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Show 1 Our methods ot no .specials, but consistent low prices on all 1 items, makes our scores goad places to save money cwry day ? 1 in the year. Sucii dealing constitutes the solid foundation upon ' 1 which our business is built. It. is this principle that enables i I thousands of people to depend pn us from year to year. Try I saving the real ''Cash and Tarry" way the Slcajxss way j j, Some Regular Prices j I BUTTER 65c 'HAMS BACON Ji&2r ab,c to , You the ciuamy ! ! Skaffgs' fresh churnecV ltems at a11 SkaSs stor- Ev- I U ; creamery G5 cry ham guaranteed to be sweet ! In J Fresh coeoanut butter .' . 35 and mild cure. f I Al,.ra"Ch iCg" V it WhoIc mild cured hams . 37c:' : I Mild cream cheese, lb. . . 33 Tr,f .n . . I m Half mild cured ham . 38& I J 1 JELLY 'PRESERVES Pancv sweef breakfast ba- I I Now is the time you will ap- con, pound . . . . . . 3S $ a I preciale good jelly and jams W j I the most. 10 LB. PAIL LARD, $2.79. I 1 3 jb. stone jar pure jelly $1.49 These pails tu-e net weiMit. I I 1 SC f1' P1"'C Pl,eservcs 33 Lard is snow white and p"ure 1 l 60c large jar pure pre- pork lard. I I serves ........ . 48 I I I 33c orange marmalade . : 2S BABY CHICK FOOD I . 1 "i GOe jar purc'honev . . . , 4S n i a i , N I 1 v Ours is made ot clean whole- jji J JUNE PEAS, 15c some grain and is invaluable in III I Tender June pca.s, can . '. lo savinff the young. 1 v I Case June peas .... S3. 25 100 lb- snek mhr tl,lick i I 1 20e Early June peas, 5 fecl ; Jf.4.G5 K 1 eanfc 35 ; 10 pound sack baby chick j I 35c Peti Pois peas 2Sci feed ' 50- I I Large cans tomatoes . 15 COOKING FIGS . ( j 12 large cans tomatoes S1.75 ' - ? j, I Case large tomatoes . . $3.40 . Large, sweet, juicy .Hewing & J- 1 -20c sugar corn, can . . . 15? figs, pound 206 ;:l I Case sugar corn . . . . $3.45 5 pounds stewing figs . . OOci I - i 2oc Couutry Gentleman I 30c large package raisins 25 S I' corn 20 1'ncy medium size prunes. 2 ! I IDAHO FLOUR ' 0unds ..-45j j I Our stores all have Td alio "flour KARO SYRUP" 1 1 which is receiving many compli- Gallon pail dark Karo SI OO I ! I lnents' - k gallon pail dark Karo 55c ! X I 48 pound sack S2.90 Gallon pail white Karo SI 15 !' I 2 48-pound -sacks . . . $5.75" ' U gallon pail white Knro GO .0 pound sack cbrhnieal . 59 iMedium cans maple svru SI 15 I ID pound sack rolled oats . 69 Small cans maple syrup . 65 j j 1 The remainder of our ear of fresh Halibut, Salmon, Cod and 1 Red Snapper fish will be removed front storage and sold next 1 I Thursday and -Friday. Plan to buy a. whole one. This' is the 1 I I last for this season. 0 1 30c quality Cod or Red Shapper,half or wli'olc fish; lb. . .12i I ), I'3oc Halibut or Salmon, whole fish, pound ....15 I J I- UZq Halibut op Salmon, half fish, pound . .- X76 1 j "lite Ten Thousand-.' ! ; i Dollar MaMf e f' :! c When- your child conies oT aye suppose rou .had B g rour choice ot giving him $-10,000 cash or seeing y" ' B b him secure in the habits of thrift. "Which would J ' v you chopsc? You may never be .able lo hand, 3 j 8 him ten thousand, and even thgugh you do, if a J no'is not thrift- he will squander it. Yow CAN a ' J leach him tho saving habit. When lie learns a g THAT, you nccdn 't worry if you never give him g r-f a dime he'll get his own ten thousand. You b w s would better introduce I'hat boy to our Savings , a Jg ' , Department than to endow him with a fortune. 8 c ,3 e 3 j E 3 ' M 3 ' :'' M : Ogbkk State Bank ; I. '3 Capi-fcal and Surplus $300,000.00 a ' g 3 Si INTEREST COMPOUNDED rj Q 3 I A ff O QUARTERLY ON SAVINGS -q a I " ! 'llL-'-' "CT H The children's education should in- jl elude music. Let them learn on our quality instruments. GLEN EROS.-ROBERTS H PIANO CO. 2472 Hudson Ave. Phone 181 1 3 "Cleans as it Polishes" : 'H For All Furniture and Woodwork yaj . ' 30c to $3 Sizes At All Dealers 1 GHAMNELL CHE(!GAIL GO., Disipyintops, Chicago Toponto London " Paris t" |