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Show WRITER OFFERS WJPVICE Experts Investigate Various Conditions in Hauling Business "There are so many possiblo factors fac-tors to be considered In the solectlon of a motor truck or motor trucks to I cope with a particular- hauling problem prob-lem that It behooves the prospective purchaser to obtain expert advice from the manufacturer, or his representatives, repre-sentatives, beforo buying," says a motor mo-tor magazine. "This is especially truo whore the buyer has had no previous cxperlcnco with motor truck equipment. "Hauling problems naturally vary In different lines of business, In different dif-ferent lines of business, in different localities lo-calities and with other governing conditions. con-ditions. "There are numerous items which are to be given consideration in selecting se-lecting the right truck for the right Job. Among the more Important are the following: "First Kind and quantities of goods to be hauled. ".Second the distributing area. 'Third The condition of highways, the grades and climate. "Fourth Frequency of necessary stops, particularly In dolivery. "Fifth Loading and unloading facilities. fa-cilities. "Sixth The capability of drivers. "Seventh Housing of equipment. "Eighth Ability of manufacturer. "Ninth Speed which can be maintained main-tained in accordance with state and uity laws. "Tenth Advisability of pneumatic tiro equipment. "Eleventh The institution back of the motor truck. "In many instances it would not be necessary to consider all these factors; fac-tors; in other instances it might be essential to consider others, all in accordance ac-cordance with the circumstances." |