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Show ITCH TRUCK . RELIABILITY H Farmers of Middle West Interested In-terested in Performance on Home Roads Farmers throughout the middle-western middle-western districts, known as tho "money "mon-ey belt" arc watching with the utmost interest every development in the first national motor truck reliability contest staged for this district, starting start-ing from Oniahn, some time in June. The trip of the pathfinder is being looked forward to anxiously, as many sections of tho district which wore not included in the tentative routo are very anxious to secure a place on the final itlnorary. General Manager Man-ager Charles P. Tloot, who will majl59 the pathfinding tour, has promised consideration of every application. The farmers of the district are particularly par-ticularly anxious to see what the trucks will do under full capacity load over tho roads of their district- There are countless buyers in the middle' west who are not "sold" on the motor! truck, and there are many dealers and distributors who are not com-, pletely sold. The great reliability con-i test under the rules which have now been Issued after approval by the contest con-test board of tho American Automobile Automo-bile association will servo to demonstrate demon-strate beyond all doubt the capabilities capabili-ties of motor trucks of every class and of all ratings from three-quarter ton to three and one-half ton, Inclusive. Some entries have been received. Many tentative entries have been made, but tho response in general from the motor truck Industry as a whole has not been as spontaneous as was expected. In view of the groat good which tho industry will receive world-wide publicity which has beer given to the contest, it Is believed' that a failure of tho manufacturers to enter the contest will be tantamount tanta-mount to an admission on tholr part that they do not feel their product In general up to this real convincing teat, but in the great middle western districts this Is hold to be, by residents, resi-dents, and that includes many farmers, farm-ers, hardly true. The farmers want to know that the trucks with pneumatic pneumat-ic tiro equipment will fill the bill, and will provide high-clans transportation under any and all circumstances for their products to and from market. It is bol loved that, when tho manufacturers manufac-turers realize this, the entry list will1 be added to materially. j |