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Show f ROADS TO LIMIT A JUJTOBUSIHESS ( Can't Be More Machines 1 i Than the Roads Will Hold, j ; Says Expert p i ' "" The automobile Industry does not w J ' seem to be thoroughly awake to tho ? J fact that th0 1Im,t of lts activity is K ' :: if not, tho number oC cars that can bo, ?' . i r made or sold, but the number that , . ' can be accommodated with reason- able safety and comfort on tho strcots ! of tho big cities and tho public hlgh- ways. It is coming to the point where the . majn thoroughfares are so badly con-L con-L t tts" gestcd on tho motoring days that it 's not only vory unpleasant, but ro-HiP ro-HiP quires skilful driving to avoid a great development In tho extension of good J I or better roads throughout the coun- try, but many of these arc seeming-1 ly still "bolng built for traffic of horse-j drawn vehicles. It seems to require an unnecessary amount of preaching, to convince tho road engineer that he should stop building roads for horses ' . , and build them for cars. Many of tho new roads are very narrow and very little attempt has been made to stralghton out bad curves. "This leads us again to call public attention, and particuarly the attention' atten-tion' of the automobile industry, to recommendations which wero made some years ago that leading centers should be connected by motor boule-varde, boule-varde, with adequate capacity for motor mo-tor car traffic. But. perhaps tho most important discovory of tho hour , is the relief of the congested traffic j in the streets of our greater cities," i (is the opinion of one Ogdcn dealer.) "Ono of the most essential services of the motor car today Is carrying its owner to and from his place of busl-j busl-j , ness. In these days of congested trav-! trav-! el, when trains . and trolleys aro LJ' packed to suffocation, and particular-J r ! ly in the rush hours, when tho city! ' man must be something of an ath- '( 'i lete if he even gains admission to i . 1 j. a public car, the necessity for tho. j- possibility of operating a private car; 1' to and from' business Is imminent, j I i "The most practical plan that has ' Jr."( jj been suggested is the one proposed i some years ago to build steel struc- : A' . tures similar to the Now York ele-' ele-' " vated to carry the motor car traffic. lr-'l . W i oo |