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Show CARNIVAL DANCE. IH Entertaining over five hundred 1 1 guests in tho pretty Berthana hall, the I I members of the Service Star Legion I I claimed distinction as thoroughly en- 6 I ' tcrtalning hosts when they gave their F I carnival dance Wednesday evening I Mrs. Charles Lippincott was especiall J I credited with the success of the fuor ':f I committee, making over 500 gaily I colored hats. She was assisted L.. 9 1 ! both the members of the Service Slur fell I Legion and tho members of the Ami r . ican Legion. Six officei" of the Service II Star Legion presenting the favors were H Mrs. J. L". Eldredge. Jr.. president; H Mrs. '."l; Alice Collins, first vice presi- EH dent; M,rs. Carl Allison, second vie. Bl president; Mrs. Francis Ryder, corre- il i spondlng and recording secretarj If H i Mrs. S. H. Winter, treasurer, and Mrs. K H !f. Guthrie, historian. Tho womcr. II were prettily costumed .In colonial vl |