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Show CHMCilESl CONGREGATIONAL. Tho First Congregational church, Rev Godfrey Matthews, minister. On Adams between be-tween Twenty-fourth and Twentv-fifth streets. 11:00 a. m., divine worship and sermon. ser-mon. Prelude, "Song Without Words, No. 19" Offertory, "Song Without With-out Words, No. 25." Postlude, "Song Without Words, No. 16" Miss Ivine Shields. Solo, (selected) . ..Airs. W. G Dalrymple Sermon, "What Arc We to Think About the Bible?" This Is the first of a series of sermons on "Thc Bible Bi-ble in Modern LITo." 32:15, noon Sunday school, under the direction of Dr. E. P. Mills, Kindergarten, Kin-dergarten, superintendent, Miss Catherine Cath-erine Hendershot. Women's class, leader, Mrs. George. J. Kelly. Men's class, teacher, r. E. P. Mills. Classes for all ages, and a welcome for everybody. every-body. 7:00 p. m.. Young People's mooting under the presidency of Rensis Likert. A live meeting for live young people. 8:00 p. m. Divine worship and sermon. ser-mon. Prelude. "Song Without Words, No. 28." Offertory, "Song Without With-out Words, No. 29." Postlude, "Song Without Words, No. .11." Miss Ivino Shields. Address, "Popular Objections to Organized, Or-ganized, Arc They Reasonable?" This address begins a series of talks i ! "I' 1 " 1 i' i 'i 11 ii.ru on "Religion in the World of Today.' to which thc public is cordially welcome. wel-come. ' THE SEC'OND CONGREGATIONAL j CHURCH. Five Points. Rev. Godfrey God-frey Matthews. 2:30 p. ui.. a Sunday school for the community under thc direction of -Dr. J. M. Elliott. All are heartily welcome. wel-come. Ogden Sialic High Council Members of the high council of the Ogden stake will deliver addresses In all the wards of the stake at tho Sacrament Sac-rament meetings today. Thc-Ngcrviccs will bo held at 2 o'clock in the county wards and at 7 p. m. In. the city wards. Ijyiuic Wuril Elder Lawronco Maddock. late of the Southern States Mission, will be tho speaker at the Lynnc Ward Sacrament Sac-rament meeting, 7:30 p. m. Public invited. in-vited. Wall Ave. Baptist Clmreh Corner of Twenty -seventh and Wall avenue, II. L. Marque, pastor. Morning Morn-ing worship at 11 a. in., subject, "A Challenger to Our Faith." At 3 p. m. Dr. Ray Palmer will addrca tho colored col-ored citizens of Ogden. Evening worship wor-ship at 8 p. m., subject, "The Peril of Indifference." You arc cordially invited in-vited to attend tho services of the day. lilcvonlh Ward Elder Joseph K. Smith Jr. of tho; quorum of thc Twelve Apostles will be the speaker in tho 11th ward Sunday Sun-day evening at 7 o'clock. Public Invited. In-vited. CllUItCII OK THE GOOD SllEP-JIUKI'J SllEP-JIUKI'J Corner of Oram avenue and. Twenty-fourth street, opposite thoi postofflco. John W. Hysslop, rector, j Tho second Sunday after Easter. I lory j communion at S a. in.; Sunday school j at 0:45 a. m.; morning prayer nnd sermon ser-mon nt 11. All are cordially Invited. Tho Women's guild will meet on Wed-; neaday afternoon In tho guild hall:; Mesdamcs W. 1J. Child and Goorge W. iJarlow, hostesses. ! EMM EXGMSIl I,UTIIKKAX CHURCH Corner of Jefferson avenue ave-nue and Twenty-third street. Arthur E. Olson, pastor. Sunday school and Blblo class every Sunday at 10 a. m. Morning services, second, fourth and fifth Sundays of month at 11 a. m. Xo morning service this Sunday. Evening services every Sunday at S o'clock. Tho Dorcas Young .Ladles' society meets next Wednesday evening even-ing with Miss IIu.cl lluillet, 2S0 Thirty-third street. Friends and members cordially Invited. A special meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be hold! with Mrs. Emma Holmstrom, 2M1 lloyal nvenuo, next Wednesday afternoon, after-noon, April 21. You arc always welcome wel-come to our services and meetings. FIRST CHJRIST1AX CTTUKCII Corner of Twenty-fourth slroot and Madison avenue: Rev. W. L.. Mellin-, ger, pastor. Bible school at 10 o'clock; Mrs. C. H. Carman, .superintendent. There was splendid enthusiasm in the school last Sunday and at attendance, of eighty-four. Tho "Auto Race" contest con-test slart3 today, so pluaso be presont to enter tho race. Morning worship! and communion at 11 o'clock. Christian Chris-tian Endeavor at 7 o'clock and evangelistic evan-gelistic aorvlce at S o'clock. Note tho change of tho hour for the evening service. FIKST METHOD 1ST EPISCOPAL 1 CLLURCII Located on Twenty-fourth street, next to the court house; Chris-, tian R. Garvcr, pastor. 10 a.. m Sun-j day school, C. M. Wilton, superintendent. superintend-ent. Classes for all ages and grades of work; Mrs. J. J. Malone, superintendent superin-tendent of primary department; the adult Blblo class taught by Miv Un- raoc... w i i'ai.mr,",iJBBBBUi'i , i i : dorwood; the Philiithea class taught by Mrs. r. E. Smith; boys' high school class taught by the pastor: girls' high school class taught by 'Miss Viola Clancy. 11 a. m., morning worship; sermon theme. "Between the Blade and tho Full Corn." 6:30 p. m.. Ep-worth Ep-worth league; a good loader, a spirited song service and a profitable time assured. as-sured. 7:30, evening worship; scriuun theme. "Selling tho Soul." 7:30 p. m Wednesday, thc church at study, beginning be-ginning with a prayer and praise service, ser-vice, followed by tho teacher training class taught by C. M. Wilton. "Studies in tho Life of Christ." First Presbyterian Church John Edward Carver, pastor. Morning Morn-ing worship at H, theme. "The Lure of the Ideal and thc Attainment of the Possible." Sunday school at 12:13 p. m. Evening worship at S o'clock, Ihomc. "The Name and Quality of Better Living." Tho Woman's Missionary Mission-ary society will meet Friday with Mrs. oJhn Moffat. Midweek meeting Wednesday night. The music for Sunday will be: .Morning at 11 o'clock: Prelude Weber Offertory Bendel Postlude Schumann Mrs. Louiso Pierce Martineau Contralto solo "Abide With Me." Llddel Response hymn '. Hadlon Miss Mildred Ware Evening music at S o'clock: Prcludo Adaloy Offertory Xevin Postludo Wagner Mrs. Louise Pierce Martineau Contralto 'solo, "Como Blessed Redeemer" Re-deemer" Bartlctt Miss Mildred Ware First IJapliht On Grant avenue just north of post-office, post-office, Dr. Ray Palmer, minister. Sunday school, 0:in a. m.. Capt. J. Ray Ward, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon by the minister min-ister with theme, S"upremc Need of a World Revival." Special music by the choir. B. Y. P. V. nt G:4ii p. m.. with Russoll Stevens president All young J people are welcome. Junior B. Y. P. j U at 7 p. in.. Miss Maude Stephens superintendent. All boys and girls un-, un-, dor lu years years are invited. Evan-I Evan-I gelistic services at S p. m. Fifteen ! minutes of popular gospel songs by I the choir and congregation, Dr. Calmer Cal-mer will preach op "Conscience,; Record, Rec-ord, God." Midweek prayer and testimony tes-timony meeting Wednesday at eight o'clock. A cordial woloomo to tho public pub-lic to all our services. Special music at tho morning servle Includes a solo by Mrs. O. P. Skaggs. In the evening sorvlcn a duet will be given by Mrs. J. D. Corey and Miss Nattio Stevens. First Church of Christ. Scientist Corner Monroe avenue and Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth street, Ogdcn. Utah. Regular (service at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. j subject, "Poctrine of Atonement." Sunday school 0:45 a. m.. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings at S p. m., reading rooms at 511' First National Na-tional Bank building, rooms open ; daily from 12 noon to 5 p. m. except j Sundays and holiday?. |