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Show American Killed Had Letter to Trotzky I AVASIIIXGTOX. April 17 Paul n. ' do Mott. of Patterson. N. J., who was killed by a German puard at AVcsel. made no claim for protection or immunity im-munity as an Amorlcan. and carried letters addressed to Tvussian soviet leaders, according to an official report re-port received today by the state department de-partment from Commissioner Dresel, ! In Berlin. An Investigation ordered bv Commissioner Com-missioner Dresel showed that dc Mott i had two letters in his shirt, one ad- dressed to Trotr.ky and the other to Lasovosky. Do Mott was accompnnled bv two' German officers who wore arrested.' These officers werc leaders In the Gor-' manrcvolutlonary movement, accord -i Inng to the report. oo |