byrne, Gladys Kowskl, Geraldino O'Neill, Winifred Carr, Catherine Boyle. Kathryn Krauss, Mary Matson, Genevive Mc-Carty, Mc-Carty, Madelyn Toy, -Margaret Wright, Margaret McCarthy, Agnes Thlnnes, Margery Mullen, Catherine Carr, Mae Fife. Loretta McCormick, Eleanor Mc-Mullen. Mc-Mullen. Pauline Storey. Marie Glenn, Catherine McCool, Nova Kelliher. |