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Show PAVING PROJECT i JILL TANGLED UP- 1 Two Propositions Before Box : Elder People Without Def- j inite Action Taken I I5RIGIIAM. April 17. There are two! propositions before the people of Box- older-county that will not clown, and! both have caused considerable discus-( sion and nothing has yet been definite- j ly decided upon. V . Kirst, the matter of good highways, in the county is a big issue. Every-j body, of course, favors good roads, but there are loo many who insist that the' "good roads" bo niadc in iront of their particular property. Some would bond for $1,000,000 if it were possible, to build good roads, and there are others who advocate a high tax levy and are against a bond issue of any kind this year, beside a few who do t not care whether the commissioners 'bond the county or vole a special tax for roads. Here's the Program. The matter has finally resolved it-seir it-seir into this: The people in Tremon-ion Tremon-ion and vicinity are out in (h6 mud-can mud-can scarcely get through Main: street with a rig of any kind. The state has ortered assistance and will pave an eighteen-foot strip through Tremonton providing Tremonton will declare a pavins district and do a certain amount of paving themselves. The people of .Brigham and Bear River City want what is called "watery lane" paved from Sixth North street In Brig-ham Brig-ham west to the turnpike below the sugar factory, leading out to Bear River Riv-er City. Tho state has offered to turn over to Boxclder county the sum of ?73,000 federal money, providing tho I county will raise $100,000 for road purposes pur-poses in addition to oflier funds from the three-mill levy for state purposes, making a total levy of six mills for both state and counly purposes. This is figured, would produce sufficient revenue to complete tho contract between be-tween Brigham and the Weber couhtv line, including maintenance this year, the .paving of "watery lane" west of Brigham and the paving project in Tremonton. A short time ago the Commercial clubs of Brigham, Bear River Citv, Tremonton and Garland, held a joint session and a resolution wai unnni. mously adopted that the county com-tinissioners com-tinissioners be asked to levy the three mills already pledged the state road 'commissioner, plus three mills for county purposes and complete the work above outlined. I Go to Commissioners A committee presented this petition to the county commissionei-s who refuse re-fuse to declare what action thev will take in tho matter Since the" club meeting was held, others have gone to the commissioners protesting against this iction. At the last meeting of the county commissioners, Peter M. Hansen of ! Bear River City, and Willard S. Hansen Han-sen of Fielding, each having I he sup-"port sup-"port of taxpayers out in the valley, appeared ap-peared before the board and presented I their requests. Peter M. Hansen was 1 urging fcr a bond issue"of $500,000 to 'build good roads in the county. Will-'ai-d S. Hansen and his following opposed op-posed this action on account of high prices for material and low prices in the bond market. No action was taken tak-en by the commissioners at this meeting. meet-ing. Another session will be held Monday, Mon-day, April 19, and the taxpayers have been invited lo come to the court house when the matter will be dls-cussed dls-cussed again, in an effort to ascertain the wishes of a majority of the people. Want Work Started. ( A proposition in favor of the commissioners com-missioners to promise to vote the maximum max-imum levies for slate and couptv pur-t-poses in July is iho fast that Gibbons & Reed arc now on the ground with all equipment and ready to go to work paving "watery lane" on the same contract con-tract basis of the paving project just completed in Brigham City, plus a 40-cent 40-cent ton haul on gravel and sand de-vered. de-vered. This means that this part of the paving project can be done now 2? vo the county from $5,000 to $10,000. To again advertise for bids and the expense of bringing new equipment equip-ment at a later date, would bring the cost of completing this work at a.much ' higher rate, so there will be those fa- J - - " ) 1 r-z 1. - I voring this proposition who will ask the commissioners Monday to vote tho extra three mill levy so Gibbons & Reed can proceed to do this work immediately, im-mediately, and the people in Tremonton Tremon-ton can proceed with their, paving project pro-ject there. 1 The citizens of Bear River City are 'coming with petitions asking the'eom-j jmissioners to levy Just a sufficient .amount this year to complete "watery! !l?,no"uow and declare they will be willing will-ing to help Tremonton next year. and they will oppose a bond issue at thisl time. Just what action the commissioners will take in the mailer is not known. New High School. The other proposition interesting tho people of the coupty is the location of the new high school to be erected on a proposed site, mid-way between Tre- monton and Garland. These two towns! are two miles apart and they want the school building on the main concrete highway between these chins. . Tax-1 payers in other sections of tho county! say the new high school should be elected within the corporate limits of jone of these towns, and not out in the1 fields. Those opposing the proposition' object to the board of education ex-j pending extra funds for paved walks.! water and sewerage system. The site was selected some months ago by the! ;hoard of education and a promise Avas I made lo the people of these two towns, that the new high school would bo! I erected mid-way between Tremonton and Garland. Now a majority of the board say it will not be erected there. In the meantime tho board or conn-1 ty coriimissioners and (he board of ed-J ucalion are up in tho air. 00 |