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Show I LABOR PARTY IS t OMIZji HEBE H Call Mass Meeting in City Hall IH .Auditorium for Next Kg Wednesday HI , Hundreds of letters giving reasons ill' ' for the formation of a branch of the Jk Labor party here and announcing a K ' mass meeting next Wednesday eve- K ( "ing in the city hall are being mailed Kg ! out by ihe local committee which is pal forming the labor party branch here. The text of the letter, which is J i' signed by Alice Snell Mover as secre- tary of the committee appointed at the meeting held March 25, follows: ; I "At thi3 critical period in our in- '; i dustrial and social progress, we are j. 1 confronted with the necessity of eilh- j er combining our strength "to defeat & ' the capitalistic elements, both indus- j3 trially. and politically, who are mak- ey ing frantjc efforts to gain a stronger strong-er 'lj-r. ihold from which they may exercise a f power which will tend to make us J worse than slaves, or else, forfeit the few advantages which we have slowly and painfully acquired through the years. "Not only are the capitalistic representatives repre-sentatives using every means to retard our futut'6 progress, but their money-governed money-governed politicians are making every effort to render NIL our present progress pro-gress by the passngc. of such laws as ; will mitigate their usefulness. "The labor unions all over the country have been .-giving much ; ' thought to these problems in an effort . to fix upon the most satisfactory meth- od by which to meet tho situation, ;and, tho enthusiasm with, which the 1 idea gf forming a labor party as the ' best weapon with which to secure re- ; suits is being greeted, plainly shows ! that the plan meets with the approval of the laboring people, as well as with the small business man, and the farmers farm-ers of the country. "The working men and. women of ' . America should lose no time in joining with each other in an organization ,. ' which is tho most logical means of mL,.r,. bringing about conditions which shall gMfc?''-' make for our mutual benefit. "A branch of the La,trr party Is i-rr- being organized in Ogden with the en- m" dorsement of the Trades and Labor :jR , Assembly, and a mass meeting is to ' ? be held in the Auditorium (up stairs) of the City hall, Wednesday evening,; ' vvAprll 21st, at S o'clock, at which offi- ccrs will bo elected, and such other ; , business transacted as may legally come before IL. . "The membership of the organiza-lion organiza-lion is not confined exclusively to or-g or-g ganized labor; but offers a cordial J -welcome to unorganized laboring men V : and women, to the farmers of tho j country, and to all business men and r women whose interests are threatened ; by the growing money-omnopoly. I "Neither is the organization of local origin. It is a well established and stable National organization, well rep- ' j resented in all parts of the United! States. Be sure and attend the meet ' ing at tho Cfty hall.' April 21st, and i bring all your friends and neighbors' ' along. : "Yours fraternallv, s "ALICE SNEL MOYBR, Secy." fi I . l |