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Show I mm D. D. McKay Makes Filing" With State Engineer; Development De-velopment Indicated According to Information contained in a filing with the siato engineer by D. D. McKay, president of ihe Weber y county farm bureau, there is possibility possi-bility "of the development of n power plant on the south fork of the Ogden j river which may be operated by a1 hydro-electric plant to pump water for irrigation purposes in various parts of Box Elder and Weber counties. The filing is for 200 accond-fect of water from the Ogden river, which will bo conveyed 44,000 foot through a canal and a flvo and onc-half-fooL pipe line and to drop it under a 400-foot 400-foot head over two 4 S -inch wheels by means of which 5000 horse power will be developed. The document stales thai it is planned to siore water at Magpie canyon can-yon for irrigation and Iho water released re-leased from this rc3cr,vqii during the irrigation season will oe used for operation op-eration of tho power plant. It is further fur-ther planned to develop power during iho entire twelve months of each year without interference and to sell the energy thus developed throughout the territory served. oo |