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Show Lf!IEilI 1 CESMM! SIP ; With new machinery of the latest : type the Chee3man Automobile company com-pany Is now prepared to render a first class repairing and overhauling 3orvice, according to Mr. Iarpster, who, 13 In charge of the shop. "After a car has boon run upwards of fifteen or twenty thousand miles," said Mr. Harpster, "St usually begins to display signs of diminishing power. pow-er. This is due, to a great extent to the worn condition of the cylinders. Carbon deposits accumulate on the cylinder walls, and are not entirely burned off. causing the walls to become be-come scored. Naturally this becomes worse if let alono, and as a consequence conse-quence there .is a big escape of gas around the pistons." His attention was' called to the fact that new piston rings rectified this condition in most cases. Mr. Harpster I acknowledged that to be true to n j large extent. "But," JtgRidded. "although new piston ringSFproduce a tighter fit In the cylinder, tind thereby conserve some of the compression, yot they i dpn't fill up the longitudinal scores in the cylinder walls. That can only bo fixed by a re-bore of tho cylinder." Leading the way to the new cylinder 1 grinding machine which has b,con installed, in-stalled, Mr. Harpster explained how it operated and the effect it had on cored 'cylinders. "It is practically like putttlng new cylinders into your motor, for after they've been ground on -this machine every sign of n mark or. score Is pone. They're just as smooth and perfect as they were the day they came out of the factory. Grinding makes the cylinders cyl-inders a little larger and this Is taken care of by new piston rings, or, if necessary, by new pistons. Naturally, the Increased slzo of the cylinders gives them greater power, and motorists mo-torists note a remarkablo difference In the operation of their cars after they've had the cylinders re-bored here." Tho company has also Installed a complete storage battery department in which repairs may bo made on any make of battery now in use. nn |