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Show 'CfllSOl GUI' WW IDIESif Typical of the virility, the humanity, and the appeal of all tho former Rex Beach scroen productions is his latest. "The Crmison Gardenia," a picturiza tlon of one of his widely-read works. Its delicate lUjnan touches, stirring suspense, carefully-wrought climax, unu'sual scenic beauty, end excellent all-star cast could only be the work of Rex Beach, peer of American novelists: Following close on the unprecedented unprecedent-ed success of "The Brand." and Rex Beacho's many others. "The Crimson Gardenia," promises to sot a new mnrk in the hall of Goldwyn fame. It has every element of popular appeal, in addition ad-dition to exquisite touches or artistry i such .as only Rex Beach can hchieveJ The story is of perhaps even greater) appeal than the foregoing Rex Beach productions. Its locale Is in quaint New Orleans at the most picturesque season of the year tho Mardi Gras. ' Dramatic values obtain from the open-ing. open-ing. As the plot unfolds, and the mysteries mys-teries of the underworld deepen, the suspense is heightened. "Tho Crimson Crim-son Gardenie," is a drama that gripp. thrills, holds. An extraordJnaYy cast, headed by Owen Moore, and Hedda Nova, and including such players as Tully Mars-hall, Edwin Stevens and Sydney Alns-, Alns-, worth, portray with aplomb this drama dra-ma of a civilization as old as .the thirteen thir-teen colonies, in which the author has combined the fierce passions of a semi-foreign semi-foreign -race with the ideals of inherent inher-ent Americans, will be shown at the Lyceum next Wednesday. oo |