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Show jALNUM j I I Less Than Vi Price 8 Quart Lifetime Preserving d J g? I . 1 Kettles . ' ... . . . J j- 1 18 Quart Vamco Preserving J 00 I 1 I The Western Market has secured a job lot of High Grade Aluminum I ffl Ware at a remarkable sacrifice and will sell it to its patrons at cost this week 1 only at their No. 2 store, 2448 Washington Ave. These aluminum kettles are 1 f standard makes, of heavy aluminum ware and guaranteed for a life time I ill and nearly as cheap to buy as tin pails. " , l S On account of the remarkable values, we urge everyone to come early. I- llll REMEMBER, STORE NO. 2 , 2448 WASHINGTON AVE. I JH Painf ijS Pilss A Free Trial of Tyrnmld Tile Treatment Treat-ment Ik One of the Grnndcst Events You Ever Experienced. You arc suffering dreadfully with Itching, blooding, protruding pilc3 or hemorrhoids. Now, go over Ton Positively Cannot Afford to Ignore These Ilcrunrknble Pyramids. to any drug store and get a 60-ccnt box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. Relief Re-lief should como so quickly you will Jump for Joy. If you arc In doubt, send for a free trial package by mall. You will then bo convinced. Don't delay. Tako no bubstltuto, FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 676 Pyramid Building., Marshall. Mich. Kindly send me a Frco samplo of Pyramid t'llo Treatment, In plain wrapper. xsarao ' Street . ... Cltv 5lntP 1 82 Years Old and As Good As a Youngster ' "Seven or eight year ago I was a very sick man Doctors said catarrh trouble of stomach and bowels, affecting af-fecting the liver and heart. For more than a year I wanted to die, but could not. Upon tho advice of a friend I tried Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, Rem-edy, and although S- years old I now 1 feel as good as a youngster." It is a ! simple, harmless preparation that rc-i rc-i moves the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays thc Inflammation Inflam-mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Mcln-tyre Mcln-tyre Drug Co. Advertisement. Instant Relief for Sore, Ach- I ing, Tender, Calloused H Feet and Corns H You're footsick! Your feet feel Urea, H pufred up. chafed, aching, sweaty, and they need "Tiz." "Tiz" makes feet, remarkably fresh end sore-proof. "Tiz" takes the pain and burn right out of corns, callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is thc grandest, H foot-gladdencr tho world has evef H known Get a box of "Tiz" at any drug store. and end foot torture for a -whole year. 1 Never have tired, aching, sweaty, H smelly feet: your shoes will fit fine 1 and 3ou will only wish you had tried, ! "Tiz" sooner. Accept no substitute; ll No' need to deny yourself the plea-j sure of good music Our payment J B plans make it easy to have the best ; H niusc in your home. 9 GLEN BROS.-RO BERTS PIANO CO. jH 2472 Hudson Ave. Phone 18"! 1 |