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Show rCLUB sm Calendar VV Monthly Tea B , Queen Esther chapter No !, O. E. ifl S., pave Its regular tea last Wcdnes- " n j; day afternoon from 2:30 o'clock uhtll , , jBj.' 5-o'clock Jn the parlors of-tho Ma- sonic temple. An interesting and en- B'i;' Joyable program was given, after ;j' which refreshments were served. The n ; tea. was given Jhy the following com- J' mittcc, Mesdamcs Agnes M. Smith, . .L., Helen Cole, Gertrude Chilton, Minnie ' Gartwright, Effie West. Helen Peter- 1 j. ' son, Maud Zimmerman, Edith Gib- son, Edna Whltmayer and Llllibelle 1 Falck. JJni Sempre Musical Society "Tf Thc Senil"'e Musical Society met -J Tuesday afternoon at thc residence of ji Miss Ellen Thomas, 2736 Weshington MtL" avenue.. Mrs. John v Culley gave a pall pa-ll "PHf Pr on ""ind Instruments." which Jbp was, the subject for the afternoon. Axel Nylander played several flute " I selections, accompanied on the piano '.. ' by Lawrence Maddock. At the close . j of the program officers were elected for the coming year and plana were jffi discussed for tho musical festival to r'i bd given by the club on May 11. The j jv ' officers elected were as follows. Mrs- j t ' Don Beason, president; Mrs. C, H. '. , , Stevens, vice-president; MIps Mary . Fisher, secretary; Mrs. Melba Read m Jones, reporter; Mrs. John Culley. ' ' historian. Thc retiring officers are ; - Miss Ellen Thomas, Mrs. J. A. Fer- i" ; rarp and Mis3 Dorothy Wright. ! Mormon Battalion Mrs. Oscar Williams was hostess to the Mormon Battalion committee last Monday afternoon at her home Sliver Ten 'rll'-" Members of the Abraham Lincoln .F3i Circle. No. 2, Ladies of tho G. A. R, 'jflf held a silver tea at the residence of Mrs. Charles F. Gllmore last Tues- . day afternoon. Members of the DIx ' Logan Post and their wives were the guests for tho afternoon. - . The tea 31 l" served as a farewell to Mrs. Lcona 11 IT. Herrington and Mrs. Nona N. Har- rington who left during the latter part j of thc week for Colorado. During the -.U afternoon a program was rendered. . .a g ' Mrs. Gilmore was assisted by Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Hvisdalik. m D. A. R. Meets ! 1 Mrs. W. A. Turner and Miss Mary . ; Littlefield were hostesses to thc mem- j bers of the Golden Spike chapter, '; Daughters of the American Revolu- f tion. at thc home of Mrs. Turner, j During the afternoon thc following . program was given' Paper on Columbus, Colum-bus, a character study, by Mrs. John ?1 j t Edward Carver; poem, 'Columbus," f- (Joaquin Miller), Miss Mary Littlc- i : . field; paper, "Tho Spanish American : ': War." Mrs. W. A. Turner; poem, ' ' "Old Glory," James Whitcomb : Riley), Miss Ann OverstrceL At the g ,rj -lose of the meeting refreshments A Y were served by the hostesses who - j I were assisted by Miss Florence and Miss Gertrude Turner. fc lf Miriam Chapter Jfect "'! The regular meeting of the Miriam Chapter was held Tuesday evening at 'Jl; S o'clock in the Masonic temple. .It it 1 j Ladles' Aid Society. IThe Ladies' Aid society of thc Methodist Meth-odist Episcopal church held its monthly month-ly meeting mid sorial at. the home of m j Mrs. Roy L. Griffin, '.57 Canyon road. : Assisting tho hostess in entertaining j were Mrs. Robb, Mrs. DcWeesv, Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Hammar. After the ', 1 : business meeting a fine musical pro- ' pram was given, consisting of instru- ; ' : mental and vocal selection!!. Dainty -I j refreshments were served to tho forty i ' ' pucsts who assembled. The ladies of J the church have planned a cispla. booth at the Carver grocery sale on ; j - Aphil 24. ! ! Luther League. ! ' Miss Olga Lindstrom entertained S I ihc members of the Luther league on j Wednesday evening at her home, 75S y Twenty-sixth street. The program j R-as given by the members of the con- rt (irmatlon class of 1920. Jfc" Silver Review. " Mombcrs of Silver Review No. 1 met Friday evening in the K. of P. hall, i Following tho business meeting there I was a social hour and refreshments were served. 'Plliilhea Class. The Philathca class of the Methodist Method-ist Episcopal church will bo enter-talned enter-talned at the home of Mrs. C. E. J Smith, 2923 Childs avenue, on Tues- ,; Jay- evening, May 4. C - . Civic League. - Mro. Louise- Kaboll of 1142 Capitol avenue will bo hostess to the members of the Civic league on Wednesday, April 28. at 3 o'clock. Alumnae Silver Tea. The second of a series of silver tea 1 to be given by the members of tho j Sacred Heart Alumnae association ' ' during the spring and early summer 1? months was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wilbur R. Lee, 1009 Twenty-third Twenty-third street. Decorations in the dining din-ing room were carried out in a . ellow and white color spheme, with a basket of daisies and ferns forming a pretty rCiS'" centerpiece for the dining room table. In the parlor, red tulips were uted as decorations. Tea was served during 4 and 6 o'clock by Mrs. J. P. Dineen, Mra. Raymond Morrisscy, Mrs. Roland Ballantync, Miss Cecilo Ragun and Miss Bess O'Nlel. Those who assisted with tho serving were Miss May Fire, f Miss Kathrwn Krauss, Miss Genievo 4 McKcnna and Miss Evelyn Spires. . ' f Members of the class of '15 were host- . , , esses for thc afternoon. Members of tho class of '16 will bo hostesses at j k the next silver tea, which will be given v ' some time in June. During May the '. i; fetcand banquet will be held. " Alumiiao Association. ' ' Members of the Sacred Heart Acad- ' t emy Alumnae association will' hold N their regular business meeting Mon- dai' evening In tho sudemy library. All the members lwe been urged to '. . be present, A lavje amount of business busi-ness will come before the meetings. as well as thc completion of the May fete plans. PythlanSi.stcrs. i The Pythian Sisters gave a recep- , "n m honor of their supreme grand T' ' chief last Monday evening, when the j members of thc association mot In the K. of P. liall. Monday afternoon at J 2:30 o'clock an afternoon session wa3 : held. Britamiie Association. Members of the Ogdcn granch of thc Britannic association held their regular meeting last Monday evening at S o'clock in the Eagles hall. ' Missionary Society. Mrs. F. E. Helntzclman was hostess to the members of the. Ladies' Mission circle of the Firit Baptist church last Tuesday-afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her home, 2250 Adams avenue. Mrs. Nancy Taylor and Mrs. J. D. Taylor were the assisting hostesses for the afternoon. Biome Culture Club. Members of the Home Culture club-met club-met Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E. Morrison. 273$ Monroe1 avenue. TheTsubject for the afternoon, was "Our Immigrants." The discussion discus-sion was led by Emma Chesncy. Episcopal Guild. Mrs. T. G. Davis and Mrs. W. C. Westover were hostesses to the mem-1 bers of the Episcopal guild Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon, when the members of the organization met at tho guild hall. Dorcas Society. Miss Hazel Huilett of 2S0 Thirty-L.ir I slreer., will be hostess to he member. of- the Dorcas society of the English Lutheran church next Wednesday eve-r.mg eve-r.mg at her home. The. meeting will cpen at S o'clock. Ladies' Aid Society. The Ladies' Aid society of the English Eng-lish Lutheran church will ..old a special spe-cial meeting at the home of Mrs. Emma Em-ma I-Iolmstrom, 2142 Royal avenue, on Wednesday afternoon, April 21. Past Noble Grand Club. ' Mrs. P. A. Beck was hostess to the members of the Past Noble Grand society so-ciety last Thursday afternoon at he:-home, he:-home, 150G Twenty-fourth street A sccial hour was enjoyed after the business busi-ness meeting. Episcopal Guild. Mrs. George Parlow and Mrs. W. I. Child will be hostesses to the members the Episcopal uld when the society meets Wednesday afternoon at 2:3 o'clock in the guild hall. Monthly Tea. Miriam chapter No. 14. Order of thc Eastern Star, will entertain at tea Monday Mon-day afternoon, April 19, from S.o'clocit until 5 o'clock in the parlors of the Masonic temple. All the members of the order have been cordially invited to attend. The hostesses for the afternoon aft-ernoon will he Miss Mary oonos. Miss trma Davidson, Mrs. Burton Dinsmore, Mrs. W. G. Hall, Mrs. Elva Davidson, Miss Florence Dinsmore, Mrs. C. B. Slevens, Mrs. Wade M. Johnson, Mrs. -rah' Conwell, Mrs. Archie McInosh M:ss Lillian Newton, MissxMabel Parker. Royal Purple Club. Mrs. A. L. Turner -will bo hostess to the members of the Royal Purple club Monday evening at 8 o'cIock at I l'cr home, 552 Canyon road. A full at-1 tendance has been requested. Service Star Legion. Thc Service Star Legion will hold their regular meeting Monday evehing in the Elks' home, on Grant avenue. The meetings opens at 1:20 o'clock. Ladies' Literary Club. Mrs. N. J. Thomas entertained members mem-bers of the Ladies' Literary club last Weduesday afternoon at her liome on Monroe avenue. Officers for tho coming com-ing year elected were: Mrs. D. C. Ec-cles, Ec-cles, president, Mrs. Arnold Bov.-mau, mcc president, Mrs. J, II. Thomas, secretary; sec-retary; Mrs. John Culley. treasurer, and Mrs. H. B. Bagley, reporter. Readings Read-ings wore given during the social hour by Lucille Thomas. Mrs. Thomas was assisted in serving of refreshments by Lucille Thomas and Elsie Bagkin. Woodcraft Neighbors. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Ogden circle, cir-cle, No. 5S1, will entertain the members mem-bers and their friends at tho home of Mrs. Francis Huss, 2158 Adams avenue, ave-nue, Wednesday evening, April 21, :tt 8 o'clock. Neighbors Scott and Cow will assist Mrs. Huss. Child Culture Club. Members of the Child Culture club held their regular meeting Thursday afternoon in the University club rooms. Mrs. John Browning and Mrs. Joseph Clark were the hostesses for the afternoon. after-noon. Mrs. Robert Moyes presided as chairman. Her subject was "The Problem Prob-lem of Our Alien Population." After the discussion of this subject the mem bc-rs were given u detailed report of the conference of the presidents of the federated women's clubs, by Mrs. E. O. Wattis. The conference was held in Salt Lake April 6 and 7. Musical selections se-lections given for the enjoyment of Uk? members were played by Mrs. Les lie -Saville and Mrs. Vera Frey Bea-fin Bea-fin - - ' Altrlnrt 'Society The regular meeting of thc Altriart Society was held Thursday evening in (the rooms of the Ogdcn Conservatory j of Music. About ninety-five were present pres-ent William H. Manning explained ' the spring festival program, after which, Mrs. Philip Knisely was insto-duced insto-duced to the soclety and she explained explain-ed to them the "Little Theatre movement," move-ment," asking thc members to join with other Ogden societies in making , this movement a permanent one Bob Major said that the Altriart society wu3 upholding tho movement "not only on-ly In the drama line, but also in the music and dancing line. He said that they would consider the '"Little Theatre" Thea-tre" and the matter will be taken up later with tho members. Thc following follow-ing program was given at thc meeting. meet-ing. - ' Violin sole .Miss Mary Fisher Dramatic reading Georgia Tate Vocal solo ..... Mrs.. Blanche Moore Dramatic reading VIoW Hall Vocal solo Lucille Morrison Following thc program. Lewis Boyle gave tho report of tho social committee, which so ably arranged the dance given Friday evening by the society. Ono of tho features adopted by the members which provided a great amount of interest and enjoy-Joyment enjoy-Joyment Friday owning was that the girls should bring with them to the dance, a daintily prepared lunch. These were auctioned at thc dance and tho receiver, finding tho name of the contributor of the basket inside, sought out his partner. t,hoy shai'cd the lunch together. It was also decided decid-ed at tho meeting that Thursday night in every week would bo 'Altriart 'Altri-art Night.' and that the program, composed of ono piano selection, one dramatic- reading and one dancing number, should be given. Miss Vera Tracy was appointed as director of thc dancing department until the election elec-tion of officers in tho first week In June. Ariolet Hall was appointed associate as-sociate director of dramatic and Grace Burton as corresponding secretary. secre-tary. Elwood Pearson gave in his resignation as secretary. Among fen-lures fen-lures of interest at the spring festival will bo a number of. choruses being prepared by Lester Hlnchcliffo and numbers from one of the French operas. op-eras. Their first rehearsal was held Thursday evening. Children's Aid Meeting The annual meeting of the children's chil-dren's aid society will be held at the Berthana Thursday, April 22. All Interested In-terested in tho work have been cordially cor-dially invited to bo present. The meeting meet-ing will open nt 2:43 o'clock. 00 |